You Have to Understand what it Means to be Indignant and Grievous

Cheon Seong Gyeong 278

The highest things in the world, the
highest and most precious things in the
world of fallen humanity are the True
Parents and the right of the first son.
Next come the rights and responsibili-
ties of parents, and then comes right of
kingship. This is an exclusive authority.
God has been active in Korean history
order to secure the authority of the first
son who inherits the heavenly kingship.
It is the same with Japan. It is the right
of the first son to carry on for the emper-
or in the final days. The first son has to
become a true parent. Adam was the
original first son of humankind. Thus,
the right of the first son must necessarily
connect with the position of a true par-
ent, and the realm of the first son must
be restored. Otherwise, he will be unable
to stand in the position of a true parent.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1855

Blessed families have risen up on the
vertical standard, but have not stood
on the horizontal standard in Jardim.
Therefore, from now on, families must
be established that can live together with
God on the horizontal standard. To facil-
itate this, I have made an education cen-
ter for ideal families aimed toward world
peace, and I have been re-educating the
families that have been blessed until now.
I must train them again with the con-
tents enabling them to join God’s abso-
lute glorious family. That is the family
training, taking place in Jardim. (294-319,

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

Are we going to betray the God who came seeking for us in the past and in the present, the God who came to us on the level of a people, a nation, and the world? Are we going to betray Him or be loyal to Him? We can only choose one of these two.

For this reason it is written that the sheep and goats will be separated. To become patriots, you have to understand what it means to be indignant and grievous. You have to understand the bitter indignation of the Father: “My Father was grieving in the past for this reason and in the present for that reason. The Father of the future is in such a position.”

Now we must unite. Since there are no citizens of Heaven who are seeking others, we should raise our flag high and gather the citizens of Heaven at the risk of our lives.

When we think of God, who does not have heavenly people, heavenly tribes, heavenly families, heavenly sons and daughters or heavenly parents, we cannot raise our heads. Human beings cannot raise their heads before God. What we have to understand here is that we are too shameful to raise our heads before Heaven. We thought that the brothers in our homes were our own brothers, yet that turned out not to be true. We thought that the Heaven and earth in which we live is the nation that we should live in, yet that is not true. We thought that the people we are in communication with are our friends. Yet that was not true.

From this perspective, the words that Jesus spoke were appropriate. He spoke all the words that he could speak to human beings before he died. Although he spoke all the words that he could, the people did not understand them. Looking at this Jesus mourned. Jesus who came for humanity abandoned his people and left those who opposed him and prayed in tears before Heaven in the mountains.

If there are sons and daughters who possess a desire to serve the will with their bodies and minds and who dash toward the Father head on, in other words, if there are those who run on behalf of the people, tribes, brothers and children, God will hold onto them and mourn. When Mary Magdalene tried to hold onto the resurrected Jesus, he told her not to hold him because she was not in touch with these principles.

Humanity in the past could not run toward God head on. Not one person transcended the position of a people, of tribes and brothers and stood in the position of children and called the Father their own. Because Jesus fulfilled this responsibility in the course of history, he could become the Savior. Nevertheless Jesus had to die in a situation where God could recognize his victory. For this reason, Jesus has to return to the earth to complete the purpose of victory over Satan in the universe and Heaven and earth. Would it be all right, then, for him to come on the clouds?

We have to understand the time now. We have to understand ourselves. We are locked inside a prison of many layers. How much would God long for a free Heaven and earth, for a place where our citizens can live, where our brothers and sisters can live, where our parents can live, and where our sons and daughters can live?

As God related with human beings for six thousand years, He never forgot even for one minute that world of the heart. We did not know this, but now we have to understand it. After we understand it, we should run toward Heaven and dash forward head on. People must emerge who can represent humanity and run toward the one day when everything in Heaven and on earth can rejoice and give blessings.

This is the purpose of our faith. Do you want to believe and go to Heaven? Do you think you can go to Heaven just because you want to? When you go to a government agency and go through the registration process, you have to repeat the whole process if you get one word wrong. Yet do you think that you can just slide inside the gates of Heaven? That will never be. You cannot enter without having fulfilled certain conditions. You can enter Heaven only after going through some processes of the heart. Because the world of the heart transcends time and space, there is no progress and regression. There are no concepts and forms. There, it is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and eternity.

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