Heaven Is Parental

  • Register now for the Urban Family Life Training Seminar. The family is the core unit of society, and break down of the family is the core issue driving all problems in society.
  • For Couples, singles seeking a godly spouse, youth and young adult ministers
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1341

Who are the 72 Couples? Some translations of the Bible state that Jesus had
seventy-two disciples, and others, seventy. Originally, 72 is the correct number.
Centering on the twelve tribes and the
number six (six united representatives
per tribe), two times six is twelve and
one times six is six. Multiplying them
gives us seventy-two. If it were seventy
disciples, the numbers would not have
added up properly. Hence, the correct
number is seventy-two.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 965

Without a nation you cannot be registered. You can be registered on the
church level but not on the national level.
Through the reunification of North and
South Korea, we can enter the age of registration. Since that time will come, I am
telling you to quickly restore 160 families based on the tribal messiahs. When
that is achieved, and when reunification
of North and South Korea happens, I will
be registered as the first generation and
become the first ancestor. The people
who are registered after that are those in
sequence who blessed 160 families. The
order of becoming an ancestor depends
on the time of your registration. If more
than 1,600 people were sitting here and
had received the Blessing, there would
be a difference of more than 1,600 generations. (256-332, 1994.3.14)

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon

July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

If the body, mind and Shim Jung of each of you in our Unification Church today change into such a state through the truth, this truth will come to rule over the world in time even in the teeth of opposition.

If there is a place where you wish to be, where you wish to live and where you wish to go, that is the place of the original nature. The members are brothers and sisters to each other. You must have the mind to yearn to see a member if he or she is missing. That mind should seep out of you. You must be able to cry out for a member and take care of their wounds. You have to be like that. You must become people who can cry with a full heart if one of us gets wounded.

What kind of place is our home in the original hometown? It is the place where the Father can cry for me, taking hold of me. It is the place where Jesus, too, can cry. Heaven tries to relate to human beings with every kind of relationship. Heaven relates from the position of a companion, from the position of a friend, from the position of a bridegroom. All this is in the word “Heaven.” That word awakens our gratitude and reverence.

Since the Lord and Father is crying for us, seeing how unworthy we are, we feel overwhelmed with awe. Thanks to such a Father, I can more than forget all the wounds I have incurred in the course of my life. The emotion that sings of the unthinkably great love of the Father should take precedence over everything. Only then can people go to the Kingdom of Heaven. Don’t you agree?

Members of the congregation! Students who go to a foreign land for the first time will come to miss their hometown by the end of school. If their minds are pure and of the original Shim Jung, then they may be able to picture the place: the village and mountains and rivers. Hometown is where they can, upon their return, reveal all of their past hardships. They can shed tears, holding the hands of their mothers and brothers and sisters, sitting up all night, unaware of the passage of time.

We have not been able to dissolve the bitter resentment which originates from having to go through the restoration process. Have we ever had a moment when all things in the universe could shout for joy “Hallelujah”? Have we ever had a moment when we could say, “Oh, Lord! Father!” in our course of life? You should have such a moment. You certainly need it. Without it, you must know, Heaven cannot help but be sorrowful and pitiable.

Ladies and gentlemen, happy is a man who has many people who can cry for him, holding him. Why do we say it is good to have children? It is because when the parents are in difficulty, the children shed tears and cry together with them. Isn’t that right? Also, they rejoice when the parents rejoice. For that reason, the man who has people around him can share both his sorrows and joys.

Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t boast of having friends. It is not easy for them to cry for you when you die and cry together with you when you are sorrowful. The people who can do that are your parents. Heaven is parental.

A leader who is responsible for the ideology of the path of righteousness should know how to cry for the sake of the flock of sheep. He should have a mind that takes pity on them, weeping bitterly. Thus, when the flock of sheep make a full confession to the leader and thus start having opulent feelings of joy, those people are the happy people who have met the true shepherd. That is why we like Heaven. Therefore, we must know that the day will come when all historical sages and wise men and Heaven can receive us in great delight. The day will come when we will appear with victorious contents in our tired bodies. We should be able to usher in such a day, esteeming it a great honor. We have to move forward, feeling grateful for the day, able to forget all of our own faults on that day, wishing to realize completely the hope that we had waited so eagerly for. You must know clearly that the people who will experience that are the people who go the way of righteousness today.

Luke 15: 11-32

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