Jesus Felt Countless Types of Pain

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1805

The people we need are the True Par-
ents. What started from the false par-
ents must be restarted by the True Par-
ents. The false parents are the ones who
inherited false love and false lineage
starting from false love. This must be
reversed. Then, how can we inherit true
life and true lineage centered on the love
of the True Parents? In other words, the
issue is how to inherit the original seed
again since we inherited the wrong seed
of life.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1122

When Adam fulfills his portion of
responsibility he stands in the posi-
tion of the first son. Then he can enter
the position of true parents. This is the
restoration of parenthood. It is the posi-
tion of the king, the king of heaven and

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

That is where the truth is connected. That is where the foundation of truth implants its roots. Truth does not implant its roots in glamorous high society. The roots of truth have to be implanted first in the humble alleys of a culture. The roots of truth are not to be implanted in Heaven, but on this fallen earth. The roots of truth are not to be found in the Kingdom of Heaven but at the bottom of hell. Heaven’s new standard of life will be established the day the roots of truth are implanted there, the day that the one who can communicate with Heaven appears.

Therefore, although we establish the truth in an ideal way and as our hope, the course to pursue it requires us to search in the back alleys. We search the back alley of life, mind and love as we look upon the symbol of life. We have to understand that this is the basis for seeking the highest spiritual attainment. A person who is living a life of devotion may be happy from the original standpoint, but he struggles in the back alleys of faith and sings this song in his life. This is the misery of religious life.

What is the origin and motivation of its reform and the creation of a new culture in a nation? When the mind explodes within you which can cling to a miserable person and cry for him, the flames of new hope burn. The historical flames will burn. For this country to be prosperous, for this country to have hope, we must create an environment in which we can shed tears on behalf of miserable people with a pure and sincere heart. Then this country will conquer the world.

What was Jesus’ situation on the earth? He did not praise the value of Jehovah from the absurd position of seeking the beauty of some fantastic ideal world. Although his internal contents were like that, his life was that of a prince in hell. This is what you have to understand. In his life, he was a royal prince in hell. He exerted himself more than anyone else to advocate and pioneer the truth. When he learned one thing, he was concerned about ten things. Although the people of this earth feel one type of pain, that of solving their problems and those of their own generation, Jesus felt countless types of pain. You have to understand that he led the life of a prince in hell.

Even when he entered hell, he had the authority to conquer it. He did not attain it freely. If he judged, punished and sentenced sinners without having had the same experience himself, God could not be a true God. If the leader of Korea punishes a violator of the law from a position of serious empathy, this country may survive. He should never say, “What you do has nothing to do with me.”

Jesus came to this earth with such a feeling in his heart. He came with this power and told people to love him. Why did he tell them to love him? What he meant to say is, “You who love only temporarily! No matter how precious you may be, you should abandon all that you have and love me. Then God will love you on a higher level.” Although he appeared in a humble manner, the words he spoke were completely the opposite. He could not have spoken those words if he did not have some inner quality of confidence and pride. Because of this Jesus was able to be the Messiah.


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