People Can Protect Themselves from Disease Proactively

Interviews with West Virginia candidates for Governor:
Danny Lutz Jr-Mountain Party

S. Marshall Wilson-Independent

2 Tim 4

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.

Isaiah 16

“Give counsel,
    grant justice;
make your shade like night
    at the height of noon;
hide the outcasts,
    betray not the fugitive;
let the outcasts of Moab
    sojourn among you;
be a refuge to them
    from the destroyer.
When the oppressor is no more,
    and destruction has ceased,
and he who tramples under foot
    has vanished from the land,
then a throne will be established in steadfast love
    and on it will sit in faithfulness
    in the tent of David
one who judges and seeks justice
    and is swift to do righteousness.”

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

Health and Disease

3. Medicine

The physician is Nature’s assistant.

The book of Nature is that which the physician
must read; and to do so he must walk over the

Servants of God, make use of medical treat-
ment, for God has not made a disease without
appointing a remedy for it, with the exception of
one disease: old age.
Hadith of Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud (Islam)

Give the physician his place, for the Lord
created him;
let him not leave you, for there is need of him.
There is a time when success lies in the hands
of physicians,
for they too will pray to the Lord
that he should grant them success in diagnosis
and in healing, for the sake of preserving life.
Ecclesiasticus 38.11-14

The medicine men learn their medicines from
the spirits in a vision. The spirits tell them what
to use and how to use it. Their medicines are
nearly always herbs (wato) or roots (hutkan)…
They drive the disease out in the sweat, in the
vomit, in the defecation, in the urine, and in
the breath.
Oglala Sioux Tradition (Native American Religions)

The hekura [guardian spirits]… help you bring
back stolen souls; thanks to them you don’t
lose your way. You can repel the demons of
disease; they enable you to recognize them by
their smell. Each one has its particular odor,
and their hammocks are impregnated with it;
it comes from the watota, which they all pos-
sess. A high-quality hallucinogen enables you
to see and name the demon who has just sto-
len a soul. You think, “It is so-and-so who is
guilty!” And it is your turn to hurl your familiar
hekura after him.
Yanomami Shaman’s Instruction
(Native American Religions)

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Even the vilest germs disappear when faced with their natural enemies. All we need to do is intro-duce several of the germs’ natural enemies to mop them up and restore the body’s balance. Yet today’s doctors, in their ignorance, cut and slice in order to cure diseases like SARS. I am establish-ing a unified medical science, a combination of Eastern and Western medicines. It is a preventative medical science. I believe that by employing the principle of natural enemies, people can protect themselves from disease proactively. We should not have to undergo surgery in order to be healed of disease. In God’s love, our bodies are not meant to be cut and sliced. (May 10, 2003)

What is medicine? It is the disease’s natural enemy. If you have a disease in your head, the medi-cine would be the tail of its natural enemy. It is interesting to examine the materials and methods of Oriental medicine. If you get sick in the right side of your body, the treatment for it may involve the left side.16 (325:148, June 30, 2000)

We need to develop a unified medical science as a field of Unification Thought. It will cure the diseases of the body, even those that originated from the Human Fall. Furthermore, it should help to heal the conflict between Eastern and Western medicine by harmonizing Eastern and Western cultures. When we can combine Eastern and Western medicine, we will be able to cure incurable diseases like HIV/AIDS.

In Korea, among people of the countryside with no formal medical education, there are many gifted healers. The spirit world instructs them about special treatments for curing diseases such as AIDS that are incurable with modern medicine. Conventional medicine ignores such things. (287:38, August 10, 1997)

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