Restore the Absolute Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 340

The bodies of Adam and Eve who have
not fallen are houses wherein God can
dwell. Had Adam and Eve become the
body of love, body of life, and body of lin-
eage eternally unified through true love,
making God the center of their heart,
the mind and body would not be fighting
today. The Fall means that humankind
inherited Satan’s life and blood through
Satan’s love. This is why this lineage must
be transformed. The providence of sal-
vation will be completed only when the
wild olive tree is transformed into the
true olive tree. (226-48, 1992.2.1)

Richard: The process of complete salvation involves transferring one’s lineage to God’s side. The process of the Blessing of Marriage is an essential part of this process. Watch a slide presentation on The Holy Communion of Marriage: .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard
through which they could practice abso-
lute faith, absolute love, and absolute
obedience. They entered unprincipled
marriage, thereby defiling the lineage,
completely overturning the right of
ownership, and bringing into ruin their
whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute res-
toration of the lineage must take place.
In other words, you need to protect
the pure lineage of True Parents so that
it can be passed down to your descen-
dants eternally. Adam and Eve failed
to do so and entered a fallen relation-
ship. Therefore, you need to maintain
purity and be blessed in marriage. You
can then restore the absolute lineage,
the absolute right of ownership, and the
absolute realm of heart. This should be
our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94,

What Belongs to the Father Belongs to Me

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Heaven has been toiling until today and persevering through all sufferings behind the scenes in order to give human beings absolute value. God has no choice but to continue this work, even beyond today. When we come to understand this, our heads bow in humility and awe every time we think about Heavenly Father.

For this reason, God has proclaimed words of truth which humanity does not even understand. God told us just to believe in Him, even though His will was to establish religions and build profound relationships with us. The contents of His proclamations were not clearly defined. God commanded us to look to Him. He also told us to love Him. Although we do not know the nature of the relationship and its specific content, through our experience we come to reaffirm that we are inseparably connected to something in the world of the heart. Human beings have depended on and believed in these vague words of truth; they have longed for them and loved them. People of faith were felled as they held true to their beliefs, adhering to their hope and love. Countless people were felled in their life of devotion. Those who died as they adhered to their belief in God surpass the patriots and heroes of a country many thousands of times over. Many have died keeping their hope or love. Among them, however, no one has been hailed as a prince of faith, a prince of hope, a prince of love.

When we reflect upon the six-thousand-year history, we find that there were many who fell while they were aspiring to become victorious in their faith, yet there was no one who was revered by humanity as a great prince of faith. Similarly, we find that although there were many who searched for the foundation of hope, no one was ever praised by Heaven on a foundation of hope or was revered by humanity. Although there have been many people who professed to love, the same thing was true for them. Should we then hold grudges against God for this? Do the notions of faith, hope and love not exist?

Jesus was the incarnation of faith whom God had sought for four thousand years. He was someone who deeply experienced the Father’s heart as a concrete reality. The people did not know that Jesus was such a person. No one in all of humanity knew that. If there was a person who did know, it was God.

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