We Are Wandering in Search of the Original Hometown

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179
People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 942

Once I have completed my work on
earth, my work in the spirit world will
begin. I will stand as the king of the
spirit world. As the king of the earth, I
will automatically become the king of
the spirit world and enter the land of the
original homeland that conforms to the
principle and the law. (295-202, 1998.8.28)

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

We are wandering in search of the original hometown. We are people who lie at anchor on the course of fate we cannot help but go. However much one might boast of himself, there is no one who can proudly say, “All people! The whole of the macrocosm! Act in concert with my words.”

Where can we turn our steps which seek the original hometown today? The original hometown is the place where the parents of true love are. It is the affection-filled nest of true love. That is the place where we are to stay and rest. That is the world of peace, overflowing with happiness and hope. It is the garden of freedom. The stronger your admiration for that place, the greater your mind will burn with indignation on the earth. You will resolve that you will live cleanly in relation to the earth. The historical men of the past were the people who lived that way. Even in the world today, there are people who run a thousand miles, not noticing the distance, in search of their lost parents. There are people who go seeking their loved ones, despising a distance of ten thousand miles. If you have less determination than that in going the path which leads to the original hometown, you should have a guilty conscience. For a moment, an hour, a period of your lifetime have you ever wandered in search of the path leading to the original hometown? You should not allow yourselves to be irresponsible. Only when you can leave behind a responsible life can you gain your honor before the heavenly principles that re-created the history of the original hometown and established the will of the providence. Don’t you think so? The ancestors who lived such a life became historical figures. The ascetics who lived in such a manner formed religions. Therefore, we today should also long for the parents of the original hometown, the mountains and streams of the original hometown, the family and world of the original hometown. Such a time has come.

Communists today are dreaming of the worldwide original hometown, but centered on a materialist concept of history. It won’t work.


Ladies and gentlemen, we should not send away the man we met in the world of the internal Shim Jung (where external circumstances do not matter). It does not matter if he is black, white or yellow. If we find a man of such a world, if we found a man who belongs to such a place, then we will be able to live intoxicated, aloof to external things like eating and clothing. Any ideal or thought will be evaluated and judged according to such a man. It will be judged according to his standard.

The great point of Christianity is the emotion that can lay the heart bare, and the bitter tears that seep out of you after you start believing in Jesus. This emotion has formed Christianity in the course of history. In order for Christianity to enter into a stage of reform, there has to be a man who can connect to this Shim Jung. There has to be a man who is unchanging. If a thinking man can control his vivid emotions by the intoxication of an idea, if he can find something that establishes eternity, transcending time, he will be a happy man. He will be the man who stood the test in the historical view of the Heavens and earth. He is the successful candidate who can wield the heavenly principles with the heavenly heart.

In studying the original nature of man, we find that man to be intoxicated. Think of a great, world-famous scholar. A man who says, “Oh! I will study in this manner and become a scholar like so-and-so,” cannot become such a scholar. It doesn’t work that way. If one continues to study hard, intoxicated with it, without knowing it, he will become a world figure. That is how it should be.

Without intoxication, we cannot discover any rules or formulas greater than those we already have.

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