True Happiness is Finding Love and Living in Attendance to God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2082

North and South Korea cannot
become one if they remain as they are.
For this, we need patriots who fight with-
out sleep and possess hearts of determi-
nation, willing to overcome all obsta-
cles. The unification of North and South
Korea begins with people who think, “I
truly want to live together. I would like
to die together if we must die, or live
together if we must live. I would like to
live together with our forefathers, with
those who are in the spirit world.” (148-277,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1319

Since I put great emphasis on the
family, I blessed 30,000 couples last
year. This was like dropping a bomb
on the world. Think about it, the mar-
riage of 30,000 couples! We are living in
a world in which even the parents can-
not control their own children, and yet
Rev. Moon of the Unification Church
brought together young people from 131
nations around the world and married
them. Can you think of anything more
miraculous or amazing in the world?
(243-214, 1993.1.10)

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

However, there has not been even one person who loved his or her sons and daughters with the same heart of love that God had toward Adam and Eve. There has never been a couple who came together with such heart and love.

Sinning daily and making a lot of noise is love below the level of the angels, love which is a product of the Fall. People are distant from the love of God who exists as the center of ideals and as the ideals themselves.

You have probably not given much thought to the fact that Adam and Eve fell. You are unclear about the significance of what you have vaguely heard. There is no deep response of the heart in you. That should not be so. The moment Adam and Eve fell, God’s heart was torn so painfully He almost went insane. You should never forget about the Father who was shaken so thoroughly as to almost forget Himself. Have you ever thought about that?

Even when fallen people on the earth watch their children die, they feel their bone marrow melt. They want to save their children even at the cost of their own lives. How must the heart of God have been as He watched Adam and Eve walking the path toward the Fall and crossing the line of death? Unless you understand that heart, there is no way for you to become God’s sons and daughters.

If someone has experienced the sorrow of God as he watched the Fall of Adam and Eve, nothing of this human world will pose any problem for him. Even the greatest love in the human world cannot comfort the sorrowful heart of God. We understand the history of restoration through indemnity. To return to the original world, we have to go through God’s heart and build a relationship of love with Him. Only after that can we become God’s sons and daughters. Have you ever felt the heart of God who mourned while watching the Fall of Adam and Eve? For six thousand years, God has been ceaselessly struggling to liberate the grieving heart of the Fall. God sent many prophets to liberate it. He sent His beloved son. God sent His beloved son to execution to liberate the grieving heart of the Fall. It is to liberate this that countless people are in pain.

If a day of joy were to come to the earth, what kind of day would that be? The day of joy is the day that the grief which is rooted deep in the heart of God since the human Fall is removed. However, today that grief in God’s heart remains unresolved. The universe is surrounded by sadness. For this reason we are struggling in the sad and painful course of history. In the meantime we are struggling to find happiness. We have to understand this.

Why did we come to have this sorrow? It is not because we do not have money that we are sad. It is not because we do not have prestige that we are sad. It is not because we do not have people to love. What is the pain? It is not the pain that you experience when you are wronged. There is no greater pain than not being able to love one’s beloved.

What is true joy? Becoming a millionaire does not make one happy. Making the universe our own does not make us happy. We have to understand that true happiness is finding love and living in attendance to God.

We fallen people live in sorrow. We fallen people experience pain in our lives. Although we have thirsted for the ideals of goodness for six thousand years, nothing of the kind has emerged. You know very well that the society we live in, the world and current trends of thought cannot build the ideal garden of goodness where God’s love and life can dynamically flow. Yet, to our grief, we cannot deny this world. It is our fate to cross this pass of grief.

How can we cross this pass of grief? We have to go through the love of God. To do so we have to understand the wound in God’s heart and comfort Him. You have to understand that; otherwise, there is no way to usher in the time of hope.

God has sought for us to accomplish this goal. In the Old Testament of the past, God established offerings as the condition to build a bridge to fallen people. God placed nature before human beings and they came to Him through it. Even when God came through nature, our ancestors did not worship Him sincerely. Many prophets in history did not know that by making the offering they were to build a relationship with God’s heart of love. They frequently made mistakes. Using the offering as the sacrifice, God tried to place human beings higher than nature. By doing so He pushed history forward. He sought an individual and connected him to God’s heart, then expanded it to the family and national levels. On that foundation of a nation, God sent a representative whom He could love.

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