The Original Embodiment Will Establish the Original Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

Until now, each administrative
authority in the Republic of Korea has
never had the experience of carrying
out its political or educational directives
centered on tong and ban. It has never
carried out education on a national level.
It has been unable to advocate its ideolo-
gy. It has only been able to gather togeth-
er the city mayors or the county officials,
and maybe one or two other people from
the local neighborhoods. The main tar-
get for ideological education has not
been the leaders of tong and ban. There-
fore, there are no roots. It means that
no roots were put down here. That’s the
point; there are no roots. It’s just like a
floating weed. (165-224, 1987.5.27)
The first problem is breaking through
to the leaders of the tong and ban. The
next problem is to breakthrough at the
township level, and even the village lev-
el. When we do that we will be perfectly
organized. (165-19, 1987.5.19)

Richard: Tong is a small neighborhood area of around 100 homes more or less, while ban is an even smaller area of about 12 homes. These are (were) administrative divisions in Korea. . Rev. Moon uses them to refer to the work of physically working door to door in a neighborhood to restore God-centered families. As today is my 44th spiritual birthday, when I made the decision to join the Unification Movement in 1975, it is the perfect and providential message for my family today. Yes, today is the anniversary of my Moon landing, ha-ha!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1356

The 777 Couples that I blessed in
1970 signify total perfection symbol-
ized by the number twenty-one – the
sum of their three sevens – as well as
the three stages of the growing period.
Rather than trying to break these stages
up, I sought to put them together all at
once and did so in one place. There, ten
nations participated in the Blessing, rep-
resenting the world in order to restore
the number ten. Thus, I could organize a
new global tribe by blessing those fami-
lies. Thereby, a transracial standard was
set for the creation of that tribe. (54-295,

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 1959

John 10: 1-18

After the six thousand years of struggle that God has gone through, there is a framework that can usher mankind in toward the realm of one ideology in this age of the last days of history. Yet what are we to do now? Mankind is not in a position to invite God to intervene in our affairs. We have neither the substance nor the content.

This is what I want to shout out to this present age. Where is the historic individual God seeks? Where is the family God is seeking to replace Noah’s family? Where is the race to replace the race which suffered in Egypt, the race God embraced and loved? Where are the people who want to be loved in the bosom of the begotten son, who came as the king of all kings? The standard where all can walk hand in hand and share heart to heart and sing together is lost. There is probably no greater sadness than this.

God will still search. What is it that God will search for? God is a God of truth and He possesses the contents of truth. Therefore, He will search for the embodiment of truth, the true family, the true society, the true nation, and the true world. He will search for the world where Heaven and earth move in unity of heart though true authority. Isn’t that so?

His work is already initiated. He will cut away everything false from an individual, a family, a race, a world. In other words, He will break down the lineage of any race, any national tradition or any ideology of humanity in order to establish the one world of the heart. Looking at things from this perspective, what kind of world is God looking for? He is looking for a world of truth, where there are true parents.

Due to the Fall, mankind has the parents of a fallen lineage. We do not possess the original parents whom God can love eternally. Therefore, no matter how great you might say you are, you are descendants of fallen parents. There is nothing to be proud of. Then where are parents whom God can bless, whom all the created world can sing for? They have disappeared. They disappeared at the beginning of history, not during its course. Who will liberate such sorrow?

What kind of people are the original parents? They can communicate back and forth with the eternal, everlasting God in a relationship of parent and child. Yet such true parents, who can live as the children, attending God as their parent, have disappeared. Therefore, humanity has to search for true parents.

This land in which we live is not the land we have dreamed about. This environment in which we live has nothing to do with God’s ideal. It is the same thing for the Unification Church. Having the name of the Unification Church is not important. We have to possess the heart of unification. The door sign is not important. The contents are important. As you all have a conscience that searches for truth, you have to establish a motto that seeks for truth. You have to think about what contents God wants.

The day when God can be present within true parents, true couples, true children, true loyal subjects, true people, the true creation, the true sovereignty, and the true cosmos and can agree that everything is true will be the final day for the fallen world. As you wait for the coming of the Lord of the Second Coming, do you think there will be a destruction of the world with great changes and that we will rise up into the air at that time? Do not even think of such nonsense and fantasy. I used to think like that in the past. We have to fight against people who think like that.

What is such a moment like when it arrives? It is the moment when a complex web of inexplicable situations gets untangled; when the history of misfortune is indemnified; and everything from the individual, the family, the society, the race, the nation, and the world unites. It is the moment when the individual is established so that things that were carried down vertically get carried out horizontally. Thus, it is the moment when the original embodiment will establish the original family, the original society, the nation, and the world. It is the goal of humanity, who has sought truth, to find the self who can live in the original world.

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