He Makes His Sun Rise on the Evil and the Good

Watch or listen to the Richard Urban Show from April 30, 2020: What Has Happened to Our God-given Freedoms? https://www.visionroot.org/2020/05/01/nsa-surveils-all-americans-and-lies-about-it/

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2124

As a boy of sixteen, I came into con-
tact with the will of Heaven through
prayer, and throughout my life after that
I have devoted all my spirit and energy
to accomplishing God’s will. I came to
understand that the fundamental cause
of human unhappiness is that the rela-
tionship with God was severed owing
to human beings falling into a state of
spiritual ignorance as a result of the
Fall of the ancestors of humankind.
Through this, people fell into ignorance
with regard to God, life, and the funda-
mental problems of the universe. I have
spoken publicly on more than ten thou-
sand occasions in many places around
the world and set forth a true view of
humanity, a true view of the world, and
a true view of history based on Godism.
These speeches have been translated into
twelve languages and published in three
hundred volumes. Their contents that
I teach are not the result of a compre-
hensive study of historical documents
or scholarly research, but are rather the
principles and fundamental answers I
arrived at through freely communicat-
ing with both the visible and invisible

Richard: Here Rev. Sun Myung Moon talks about his life’s calling and work.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1368

The Unification Church holds joint
weddings to establish a world of love. It
does not acknowledge the existence of
race. Would you say true love is differ-
ent for white people and black people?
This is what makes our members differ-
ent from other people and our church
so great. At the 6000 Couples Blessing,
I married about seventy Japanese wom-
en to black men. I didn’t force them into
it; it was of their own accord. Would
you think such a thing possible? (140-259,

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Part 1
God and Creation

Chapter 1

God’s Goodness

Scriptures of every religion praise God’s goodness. Many describe the Absolute Being’s good attributes in personal terms: God is merciful, loving, beautiful, gracious, compassionate and faithful. Yet the standard of absolute goodness is beyond the ordinary. Universal, impartial and all-embracing, it touches all people whether they are good or bad. Common metaphors thus liken God’s goodness to the beneficial influences of the sun and rain that comes down everywhere. The abundance and fecundity of the creation is yet another testimony to God’s goodness. Wishing to dwell amidst goodness, the God of goodness promotes goodness both in nature and in the minds of human beings.

1. God’s Goodness to Human Beings

The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.
Psalm 145.8-9

Allah is kind and loves whoever is kind; Allah is clean and loves whoever is clean; Allah is generous and loves whoever is generous.
Hadith of Muslim 913.2 (Islam)

God is not the author of all things, but of good only.
Plato, The Republic 2 (Hellenism)

God the Rescuer, God the Savior, Almighty, whom we joyfully adore, Powerful God, Invoked by all men, May he, the bounteous, grant us his blessings!
Rig Veda 7.100.4 (Hinduism)

The Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds— Who created me, and it is He who guides me; Who gives me food and drink, And when I am ill, it is He who cures me; Who will cause me to die, and then to live again; And who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the Day of Judgment.
Qur’an 26.77-82

Always created beings He cherishes;
The Creator looks to the weal of all.
Lord! invaluable are Thy blessings;
Without extent is His bounty.
Adi Granth, Kirtan Sohila, M.1, p. 12 (Sikhism)

Lo! We have shown man the way, whether he be
grateful or disbelieving.
Qur’an 76.3

He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the
good, and sends rain on the just and on the
Matthew 5.45

It is the Way of Heaven to show no favoritism.
It is forever on the side of the good man.
Tao Te Ching 79 (Taoism)

The Tao is the refuge for the myriad creatures.
It is that by which the good man protects,
And that by which the bad is protected.
Tao Te Ching 62 (Taoism)

I have no corporeal existence,
but Universal Benevolence is my divine body.
I have no physical power,
but Uprightness is my strength.
I have no religious clairvoyance beyond what is
bestowed by Wisdom,
I have no power of miracle other than the
attainment of quiet happiness,
I have no tact except the exercise of gentleness.
Oracle of the Kami of Sumiyoshi (Shinto)

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