When the Jews Kept to the Old Testament that Caused them to Kill Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1755

When you actually stop to think
about it, you thought that treasures were
stored up there in heaven. But it turns
out that you had treasures all along in
your bodies. You came to understand
that the original palace is a part of your
body. Aren’t the love organs the original
palace that can attend God? Where is the
pathway that makes the love connection?
Is it in the fingertips? Where is it? What
is it in a man? What is it in a woman?
It is the male and female organs, where
the most distasteful substance can also
be found. Where does urine come out?
From the sexual organ. This is the case
for both women and men. If that unclean
urine thus excreted were to mingle with
love, would it still be unclean or would
it become clean? Then how wonderful
would it be to drink urine steeped in
true love like iced tea! (178-125, 1988.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1512

Why should you give birth to chil-
dren? It is so that you may experience
the inner heart of God the joy and
delight He felt at the time of the creation
of Adam and Eve. That is why those who
have not experienced childbirth may fail
to appreciate their parents, their hus-
band or wife. That is how they will end
up. They may have loved in the past and
in the present, but they cannot expand
in the future. The grandparents repre-
sent the past, the parents the present,
and the children the future. The fami-
ly is where these three can unite as one.
(216-192, 1991.3.31)

Members Who Will Live In God’s Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1959

Matthew 12: 46-50

Members of our Unification Church should mercilessly do away with the past and become people who can boast of having been born as new princes. They should sing the new songs of the new world. That is how it should be. Think about it. Do you think God would want you to bring all the dirty rags from Satan’s world into God’s family? God does not want to hear it, see it or even think about it. Wouldn’t it be so? This is why we call it the great judgment. We do not want to see them or see those ideas, that sovereignty, that history. It is the great judgment. We have to understand clearly that God is seeking true sons and daughters who can worship and serve the glorious Father with a heart burning with new hope.

Although it is good to hold to the past, if you were to do that you would destroy all ideals. When the Jews living by the Old Testament kept to the Old Testament of the past, that caused them to kill Jesus. Ladies and gentlemen, you should understand this clearly. Although it is good to hold onto democracy as opposed to communism according to the trends of thought today, if you were to hold onto that alone, you would destroy new things. Although the faith that you have and the churches that you attend are good, you have to understand that if you adhere only to them, you may destroy something new.

For this reason, you have to discern the situation well. You have to clear up the past and the present and be prepared for the future. Otherwise, you will never be able to enter the hopeful family of God. God sees you as sons and daughters of Satan’s world. After God sent His only son Jesus, he did not like Jesus’ younger brother (Israel) calling him their brother. Why should Joseph’s sons call Jesus their brother? Only after they pass through a course of faith, believe in Jesus and receive the heart, mind, body, deeds and words of Jesus can they call him their brother. God did not even like Mary calling Jesus her son. Only after passing through a similar course could she call him her son. God does not even think about anything tied to the fallen lineage. Wouldn’t that be true?

This is why we have to be re-blessed by the only son of God. When a first-rate bride whom God loves dearly is called before Heaven, God does not want to hear that she is the daughter of someone, the niece of someone, the older sister of someone, and so on. All that is necessary is to be recognized as God’s daughter. God will say, “She is My daughter, not yours.” This is why those who go deep into the past will never overcome this process. That is how it is.

When we reflect on the six thousand years full of anguish, the miserable history during which bloody conflicts raged, when we think about how people betrayed God’s will and caused the prolongation of God’s providence, God probably does not even want to see them. Ladies and gentlemen. You should not hold onto the hands of your beloved sons and daughters and go before God and say, “I am the father or mother of So and So.” You should not say that you lead such and such a life in the world. You should not talk about anything that is tied to the sinful history. God only wants to hear about your relationship with Him.

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