Protecting and Guarding the Chastity of Men and Women Is the Same as Protecting the Universe

The Richard Urban Show:
#68 The Family Rooted In Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 6-with Jamal Johnson
#67: Who Can Be Trusted on Voting Integrity: President Trump or Joe Biden?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 325

What is the difference between true
love and authority? In true love, you
give love and then forget that you have
given it. What is the line between good
and evil? Evil is where something is giv-
en with the intention of receiving all
the benefit for oneself, and goodness is
where, even though you give, you forget
that you have done so. Even in a house-
hold, those who serve others more stand
on the good side, and the one who lives for
others most becomes the master of that
family in the end. Let us say there are ten
friends. Which would be the best among
them? The one who cares for all the oth-
ers. Then the ten friends would make the
one who was taking care of them the cen-
tral figure and serve him. This is how the
universe is inherited. (141-252, 1986.2.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1289

Protecting and guarding the chastity
of men and women is the same as pro-
tecting the universe. This is because the
order of love between men and women is
the basis of the universe.
The sexual organ is more important
than the head. You cannot find the ori-
gin of true love in your head. You can-
not find the origin of true life in your
head. You cannot find the origin of true
lineage in your head. Where is this ori-
gin, then? It is in the sexual organs. Isn’t
that only too true? Everything can be
found in the sexual organs – life, love,
and lineage. It is the main palace of love.
You can find the root of life there. It is
the same in the case of the lineage. The
sexual organ is the most precious part
of the human body as well as the human
world and history of humanity. Without
it, reproduction of humankind would be
impossible. (203-104, 1990.6.17)


2. War Among the Angels

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his
angels fighting against the dragon; and the
dragon and his angels fought, but they were
defeated and there was no longer any place for
them in heaven.
Revelation 12.7-8

Say: It has been revealed to me that a com-
pany of the jinn gave ear. Then they said, “We
have indeed heard a Qur’an wonderful, guiding
to rectitude. We believe in it, and we will not
associate with our Lord anyone. He—exalted by
our Lord’s majesty! —has not taken to Himself
either consort or a son.
    “The fools among us spoke against God
outrage, and we had thought that men and jinn
would never speak against God a lie. But there
were certain men of mankind who would take
refuge with certain men of the jinn, and they
increased them in vileness, and they thought,
even as you also thought, that God would never
raise up anyone.
    “And we stretched towards heaven, but we
found it filled with terrible guards and meteors.
We would sit there on seats to hear; but any
listening now finds a meteor in wait for him.
And so we know not whether evil is intended
for those in the earth, or whether their Lord
intends for them rectitude.
“Some of us are righteous, and some of us
are otherwise; we are sects differing… Some
of us have surrendered, and some of us have
deviated.” Those who have surrendered sought
rectitude; but as for those who have deviated,
they have become firewood for hell.
Qur’an 72.1-15

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Because the archangel’s Fall led Adam and Eve to their ruin and the ruin of the human world, [others of] the angelic world have been working on God’s behalf, fighting against Satan. The good angels fight against the evil Satan [and his minions]. Whenever the side of the good angels wins a battle, there is a step forward. (109:18, October 26, 1980)

Good spirits are fighting their way to advance progress towards God’s original world… while evil spirits are struggling to block the way. The evil spirit world and evil physical world are in a constant communication. Good spirits are the spirits of people who were opposed and persecuted in the sinful world. They are religious believers. (134:10, January 1, 1985)

God and Satan fight over human beings, vying to claim them for their side. The spirits of people who have passed away add their forces to the struggle. Good spirits help good people, while evil spirits help evil people. In this way, evil people are pulled to the side of Satan, while the good people go to the side of God. The physical and the spiritual team up in this manner and cause all manner of conflict, although people are ignorant of it. (161:14, January 1, 1987)❖

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