Grandparents Grace a Family with Wisdom and Love

Peaceful families create a peaceful world.
Join us from November 25th to November 27th at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV or online by Zoom.
Save 50% until October 31st.

November 25- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
November 26- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
November 27- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum FREE
Kelly Kohls: National School Boards Leadership Council
Michael Marshall: Editor Emeritus, United Press International
Jamal Johnson
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 327

The path trod by a man or a woman exists because of love, and for love. Our path is the path of love. We are following this path in order to acquire love, defend love, and establish an environment of love. (Blessed Family – 1062)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1517

What is true love? It is about giving more than one has and not expect- ing anything in return. What is patriotism? It is about sacrificing one’s life for the nation without expecting anything in return. A true husband is someone who is ready to give his life for the sake of his wife, time and again. True husbands, true wives, true children, true siblings, true parents, and a true family follow that path. Families in which the grandparents, parents, husband and wife, and children are all ready to do this will automatically have God dwell with them even if they tell Him not to. Why? Because they would resemble Him. (210-32, 1990.11.30)



The Love of Grandparents

GRANDPARENTS GRACE A FAMILY WITH WISDOM, experience, and delightful love for their grandchildren. In traditional cultures where three generations live under one roof, children honor their grandparents and care for them in their infirmity as a part of daily life, learning lessons of love and respect in the process. Grandparents are moral anchors. There are too many cases where parents are corrupted by drugs or crime and rendered unfit to care for their children; then the grandparents step in to the breach to take over the parenting role. Father Moon decries the loss of the three-generation family in urbanized, industrialized society as contributing to selfishness and a coarsening of morality. In many traditions, the honor given parents and grandparents is linked to the honor given the ancestors and the gods in one vertical chain of devotion. In this light, Father Moon speaks of grandparents as representa- tives of God in the home. Honoring them is a way of honoring God, the greatest Grandparent of all.

You shall rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.
    Leviticus 19.32

The feeling of grandparents for their grandchildren can be expressed this way: “Our children are dear to us; but when we have grandchildren, they seem to be dearer than our children were.” You might say that the grandmother falls all over herself to try to show her appreciation for her grandchild. It goes right back to those wishes that were made for them when they were little girls: the wish that they would live to become grandmothers someday. So when the time comes and they reach grandmotherhood, they do extra little duties to show their appreciation.
    Henry Old Coyote (Native American Religion)

Do not neglect the sacrificial works due to the gods and the fathers! Let your mother be to you like unto a god! Let your father be to you like unto a god! Let your teacher be to you like unto a god! Let your guest be to you like unto a god!
    Taittiriya Upanishad 1.11.2 (Hinduism)

Father and mother
Are gods of the family;
Even so, honor them as gods with
Heartfelt service,
All of you of human birth.
    Norinaga Motoori, One Hundred Poems on the Jeweled Spear (Shinto)

O son, help your father in his old age, and do not grieve him as long as he lives; even if his mind fails, be considerate with him; in all your strength do not despise him. For a kindness to a father will not be forgotten, and against your sins it will be credited to you.
    Ecclesiasticus 3.12-14 (Christianity)

My father sent for me; I saw he was dying. I buried him in that beautiful valley of winding waters. I love that land more than all the rest of the world. A man who would not love his father’s grave is worse than a wild animal.       
    Nez Perce Tradition (Native American Religions)

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