Obey Teachings of Your Parents

Leviticus 23

23 The Lord told Moses to say to the community of Israel:

I have chosen certain times for you to come together and worship me.

You have six days when you can do your work, but the seventh day of each week is holy because it belongs to me. No matter where you live, you must rest on the Sabbath and come together for worship. This law will never change.

Proverbs 1

My child, obey the teachings
    of your parents,
and wear their teachings
as you would a lovely hat
    or a pretty necklace.
10 Don’t be tempted by sinners
    or listen 11 when they say,
“Come on! Let’s gang up
and kill somebody,

Exposition of the Divine Principle
3 Color Edition-The Red part


God had predestined absolutely the fulfillment of the purpose of creation, and His Will remained unchangeable. Hence, upon the foundation of the loyal heart which Abel demonstrated toward Heaven, God chose Seth in his place.21From among Seth’s descendants, God chose Noah’s family to substitute for Adam’s family and commenced a new chapter in His providence.

Noah’s family was responsible to fulfill the indemnity condition to restore the foundation of faith, and then the indemnity condition to restore the foundation of substance. They were to restore through indemnity the foundation for the Messiah, which Adam’s family had failed to lay.



In the providence of restoration through Noah’s family, Noah wasthe central figure to restore the foundation of faith. God called Noah ten generations or sixteen hundred biblical years after Adam for the pur-pose of fulfilling the Will which He had intended to realize through Adam. Noah was the second ancestor of humanity.

Noah was called when “the earth was filled with violence.” Enduring all kinds of derision and mockery, he worked for 120 years on a mountain to build the ark in absolute obedience to God’s instruc-tions. Upon this condition of faith, God could bring on the flood judg-ment centered on Noah’s family.

He was called by God upon the foundation of Abel’s loyal and faithful heart in making an acceptable symbolic offering. In regard to his lineage, Noah was a descendant of Seth, who had been chosen to replace Abel. Furthermore, Noah was a righteous man in the sight of God. For these reasons, he was qualified to make the symbolic offering to God by building the ark.


The object for the condition by which Noah was to restore the foun-dation of faith was the ark.

Before Noah could stand in place of Adam as the second human ances-tor, he first had to make an indemnity condition for the restoration of the cosmos, which had been lost to Satan due to Adam’s fall. Hence, the object for this condition, which Noah had to offer in an acceptable manner, should symbolize the new cosmos. He offered the ark as this object.

After the ark was completed, God judged the world with the flood for forty days. What was the purpose of the flood? God brought about the flood judgment, eliminating sinful humanity in order to raise up a family who would relate only with Him.


Noah successfully restored through indemnity the foundation of faith by fulfilling the dispensation of the ark and thereby making a symbolic offering acceptable to God. Upon this foundation,Noah’s sons, Shem and Ham, were then to have stood in the position of Cain and Abel, respectively. Had they then succeeded in the substantial offering by fulfilling the indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature,they would have laid the foundation of substance.

Ham,Noah’s second son, was supposed to become the central figure of the substantial offering, just as Abel was the central figure of his family’s substantial offering. In the case of Noah’s family, it was Noah, not Ham, who made the symbolic offering. Therefore, for Ham to stand in the position of Abel, as one who has succeeded in making the symbolic offering, he had to become inseparably one in heart with his father, Noah.

The Bible reports that when Ham saw his father lying naked in histent, he felt ashamed of Noah and took offense. Ham stirred up thesame feelings in his brothers, Shem and Japheth. Adam and Eve after they fell, they felt ashamed of heir nakedness. They covered their lower parts with fig leaves and hid among the trees of the garden, fearing that God would see them

When Ham felt ashamed of his father’s nakedness and acted to cover it up, he made a condition for Satan to enter; hence his feeling and act constituted a sin. Consequently, Ham could not restore through indemnity the position of Abel from which to make the substantial offering. Since he could not establish the foundation of substance, the providence of restoration in Noah’s family ended in failure.

View slides 40 to 63 below for an illustrated presentation of the above content:


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