Let Us Be Intoxicated in the Love of the Father

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1757

A person in whose face the lateral
line (mouth-line) and the vertical line
(nose-line) are straight is a person of true
conscience. People in whose faces these
two lines intersect at ninety degrees are
conscientious people. This is the most
important part. The navel should not
be displaced but should instead be at
the centerline, going straight up to meet
the chin, and with the lips here the nose
should be straight, making a straight
line to where this vein is. Those who
display all these features will succeed
in life. This line should also go down to
meet the center of the hips. In this way,
waist and hips should be perpendicular.
That is how everything should look. (207-
78, 1990.11.1)

Cehong Seong Gyeong 1382

The Israelites failed to establish a pure
tradition in building a nation in the sev-
en-year period following the forty years
in the wilderness, and this led to a trou-
bled and ruinous history. We, however,
should not fail in establishing the tra-
dition, the founding ideology on which
we can build the heavenly nation. We
have reached the end of our forty-year
course, and are entering the next phase:
the seven-year course. Within these sev-
en years, we should be united as the citi-
zens fulfilling the founding thought, the
ideology of peace and a unified world. In
order to do so, the first generation repre-
senting Cain and the second generation
representing Abel should unite; howev-
er, the first generation failed in this task
and there is every possibility that they
will fall in the wilderness.

I Am Relating With Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959


Father! How much have You suffered? It took six thousand years to raise up one life. To establish one family, You have made all the preparations necessary to build a home. All the external environment of the world has become a garden in which the Father can rejoice. Thoughts and views are to be divided into two paths.

Likewise, in our world of the mind we should bring the conflict to an end. Please allow us to conquer the enemies, raise the banner of victory, and march forward toward the world. In doing so, on the day that we judge the enemies of Heaven, please allow us to be proud of the fact that we are the Father’s sons and daughters. Let the Father’s grace penetrate deeply into the hearts of the sons and daughters who have gathered here. Father, that is what we wish and desire.

We have been used by our enemies until now. Please allow us to do away with the past, when we could not fight for the original ideals which would bring us joy in our hearts; when we could not go toward the original world and the original Lord. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who can dash toward the heavenly heart.

We know that the world will end up being a world of one ideal. Please let us understand that the place where our hearts can become one with the Father’s heart and sing is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the ideal garden. Please let a family who can sing of the heart of the Father appear before Heaven and earth.

Please let us be intoxicated in the love of the Father more intensely than we are intoxicated in the love of our own parents. Let us be intoxicated more intensely in the love of the Father than we are in the love of our children, so that we can sing of the love and rejoice in the love. We know that to create this environment is the will of Father and our wish. Please let that will and wish be materialized. Before our life comes to an end, we have to create the environment in which the Father can be happy and we can be happy. Please allow us to realize that world from this moment on.

Through all our relationships and words, through all people and through all material things, please guide us to keep to the place where our minds and hearts are moved. Allow us to become Your sons and daughters who can follow our hearts and minds and run toward those places of the heart and mind. Father, we are grateful that You have been with us. We prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. 

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