God Does Not Work Where Utmost Sincerity Is Lacking

Peaceful Families; Peaceful World Workshop-May 27 to May 29
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry , WV and online
May 27- Abstinence-Centered Curriculum Training
May 28- Unification Principle Study
May 29- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
Register by May 26th

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2069

Why do we work for the tong ban breakthrough activities? The reason the government has opposed me until now was because they were worried that if I penetrated all the way to the family level, that it would cause problems for the government. The position I must grab hold of is not the government. In the government, there is no basis for peace. This base is not in the Republic of Korea, either. Where is it then? It is in the family – in Adam and Eve’s family. The fall took place centering on the family, so we must grab a hold of the family and set it right. Through false parents, the family was brought to ruin, so true parents must come and set the family right. (203-252, 1990.6.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1361

The 777 Couples signify three times seven, which is twenty-one and thus encompass the whole world. They were blessed on October 21, 1970. On that day, the bridge for any race to go to heaven was built. Three times seven is twenty-one. What is the purpose of restoring through indemnity the crucial time of the Fall and the grief related to the three sevens? It is to escape from the realm of Satan’s accusation concerning the spiritual and physical realms – or man and woman – in Adam and Eve’s 21- year course. In order to do this globally, the Unification Church laid the complete foundation on which families can escape that realm of accusation through the Blessing of the 777 Couples from ten nations.

Purity of Intention

  1. Purity and Sincerity of Heart

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

God does not work where utmost sincerity is lacking. (Way of God’s Will 1.1.1)

God’s heart is the home of eternal blessing. Prepare within yourself a place where God’s heart can abide; then His blessing will flow through you. (Way of God’s Will 2.3)

Guide us not to be sons and daughters who live for ourselves and keep Christ at a distance. (2:300, June 30, 1957)We cannot overcome with tricks or by talent, but only with a sincere heart. The question is how much sincerity you invest in loving and serving God, with how much sincerity you long for Him, with how much sincerity you seek to know His inmost feelings, and through these experiences how much you can restore a father-son relationship with Him. (42:228, March 14, 1971)

Regardless of whether anyone is watching, you should fulfill your responsibility. You should keep your promise with God. (104:112, April 15, 1979)

True sons and daughters should show sincerity, not mainly about the practical things of everyday life, but rather sincerity of hope in God, sincerity to glorify God, sincerity in their filial piety to our Heavenly Father, and sincerity in submission to God’s will. If you practice all these forms of sincerity, then heaven will become your heaven and Heavenly Father will become your Heavenly Father. (17:245, January 29, 1967)

Some people forsake everything for a doctrine or abandon their own views for the sake of an ideology, but if they are not doing it to find the truth that can elevate their minds, then they cannot make a worthy relationship with Heaven. What must we do to enter the nucleus of the divine mind and cleanse our defiled minds that have inherited our ancestors’ lineage of sin from the beginning of history? We must give our utmost; as Jesus said, “Love the Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (2:194, May 19, 1957)

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