Your Position is Like Jesus’; a Tribal Messiah Crying in the Wilderness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2050

As you are doing your tong ban
breakthrough activities, you should
gain the support of 12 families. When
you go to a district, you should gain the
support of 12 local communities, and
when you go to a local community you
should integrate twelve home neigh-
borhoods. There are twelve stages. For
the most part, haven’t the cities, coun-
ties and boroughs harmonized with us?
There isn’t anyone, including the heads
of organizations, who doesn’t respect
Rev. Moon, right? All of you are also
respected, right? We have become influ-
ential, right? So, you are people of influ-
ence, but are you the central figure of
influence or not? We’re the only ones
who can prevail over the communists,
right? So we have become the central fig-
ures of influence. (204-245, 1990.7.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1265

When you think of the words True
Parents you should remember that his-
tory will be reset through True Parents.
The origin through which we can build
a new world will come into existence,
the internal standard through which
Satan can be brought into submission
will be determined, and Satan’s domi-
nation of the external world will be con-
quered. Only then can the central point
be set and the liberation of God take
place. Therefore, you should be thank-
ful for this great blessing which has been
bestowed upon you, which is the grace
of being able to live in the same era as
True Parents and act upon their orders.
(43-144, 1971.4.29)

Richard: In Unification theology, the returning Messiah must take a bride, and then become the True Parents. That has been fulfilled by Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. Also, we are to become Blessed couples who are true parents.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 11 – 12

Your position is like Jesus’- that of a tribal
messiah crying in the wilderness. Just as God
prepared John the Baptist to testify to Jesus, God
will also send a John the Baptist ahead of you to
testify about you. It is hidden now, but in your
area, there are people prepared, just as God
prepared the nation of Israel. (4/27/80)

Your goal is to become a tribal messiah to your
home church. You are independent messiahs, and
whatever you do is your responsibility. You are to
bring the Kingdom of Heaven in home church.

Home church is surrounded by a spiritual
foundation. The messiah is the person who
brings the spiritual victory and spiritual heaven
down to earth, creating here on earth the physical
heaven. Since you are a middleman or bridge to
transmit the messiah’s work to your home church,
you are his ambassador; therefore, when you
fulfill your mission you become the messiah to
your own tribe. (1/1/79)

In home church, you are actually creating a
tribe, and once you obtain it, you can go all the way
of heaven. (5/26/79)

If you have 360 homes assigned to you but you
are not working in them, people will come to
accuse you and ask you to release them. They will
tell you that they don’t need that kind of
messiahship. They will tell you that they need an
active messiah. (4/16/80)

In the second seven-year course, all the people
of one tribe will be assigned a joint home church
area, which will be the tribal home church. A
hundred Smiths will have 100 home church areas,
and they will cooperate as one tribe, going from
one place to another, sponsoring events and
encouraging people. Once the process of organiza-
tion is done and home church succeeds here in
America, particularly once tribal organization is
accomplished, a link will be made to the entire
world, because America is a microcosm of the
universe. After home church. you can do tribe
church, nation church, world church-whatever
you want; but home church is the minimum.

You should organize your rosters and lists in
preparation for the registration of heaven. In
other words, you are given a sort of birth
certificate and you are organized into certain
tribes. You know that eternally you will belong to a
certain tribe. Seven years from now. everything
will be decided by family registration. (4/16/80)

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