God is Looking for Lost Adam and Eve

Urban Life Training Monthly Newsletter:

In this issue:
Urban Family Life Success Training Report
Update on forced vaccination in Washington DC and West Virginia
President Trump Comments on Big Pharma Price Gouging

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1542

Christ at his Second Advent is com-
ing to save humanity. Once the heaven-
ly standard has been established, God is
ready to strike. He takes the offensive.
That does not mean that He kills His
foes by executing them in the style of
Stalin; instead, He makes them surren-
der at once. He must make Satan sub-
mit to Him, firstly through His ideology,
secondly through His citizenry, thirdly
through His sovereignty, and fourthly
through His territory. Everyone desires
to have ideals, friends, power, and mon-
ey, and these four items represent the
four that have been listed above. (12-169,

Richard:  This is a formula for building Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of Heaven, on earth.  We will teach God’s Word, this will influence our friends and they can receive the Blessing of marriage, as newly weds or as existing married couples, through this influence will build, and godly people will gain territory(money).

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1415

I conducted the first international
joint wedding in 1970 – the 777 Couples
Blessing, which signified that everything
on earth was drawing together globally.
After the 430 Couples Blessing, I went
to other countries to bless them because
it was not providentially allowed to
have them come to Korea to receive the
Blessing. For the first time ever, then, an
international joint wedding of 777 cou-
ples was performed in Korea with par-
ticipants from ten nations around the
world. In this manner, based on the fam-
ily ideal, the path through which any
nation on earth can return to God was
completed.  This event made it possible
 for the fortune of the world to be related
to the fortune of the Unification Church.
From this day onward, we do not need
to go through the trouble of shedding
sweat and blood in order to establish
our nation. Once we give birth, multi-
ply, and form a new tribe, then a nation
is naturally created. Just like the Israel-
ites gave birth to many healthy children
while in Egypt, all we need to do is give
birth. All we need to do is to be blessed
like the sons of Judah and have many
sets of twins. We are not to practice
birth control. In this way, we can expand
the foundation of the new lineage across
the world. We are therefore already in
the process of establishing a transracial
nation in the world. (55-171, 1972.5.7)

The True Sons and Daughters of Heavenly Father Who Will Remain in the Last Days

Rev Sun Myung Moon
July 26, 1959

Romans 8: 12-27

When Jesus looked at Israel, the Jews and Judaism, he grieved. Although they had been under the realm of God’s love for four thousand years, now they had become a nation, a people and a religion which God could no longer embrace or love. Although they had walked a four-thousand-year history of close relationship with God, they failed to recognize Jesus, who came as the master of the four-thousand-year history.

How could this be? The people of that time did not know. They were ignorant. The Israelites who were living in the last chapter of the four-thousand- year history should have felt that they were in the part of the realm of God’s love where Adam and Eve were just before their Fall. If God’s providence is one of restoration, and restoration means to recover something that has been lost, what is God trying to recover? God is trying to restore His lost sons and daughters. He is looking for His lost Adam and Eve.

Though you are gathered here today, you who are living in the Last Days need ancestors who will fight with Satan for six thousand years without being killed. In other words, you need ancestors who can overcome the connections of the Fall and attain the authority of victory and go before the Father with pride. Although Adam should have become the good ancestor, he died due to the Fall, and God has been exerting Himself for the six thousand years since Adam in order to find a person on the earth who is not fallen.

Christianity describes Jesus in various ways. However, when you understand the truth, you will find that many of them are not true. We have rejected them and have made a firm determination. There are true and false, and there are what appears to be true and what appears to be false.

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