The Substantial Work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Watch the latest Richard Urban show with Andrew Derricutt: We Have to Make a Fundamental Choice

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1950

The democratic systems of the twen-
tieth century originated in England. As
you all know, Queen Elizabeth I of Eng-
land strengthened her maritime policy,
leading eventually to the occupation of
numerous places in the world, especially
in Asia and Africa. God influenced her
to take such actions. Since England was
an island nation, the English had been
trained many times through the invasion
of the Vikings. The English were always
in a position to be attacked. Therefore,
they trained themselves extensively to
strengthen their oceanic culture more
than any other race. At that time, Spain
and Portugal were much stronger oce-
anic powers. But Queen Elizabeth I built
her navy up to a higher level, strength-
ening it in the years from 1593 to 1603.
(80-139, 1975.10.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 962

By creating a united and harmo-
nized sphere of Blessed families in the
spiritual and physical worlds, the foun-
dation for the ideal of heaven based on
the unfallen Adam can be established.
This causes all families in history to
have the same value. Through the man-
ifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on
earth and in spirit world, God can come
down and dwell on this foundation. God
is the vertical Parent. True Parents are
the horizontal Parents that can equal-
ize the earth. Therefore, on Chil Pal Jeol,
the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the
Parents of Heaven and Earth was pro-
claimed, and a new age began. Further-
more, from the day of 9.9. J

Richard:  We also just passed the date of 9/19/19, which some people feel is a significant date:

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Now is a time when people want evidence. This is a scientific era, they say. Science is logical. What is logical must connect cause and result systematically. When we can prove and practice logical truth in our daily life, we call that scientific. This is the original human nature. There cannot be happiness apart from our life and concrete reality. There cannot be satisfaction or other such things apart from these. For this reason, God also wants to work through a substantial embodiment.

What kind of time is the Last Days? It is the time that the two-thousand-year history since Jesus, the purpose of which was to fulfill the history and hope of the previous four thousand years of establishing the faith, comes to an end. It is the time of the appearance of the prince of faith, hope and love. People believe that when he appears he will come on the clouds, in the sky, but that is a misunderstanding. It is literally impossible.

I used to have that type of faith. I felt so frustrated and distressed that I banged on the ground and protested against Heaven many times. When I penetrated deep into it, I found that it was not true. When I spoke words of truth, I was most heavily persecuted. I now wear the badge of a heretic. In the past St. Paul was condemned as a heretic. The Messiah who came with the truth was cursed and laughed at as one possessed by Beelzebub. This is the source of historical sorrow. Since history began in sorrow, it has to end in sorrow.

If there are faithful believers, let them esteem the members who lie prostrated upon and pray upon the wooden floors of churches. When your church leaders chase you out, follow the sheep as you shed tears and look behind you. You will find that you have come near a new garden of flowers. Have you ever thought when chilly winds blow that the spring season will come after the passage of time? The Lord, in my opinion, will come looking for those who can bravely greet the coming of the spring season with their minds, even though their bodies may be suffering winter.

Although there are many princes of words who can speak articulately and powerfully before a large crowd, there is no hero of substance. There is no embodiment of faith, hope and love among the church leaders. Where will this church and its members head toward? Where will the believers of the Last Days go? This Mr. Moon in Korea will walk the path, if doing so will bring blessing to the people. I will do this even if I am condemned as a monstrous heretic and a traitor to the people.

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