Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heaven

The Richard Urban Show:
#72 The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics Part 8-with Leila Johnson
#71 Do Not Concede or Consent

Genesis 45

Since Joseph could no longer control his feelings in front of his servants, he sent them out of the room. When he was alone with his brothers, he told them, “I am Joseph.” Then he cried so loudly that the Egyptians heard him and told about it in the king’s palace.

Psalm 28

Don’t drag me away, Lord,
    with those cruel people,
    who speak kind words,
    while planning trouble.
Treat them as they deserve!
    Punish them for their sins.
They don’t pay any attention
    to your wonderful deeds.
    Now you will destroy them
    and leave them in ruin.

I praise you, Lord,
    for answering my prayers.
    You are my strong shield,
    and I trust you completely.
You have helped me,
    and I will celebrate
    and thank you in song.

Richard: Praise God!

Uniting Heaven and Earth

Human beings are composed of both spirit and body; hence we stand astride both the earthly world and the spirit world. With this unique endowment, we can be the mediators between the two worlds. instead of regarding the spirit world with fear, we have the power to exercise dominion over both worlds. saints and sages have been known to command the heavenly hosts to assist them in a righteous cause. even ordinary believers have this ability, by virtue of a human being’s status as lord of creation and God’s “vicegerent.”
    Native peoples have long understood this. through ceremony and dance they realize a living relation-ship with both worlds. through intense spiritual disciplines, Hindu yogis and ascetics of all traditions obtain the power to fly with the spirits and do miraculous feats. Christianity acknowledges dominion over heaven and earth in Jesus Christ, whose victory over death is the ground of salvation. Father Moon teaches that the Kingdom of God will be established through a grand unification of the spiritual and the physical dimensions of existence.

For he has made known to us in all wisdom and
insight the mystery of his will, according to his
purpose which he set forth in Christ as a plan for
the fullness of time, to unite all things in him,
things in heaven and things on earth.
    Ephesians 1.9-10

His movement is of Heaven, his stillness of
Earth. With his single mind in repose, he is
king of the world; the spirits do not afflict him;
his soul knows no weariness. His single mind
reposed, the ten thousand things submit—which
is to say that his emptiness and stillness reach
throughout Heaven and Earth and penetrate
he ten thousand things. This is what is called
Heavenly joy. Heavenly joy is the mind of the
sage by which he shepherds the world.
    Chuang Tzu 13 (Taoism)

The Sky blesses me, the Earth blesses me;
Up in the Skies I cause to dance the Spirits;
On the Earth, the people I cause to dance.
    Cree Round Dance (Native American Religions)

Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
    Matthew 6.10

The ascetic bears fire, he bears water,
the ascetic upholds earth and heaven,
the ascetic sees all visions of luster,
the ascetic is called the Light.

Munis [yogis] with the wind for their girdle
wear the soiled yellow robe;
they go along the course of the wind
where the gods have gone before.

“In the ecstasy of Munihood
we have ascended on the wind,
and only these bodies of ours
are what you mortals ever see.”

The Muni flies through mid-air
while he looks at varied forms,
and he is of every deva
a comrade in doing good.
    Rig Veda 10.136.1-4 (Hinduism)

Heaven possesses yin and yang and man also
possesses yin and yang. When the universe’s
material force of yin arises, man’s material force
of yin arises in response. Conversely, when man’s
material force of yin arises, that in the universe
should also arise in response. The principle is
the same. He who understands this, when he
wishes to bring forth rain, will activate the yin in
man in order to arouse the yin in the universe.
When he wishes to stop rain, he will activate
the yang in man in order to arouse the yang of
the universe. Therefore the bringing forth of
rain is nothing supernatural. People suspect that
it is supernatural because its principle is subtle
and wonderful.
    It is not only the material forces of yin and
yang that can advance or withdraw according to
their kind. Even the way misfortunes, calamities
and blessings are produced follows the same
principle. In all cases one starts something
himself and other things become active in
response according to their kind. Therefore men
of intelligence, sageliness and spirit introspect
and listen to themselves, and their words
become intelligent and sagely. The reason why
introspection and listening to oneself alone can
lead to intelligence and sageliness is because
one knows that one’s original mind lies there.
    Therefore when the note of F is struck on a
seven-stringed or twenty-one stringed lute, the
F note on other lutes sound of themselves in
response. This is a case of things being activated
because they are similar in kind. Their activity
takes place in sound and is invisible. Not seeing
the form of their activity, people say that they
sound of themselves. Furthermore, since they
activate each other invisibly, it is thought
that they do so themselves. In reality, it is not
that they do so themselves, but that there is
something that causes them. In reality things
are caused, but the cause is invisible.
    Tung Chung-shu, Luxuriant Gems of the
    Spring and Autumn Annals (Confucianism)

Only those who are absolutely sincere can fully
develop their nature. If they can fully develop
their nature, they can then fully develop the
nature of others. If they can fully develop the
nature of others, they can then fully develop the
nature of things. If they can fully develop the
nature of things, they can then assist in the trans-
forming and nourishing process of Heaven and
Earth. If they can assist in the transforming and
nourishing process of Heaven and Earth, they
can thus form with Heaven and Earth a trinity.
Doctrine of the Mean 22 (Confucianism)

tick to the One and the ten thousand tasks will
be accomplished; achieve mindlessness and the
gods and spirits will all bow down.
Chuang Tzu 12 (Taoism)

Since therefore the children share in flesh and
blood, he himself likewise partook of the same
nature, that through death he might destroy
him who has the power of death, that is, the
devil, and deliver all those who through fear of
death were subject to lifelong bondage.
Hebrews 2.14-15

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