The Quality of Your Internal Life Will Be Visible in the Spirit World

The Richard Urban Show
#52 Why Abstinence Matters – Interview with Kuku Miriam Afanga

Cheon Seong Gyeong 263

God is the greatest teacher for fallen
people. Among teachers, He is the great
King of teachers, because there is noth-
ing God does not know. Among parents,
God is the First, in other words, the True
Parent. As a king, He is the King of all
kings. God is the best teacher and the
first parent. If He is the First Parent,
would He be a false parent or a true par-
ent? He is the True Parent. This True
Parent was unable to be a True Parent
because of the Fall. In the Unification
Church we close our prayers by saying
“I pray in the name of the True Parents.”
God is the first True Parent.
Richard: Families Blessed in Marriage by Rev. and Mrs. Moon pray in their own names, as they have inherited the mission to be Tribal Messiahs.

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Why does God exist? For what pur-
pose does He exist? It is for the sake of
love. Thus, the Almighty God needed
to create the object partner of His love.
Until this time, the essential ideal of cre-
ation that the process of creation was ini-
tiated for the sake of love was unknown.
The entire world of creation came into
being because of love. (208-235, 1990.11.20)


The Spirit World

1. The Spirit World Corresponds to the Physical World

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Human life does not end with the death of the physical body. It continues in the spirit world, where saints and sages and also all of our ancestors live as spirit selves. It is a form of human existence of a higher order than in life in the physical body. This earthly world where our physical bodies dwell is only a minuscule part of the infinite and eternal world—the fundamental world that God created. (July 10, 2003)

You should clearly know God and the spirit world. Even if fallen people forget about everything else, they should know these two well. The [heavenly] spirit world is the eternal fatherland, our eternal original home. However, we cannot establish this original home once we arrive at the spirit world; we must do it while on earth. (398:145, December 9, 2002)

Do you know that the Bible mentions the third heaven? Saint Paul saw it fourteen years before [he wrote the epistle]. During those fourteen years, Paul built himself up, holding onto his experience of seeing the third heaven. Paul not only talked about the third heaven; he could keep going because he had glimpsed a realm higher than the world around him. (62:47, September 10, 1972)

The spirit world is connected with the physical world. The focal point and common factor linking them is true love. (137:54, December 18, 1985)

The quality of your internal life on earth will be visible in the spirit world. Love is central, because the love within God and human beings joins them like the cells of the body. In the spirit world we each become one of the cells. Once you enter that dimension, God will surely come inside your heart. When you call, “God!” He will answer in your heart, “Who is calling me? What do you want?” (218:129, July 14, 1991)

Where is the spirit world? Is it outside your body, or does it come inside your body? It penetrates even inside your body. You are walking around with the spirit world on your shoulders; you are carry-ing it and holding it wherever you go. Can you get away from it? Impossible. That is why my heart is always confident wherever I go, and why opposition cannot affect me. (162:116, March 30, 1987)

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