You Should Have the Same Blood Lineage

Today, Friday, June 28th is the last day to register for the Urban Family Life Success Formula Training Seminar!

  • For Parents and Couples, singles seeking a godly spouse, youth and young adult ministers
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register
  • Call 202-544-5081 for more information

Cheong Seong Gyeong 485

A wife who knows love sometimes
gets an impulse to bury her head in her
husband’s bosom and enjoy an afternoon
nap. This is because she is drunk with
happiness and doesn’t have a clear mind.
Before marriage the man appeared to
her as scary and strange. After the mar-
riage, she misses him and has to see him
many times in a day. This is how women’s
hearts change. So sometimes she calls
him and asks him to come home during
the lunch hour for a quick visit. It is the
same with a man who has come to know
love. Whenever he has a chance, he will
want to sleep with his wife’s knees as a
pillow. So he will run home whenever he
has free time, regardless of whether it is
lunchtime or a coffee break. Also, if she
wants certain things done, he will not
hesitate to do things he didn’t like doing
before marriage, things about which he
used to say, “Such things are a woman’s
job. Should a mighty man do it?” I would
say that such changes commonly occur
to men and women who have come to
know love. (Blessed Family – 887)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1608

You must practice absolute faith.
You should walk the path of faith with
absolute trust in the True Parents. (46-99,

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 12, 1959

John 14: 1-19

To reach such a state, you should have the same blood lineage. You should feel as if your own flesh and blood are the Father’s flesh and blood. As you become the Father’s son or daughter, you should share the common will. What is that will? It is to restore the fallen world. It is to create a world in which a good person who has liquidated the sinful history of mankind can live within the bosom of the Father. Therefore, our body should inherit the Father’s flesh and blood, and our mind should bear the Father’s will to establish His nation. We should feel the Father’s heart in our life. If not, you cannot stand as a child of Heavenly Father. Isn’t that so?

When a father grieves, his son should grieve. When a father suffers, his son should suffer. When a parent lives a difficult life, the child should go through the same thing. Isn’t that so? If one is truly a filial child, that person would live according to the will of the parent. You have to realize that only when you are connected in flesh and blood with the Father, only when the will is shared, only when the heart is prepared for one’s daily life can you call Heavenly Father “Father.” Heavenly Father is still working in order to show this to humankind.

You should not forget that Heavenly Father has striven greatly to fulfill such a relationship, even if mankind was not aware of it. God is struggling in the extreme to pull us from the position of adopted children to real children whose hearts are connected to His. We may have many wrongs done to us and may possess much sadness and indignation. But such sadness, indignation and wrongs are not comparable to those of Heavenly Father. No matter what kind of wound may have been inflicted upon us, it is not to be compared to Heavenly Father’s. Heavenly Father has experienced greater pain throughout history than any of us. He has grieved along with history more than any of us. He has borne a thousand times more than our indignation. He has been wounded more than any of us. We should realize that such is Heavenly Father.

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