The Words of the Bible Are the Words of a Betrayed Jesus

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 575

We are the group that seeks the ideal
of love. Therefore, we have to implant
the ideal of love in the horizontal realm
in order to stand as spokespersons for
the spirit world. We should plant it as a
seed. We can grow bigger through our
give and take action centering on the
heart of love. A couple bearing the fruit
of love in this way will enter the spir-
it world becoming one body with God
in the realm of His eternal love. (144-224,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1751

The owner of man’s love is woman.
She owns it. The owner of woman’s love
is man. He owns it. All men know this.
To whom do those things dangling from
men’s bodies belong? This was previous-
ly not understood. Thinking that your
sexual organ belongs to you is a sin. It is
a grave sin for women to think that their
sexual organs belong to them. (141-172,

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

Jesus came and went and two thousand years passed. The Israelites and the Jewish religion exist. The betraying form remains, but where is the betrayed one? He disappeared. The words that Jesus left behind while dying because of the betrayal remained. Yet where have the heart and circumstances of Jesus gone? Despite the fact that Jesus was supposed to lead the fight in place of Heaven and to decide victory or defeat in place of the earth, what shouldn’t survive remains. Jesus’ foundation, which should have survived, does not remain. Meanwhile, the Last Days have come again. What do you think about that?

Numerous Christians all over the world will follow the precedent of Israel if they are not careful. Who can be confident this will not be the case? Who can guarantee that they will not repeat the same blunder as Israel? Nobody can guarantee that.

They say that these are the Last Days. The Bible says that in the Last Days people should anoint themselves, go into a secret place and pray. Groping after what appears to be true is not the will of Heaven, and prayers bound by formalities do not attend God. Jesus, whom God installed a long time ago, appeared out of nowhere. He appeared like a thief. The prince of glory appeared like a thief. He was not born in a luxurious castle. Who would have imagined that he would be born in a stable which smelled of manure?

Where did the Wise Men of the East, who exhorted people to believe in Jesus, go? Where did the holy men who testified that Jesus was the Messiah go? Where did Anna and the group under John the Baptist go? They all disappeared. Since the people Heaven sent all disappeared, the Israelites, who were ignorant, went away as well. The Jewish religion also declined. Thus, Jesus remained alone, all alone. God had attempted to establish Jesus by laboring and fighting for four thousand years, but Jesus remained alone. The numerous soldiers whom Heaven had led, the prepared religion and people were lost to Jesus.

The words of the Bible that you believe in today are the words of a betrayed Jesus. The apostles betrayed not only Jesus but also his words. His words were betrayed and Jesus was also personally betrayed. Did Heaven labor for four thousand years to establish Jesus just so he might be betrayed? No, not at all. Why do you believe in Jesus? You must believe in Jesus in order to fulfill the hope of God and to ease the pain of Jesus. Without caring whether you go to Heaven or hell and even if you go to hell, you should fulfill Jesus’ hope. Even if you become the prince of hell, you should believe in order to fulfill God’s hope. But people say, “Even if Jesus perishes and Heaven fails, all that needs to happen is that I go to the Kingdom of Heaven.” This attitude is worse than criminal. This kind of faith is faulty in essence. Today the road of the Unification Church members is the road of setting this kind of Christianity straight.

We must find the historical Jesus. That Jesus is the Jesus of the age. That Jesus is the Jesus of history. The history that Jesus wanted to create was destroyed. The age was severed, and the future was also curtailed. Did you know that Jesus had nowhere to go? The Israelites should have laughed and cried with Jesus, holding onto Jesus, who came as the fruit of their historic connection to God, for whom God had persevered for four thousand years. The Israelites were lost to the Messiah. After Jesus passed away, did the Jews become true descendants whom Jesus could rule? This age is also losing sight of Jesus. Jesus came with the mission of Heaven, bearing with him the connection of the past, the present and the future. The fact that he even lost the past is regrettable.

If Jesus appears again in this age, in these historic Last Days, he must establish a historical connection. Christianity today must make a historical connection. How should they establish the historical connection? Christians of today must become the second Israel which can support Jesus with God’s standard, not like the Israelites or the Jewish religion which betrayed Jesus. Christians know about the Bible, but they do not know the essential spirit of the contents of the Bible. They do not know the heart of the Bible. No matter how much they dig up genealogy or discuss things, if they cannot treat that genealogy with true dignity and value, they do not have the qualification to compile it.

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