Be Like the Wise Virgins

Register now for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
The Registration deadline is tomorrow, November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids, Country , Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now! and Richard Panzer, founder of the Institute for Relationship Intelligence.
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #96:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1410

Of the 36 Couples, the Adam couples were already married couples, the Noah couples were engaged but not married, and the Jacob couples were virgin men and women. Noah’s family did not fulfill the Will. When you look at the people in the world today you see that there are already married couples, those who are in informal relationships or are engaged, and the completely pure single men and women. From this time on, the foremost kind of people that True Parents should be seeking for are not the Adam couples but the true sons and daughters, in other words, pure single men and women. (242-104, 1993.1.1)

Richard: Yes! Correct. We will be focusing on this group with our new courtship, marriage and Blessing website, coming soon!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 671

    We do not need education for going the way of evil. Anyone can go that way because history started from evil. Would there be a need for education to go that way? Because people became evil of their own accord, society educates them to act according to their standard of conscience centering on ethics and morality. Education is carried out centering on what? Although people are educated according to goodness and conscience, how many are well grounded on the standard of that education? Evil things can be done without education; everybody can get a perfect score in that.
    To those of us living in such circumstances, our conscience is always telling us to be good people. Although your mind always stimulates and advises you to be good, did you actually become good people? When we think about this problem, our whole life is continual lamentation. Today, tomorrow, this year all are lamentation. Youth, middle age, old age all are lamentation. We end our lives with it. In other words, our whole life may be marked by evil. This is the inevitable conclusion we reach. Because people were born from evil, they are wriggling in and going toward evil. This has been the way for the lives of those who are living today and all those who have lived until now.

Richard:  Yes!  Correct.  That is why we have to study the highest standard of truth to inform our conscience.  That is what will occur at the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop on November 27th.  There is only one more day to register.

Caution and Vigilance

A person walking the road of life must be vigilant. It will not do to lead a carefree and casual existence. Moment by moment we face occasions to either do good or evil, either to remain faithful to principles or to violate them. There are snares and pitfalls along the way, and to fall into one could spell disaster.
Hence we need caution, vigilance and mindfulness to survive and progress on the spiritual path. Hence, the world’s scripture call for vigilance, to be alert against any sin or diversion from a life lived in accordance with God’s Will. The Christian bible warns that the Lord comes “like a thief in the night” and encourages constant wakefulness through such passages as the parable of the Wise and Foolish Maidens. Islam calls us to constantly remember (zakara) God, his commandments, and his mercies, and reminds us through the duty of daily prayer. The Jewish sages recommended interpreting commandments strictly to place “a fence around the law,” so that there can be no possibility of transgression. The religions of the east promote meditative disciplines that train the aspirant to watch over his or her thoughts at all times. Father Moon affirms the need for vigilance at all times, and reminds us of the biblical figures of old who made serious mistakes due to momentary lapses in vigilance.

In fear and trembling,
With caution and care,
As though on the brink of a chasm,
As though treading thin ice.
    Analects 8.3 (Confucianism)
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
    Philippians 2.12
A monk should step carefully in his walk, supposing everything to be a snare for him.
    Uttaradhyayana Sutra 4.7 (Jainism)
Even those who have much learning,
Faith, and willing perseverance
Will become defiled by a [moral] fall
Due to the mistake of lacking alertness.
Shantideva, Guide to the Bodhisattva’s
Way of Life 5.26 (Buddhism)
The Master said, “Danger arises when a man feels secure in his position. Destruction threatens when a man seeks to preserve his worldly estate. Confusion develops when a man has put everything in order. Therefore the superior man does not forget danger in his security, nor ruin when he is well established, nor confusion when his affairs are in order. In this way he gains personal safety and is able to protect the empire. In the I Ching it is said: ‘What if it should fail? What if it should fail?’ In this way he ties it to a cluster of mulberry shoots [makes success certain].”
    I Ching, Great Commentary 2.5.9 (Confucianism)
Misfortune is the root of good fortune;
Good fortune gives birth to misfortune.
Who knows where is the turning point?
Tao Te Ching 58 (Taoism)
What is lawful is obvious, and what is unlawful is obvious; and between them are matters which are ambiguous and of which many people are ignorant. Hence, he who is careful in regard to the ambiguous has justified himself in regard to his religion and his honor; but he who stumbles in the ambiguous has stumbled in the forbidden, as the shepherd pasturing around a sanctuary is on the verge of pasturing in it. Is it not true that every king has a sanctuary, and is not the sanctuary of God that which He has forbidden?
    Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi 6 (Islam)
Rabbi Akiba said, “Laughter and levity accustom a man to immorality. Tradition is a fence for Torah. Tithes are a fence for riches. Vows are a fence for saintliness. A fence for wisdom is silence.”
    Mishnah, Avot 3.17 (Judaism)
Just as a wealthy merchant with only a small escort avoids a perilous route; just as one desiring to live avoids poison; even so should one shun evil things.
    Dhammapada 123 (Buddhism)
II seek union with the Good Mind,
And I forbid all traffic with the wicked.
Avesta, Yasna 49.3 (Zoroastrianism)
Only when a man will not do some things is he capable of doing great things.
    Mencius IV.B.8 (Confucianism)
Forsake the outward sin, and the inward; surely the earners of sin shall be recompensed for what they have earned.
    Qur’an 6.120
Do only such actions as are blameless… If at any time there is doubt with regard to right conduct, follow the practice of great souls, who are guileless, of good judgment, and devoted to truth.
    Taittiriya Upanishad 1.11.2, 4 (Hinduism)
Men of understanding [are] such as remember God, standing, sitting, and reclining.
    Qur’an 3.190-91
Be mindful when you are alone, in the shadow of your coverlet.
    Tract of the Quiet Way (Taoism)
If while going, standing, sitting or reclining when awake, a thought of sensuality, hatred or aggressiveness arises in a monk, and he tolerates it, does not reject, discard, and eliminate it, does not bring it to an end, that monk, who in such a manner is ever and again lacking in earnest endeavor and moral shame, is called indolent and void of energy.
If while going, standing, sitting, or reclining when awake, a thought of sensuality, hatred, or aggressiveness arises in a monk, and he does not tolerate it, but rejects, discards, and eliminates it, brings it to an end, that monk, who in such a manner ever and again shows earnest endeavor and moral shame, is called energetic and resolute.
    Itivuttaka 110 (Buddhism)
The kingdom of Heaven shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, “Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.” Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, “Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.” But the wise replied, “Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.” And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Afterward the other maidens came also, saying, “Lord, lord, open to us.” But he replied, “Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.” Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
    Matthew 25.1-13
Richard:  In my view, the five foolish virgins were not serious about their responsibility to receive the Lord at his second advent..  They, in a way, pretended to be ready to welcome the Lord at his second coming, but actually they were not.  That is why the Lord rejected them.  They were pretenders.

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