God Loves Human Beings Infinitely

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2009

It is sad to be a citizen of a country
with no sovereignty. Jesus was very con-
cerned about this point. He told people
not to worry about where their food,
drink or clothes would come from; that
these are the matters that the ungodly
are always concerned about. He said,
“Your Father in heaven knows that you
need all these things. Instead, above
everything else, be concerned with his
Kingdom and with what He requires,
and He will provide you with all these
other things.” Did Jesus say save your
son first, or save the nation first? He said
to save the nation that God is seeking.
(34-337, 1970.9.20)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 628

In meeting people, do not think of
taking advantage of them or trying to
use them for your benefit. Never do that.
If their original character is crushed, it
will take half a year to three years to
repair it. That is why your actions are
crucial. If you take advantage of others,
you will be placed in a more hellish place
than the usual hell. Those who under-
stand such consequences do not even
think about doing selfish deeds. (204-304,

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

The title of the speech that I want to reflect upon together with you is “The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise Up His Beloved Sons and Daughters.” I will speak upon this topic.

Love is what every existing thing in Heaven and earth needs the most. It is true that the one love is most important in Heaven and true love centering on men is most important in the human world.

In Christianity they talk about God’s love. They believe that Jesus is someone who showed God’s love to human beings. We know very well that if there is any love worth longing for in the human world, it is the love of Jesus. If there is some love worth longing for in Heaven, it is God’s love. Likewise, our hope is to connect with God’s and Jesus’ love. The problem is, what is that love like? The original purpose of creation was for the first human ancestors to live centered on God and to live by God’s eternal love. However, we learned through the Principle that due to the Fall, they could not build a relationship of love with God. Instead they built a relationship of love with the enemy Satan.

If we recognize that the center of life, ideals and value for all created things is the love of God, people who cannot experience the love, ideals and life of God do not have any relationship with Heaven. This is true even if they talk about love, life and ideals. Why is humanity living in such a miserable state? It is because they lost the life, love and ideals of God. We have to experience this deep in our minds.

If someone longs for God’s life, love and ideals, no matter how sorrowful he is, he has the hope of revival. Given that God works to save people who are disconnected to His love, life and ideals, what providence would He conduct? We have to understand that in His work God moves the heart which longs for the true life, the heart which is thirsty for love, and the heart which is deprived of ideals.

How much have you longed for the love, the life and the ideals of God in your mind? If you do not have such a heart, there is no way to find God’s love. If such a shock does not explode from your mind, you cannot connect to the life, love and ideals of God, no matter how abundant they are.

The Last Days are nearing. People say universally that the end of the world is coming. There is no one in this world you can cling to and say that he or she can satisfy the hunger of your mind and give you life. There is no one who can be the only one you longed for in your heart, the only one who can fill you. The same thing holds true even in the sphere of ideals. We have to build a relationship with God’s life, love and ideals. Otherwise, we can only conclude that in the Last Days of history we cannot become a person of true love, life and ideals.

What is the purpose for which we are seeking a religious path and life? It is to possess the life, love and ideals of God. God and Jesus seek this kind of a person. Only when someone appears with this quality, a person God and Jesus can bless and recognize, will true love, life and true ideals be established in this world.

God loves human beings infinitely. He has been seeking them since the day they fell. To what extent does God love them? You cannot fathom this based on your own concepts alone. Even in the fallen world, parents love their children. If their beloved children are threatened by death, parents will overcome any pain or fear to save them. They do not hesitate to do anything, even to die. Even fallen people have such deep love for their children. Moreover, there are people who do not spare their own lives for the sake of their beloved.

Then would God’s love be only as great as a parent’s love for his children? If love is something which emboldens one to overcome any difficulty including death and brave any kind of sacrifice, then what about God’s love? You cannot compare it with fallen people’s love toward their children. We have to understand that the love God had for the original human beings was incomparably greater than the love found in the fallen world.

Human beings today feel pain and mourn when their beloved children or people precious to them die. Some even lose their sanity. In some extreme cases, people may die. If people mourn even on the earth, if they can lose their sanity and even die over the loss of their beloved, what about God? Think about it.

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