You Have to Achieve Restoration by Melting Them With Love

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 666

Will you all head toward a global
heaven or an individual one? You say a
global heaven. I, too, am ambitious to
grasp the line of love that leads to the
global heaven. For forty years I have
been going this way enduring persecu-
tion. I have been working in this manner
in order to grasp the line of love tran-
scending the individual, family, tribe,
people, nation and world. With this
in my grasp, where will I go? We must
return to our hometown after finding
the global love line. We must go there
because we received many blessings and
succeeded in life. Shouldn’t we return
and save the unfortunate people there?
(143-139, 1986.3.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

Cain represents Satan’s side. It is the
position of the elder brother. Abel repre-
sents God’s side. This is the battle. Orig-
inally, God would have loved the first-
born son, and then the younger son. Due
to the Fall, the first son, Cain, stands on
Satan’s side. He belongs to Satan’s side.
In order to save him, God designated
Abel. God designates Abel to restore the
right of the firstborn son. This cannot
be achieved by force; you have to inspire
people by love. You have to achieve res-
toration by melting them with love. If
you cannot stand in the position of hav-
ing loved them, if you cannot win their
heart through offering your love, then
you will not be in a position to truly love
your own son or daughter. As viewed
from God’s ideal of creation, the first-
born son was originally to be loved first
rather than the second child. (140-38,

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland

Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

Sages and wise men have come to this earth and pointed out the way to live. They have said, “Go this way,” or “Live according to this principle.” So saying, they would establish a direction for people. It might be a philosophical way; it might be a way established by the ideology of a sovereign power. It might be a social and moral view. It might be a religious direction which tried to connect the eternal ideology to the external world. The ideology would instruct: “Individuals must go this way; families must go this way; personal relationships must be based on this.”

All such ideologies must prepare for the time of happiness that the comprehensive, cosmic ideology will point to. Otherwise, they will depart from the heavenly way when it is established through elucidation.

If that is the case, how can we find peace and freedom and the world of happiness on the paths religions, codes of conduct, or philosophical ideas have led us to? Human feelings are universal. The feelings people had several thousand years ago are the same as those which will arise a hundred million years from now. The world of feelings does not change.

Do you ever wonder if a world in which mankind has the same feelings and attains the garden of happiness is possible on earth? Do you ever wonder if there is such a social standard or religious rite through which man can taste such happiness? If there is no such thing, where is God? If there is no such thing, God cannot be with humanity.

There are heavenly laws which unfold the dispensation by directing humanity to pursue goodness. This is done by setting up ethics and moral principles. There is no doubt that Heaven definitely directs all that is related and connected to us. Furthermore, the day will come when all people take a cheerful view of this in their hearts. The time will come when we say loudly and in unison that this is our happiness, this is our peace, and this is our freedom. If that does not happen, neither God nor any great man of thought will have anything to do with us. You must know this.

When we study a person, it is possible to analyze him or her both internally and externally. When we study the situation of society, we also learn that there are social organizations we know about and ones which we do not know about, although they are planned and they exist. Everything develops both internally and externally.

The same principle applies to man. Man is influenced simultaneously by external as well as internal circumstances. Therefore, the world has to become the environment in which people have mutual understanding and sing of happiness in communion with one another. The path of our lives leads us to wander about in search of such an environment.

Many sages and wise men have come and gone in history. However, no one found the victorious motto and sang on his own life path, appealing to the world: “People of the world! Go this way!” No one has said, “Rely on me, and live this way with my heart and love.”

Although Jesus talked about love, he left without being able to shed light upon the happiness, peace and the ideology of freedom which are centered upon love. “Follow me, believe in me, and come to me,” Jesus said. However, he could not say, baring his heart, “Let us act in concert with my heart and live, singing, centered upon the heavenly emotions.”

For that reason, although many prophets have come and gone in the course of history, no one has brought the message which could bring happiness centered upon heart, which could unify the world centered upon freedom and peace, connected with the heart of Heaven.

Where does humanity eagerly yearn to be? In the world of the original homeland, as I said before. It is the world from which you never want to return. It is the world you never get tired of, even after seeing it numerous times. It is the world where the touch you once felt never disappears; the world where you could laugh forever. It is the world where once you found the master, you could never let him go. Such a place could exist.

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