Heaven Begins from a Heart that Overcomes the World

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Acts 20

On the first day of the week we met to break bread together. Paul spoke to the people until midnight because he was leaving the next morning. In the upstairs room where we were meeting, there were a lot of lamps. A young man by the name of Eutychus was sitting on a window sill. While Paul was speaking, the young man got very sleepy. Finally, he went to sleep and fell three floors all the way down to the ground. When they picked him up, he was dead.

10 Paul went down and bent over Eutychus. He took him in his arms and said, “Don’t worry! He’s alive.” 11 After Paul had gone back upstairs, he broke bread, and ate with us. He then spoke until dawn and left. 12 Then the followers took the young man home alive and were very happy.

Isaiah 60

60 Jerusalem, stand up! Shine!
    Your new day is dawning.
The glory of the Lord
    shines brightly on you.
The earth and its people
    are covered with darkness,
but the glory of the Lord
    is shining upon you.
Nations and kings
will come to the light
    of your dawning day.


1. Realms of Grace

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

How is heaven—the spirit world where God resides—organized? Its ordering principle is simple. No one who lived a self-centered life can be admitted to Paradise or the heavenly spheres. Heaven is the dwelling-place of people who lived for the sake of the whole.
You may not have experienced the spirit world, but by the grace of God, I experienced the richness of that world. If you enter heaven, you will not find a single person who lived for him or herself. Its citizens are all people who lived for God and humanity. (77:189, April 6, 1975)

Heaven is an ideal realm centered on God; it is a place where everything moves to the rhythm of God’s love, tuned to its frequency. Therefore, unless we prepare on earth the appropriate elements that can tune to God’s frequency, we will not be able to harmonize with the beings in that world. For this purpose, while on earth we should perfect three different kinds of love: children’s love, conjugal love and parental love.17 (19:335, March 29, 1968)

Heaven begins from a heart that overcomes the world. Although heaven may exist all around us, if our own mind is evil we cannot perceive it, we cannot be harmonized with it, and it would be mean-ingless to us. Therefore, the basis for receiving the Kingdom of Heaven is not the environment, but I, myself. The pillar for maintaining the Kingdom of Heaven is not my circumstances, but my own heart. (46:24, July 18, 1971)

In the Kingdom of Heaven you will see green grass everywhere. There are mountains, lakes and prairies. Birds sing, flowers bloom in profusion, and animals play happily together. The air is fresh and filled with fragrances like lilac. Bright light shines throughout, more beautiful than diamond and clear as crystal. Just standing there makes you feel comfortable and refreshed. You are naturally filled with feelings of love and happiness. Unlike in earthy life where happiness comes and goes, in heaven you feel happy continually.
In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no anxiety or suffering. All the spirits have bright and peaceful expressions; they naturally care for each other without needing to say a word. There is no fighting, no fallen nature of jealousy, hate or arrogance. Everyone is filled only with true love and lives for the sake of others. (Heung Jin Moon, Message from the Spirit World, January 1, 2002) ❖

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