Grace Filling Me With Golden Light, Measureless Blessing Divine

Peaceful Families; Peaceful World Workshop-May 27 to May 29
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry , WV and online
May 27- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
May 28- Unification Principle Study
May 29- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
Register by May 24th

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1829

Someone once said, “In the future when hydrogen is converted into fuel, the world will quickly become an affluent one. But if the wrong person is in charge of this vast raw material, they will destroy the entire world. The only person who can prevent that is Rev. Moon, so we should entrust that task to him.” (184-222, 1989.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

God’s invisible form is symbolically reflected in all parts of our body. Whose eyes do ours resemble? God’s! Hence, when you closely study the facial features of human beings, you see that the eyes are set deeper than other features. The deep-set eyes can thus observe everything. Next, the nose symbolizes Adam and Eve. It rests at the center. Next, the mouth symbolizes all the things of creation. It is horizontal and encloses thirty-two teeth, or four times eight, based on all the things of creation in the world and the number four. Next, the ears symbolize all directions. The features found above the neck symbolize heaven. In other words, it is the information center of heaven. (201- 83, 1990.3.4)


2. Hymns and Psalms of Praise

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Grace filling me with golden light, measureless blessing divine;
God gives eternal life to me, perfect rejoicing is mine.
Glorious the song ringing in my heart for my Father above;
Gratefully I give offering to Him, triumph and glorious love.

Joy surging like an ocean wave, flowing so deep in my soul;
Hope rises as I go in praise, knowing that man will be whole.
Glorious the song ringing in my heart for my Father above;
Gratefully I give offering to Him, triumph and glorious love.

High, limitless eternal life, touching the top of the sky;
Praise filling every part of me, blessing that never will die.
Glorious the song ringing in my heart for my Father above;
Gratefully I give offering to Him, triumph and glorious love.

You’ve chosen me to do Your will, thankful, I vow to be true;
I’m pledging in my heart of hearts, “Father, my life is for You.”
Glorious the song ringing in my heart for my Father above;
Gratefully I give offering to Him, triumph and glorious love. (Grace of the Holy Garden)

Now the light of glory arises like the sun that shines on high;
Now awaken into freedom, O revive, you spirits, O revive!
Wake the mountains and the valleys; bring alive the springs of the earth.
Light the world forever with the Light of your rebirth.
Light the world forever with the Light of your rebirth.

We are called to bring back the glory to the life of God above;
Now the Lord in His greatness fills the universe with tender love,
Ever seeking souls awakened, ever calling them to be free.
How shall I attend Him who is calling to me?
How shall I attend Him who is calling to me?
From the dark of death I awaken and rejoice to live in grace;
When the One who came to save me holds me tenderly in His embrace;
How can I return the blessing? Though in all my life I will try.
I can never stop feeling how unworthy am I.
I can never stop feeling how unworthy am I! (Blessing of Glory)

Richard: These songs were written by Rev. Moon in the early days of his ministry.

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