A Nation Needs Patriots

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2129

As regards how we should lead our lives, the fundamentals can be expressed as: the way of devoted sons and daughters, the way of loyal citizens, the way of saints, and the way of God’s holy sons and daughters. It is the heart of wanting to live with others eternally and of wanting to be with others. Isn’t that the case without regard to whether they are higher or lower, transcending front and back, left and right, day and night, and life and death? Such is the conclusion we arrive at. What is the common denominator among those who say, “I want to live in harmony with others?” It is not power. Power cannot transcend history. Power is limited to a specific period. The same is true with knowledge. The world of knowledge is developmental. Does knowledge give us the heart to say, “I want to live with this particular piece of knowledge forever”? Clearly, we cannot live with knowledge or money forever. From that perspective, what is the common denominator that transcends above and below, front and back, left and right, and the time constraints of past, present, and future? This cannot be anything other than true love centering on God. Thus, filial sons and daughters are those who lead lives of loving their parents profoundly in their families. Also, patriots are those who lead lives of loving their nation profoundly; saints are those who love all the people of the world profoundly; and God’s holy sons and daughters are those who lead lives of loving all humanity and God profoundly.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

As viewed from God’s original ideal of creation, the eldest son should come from God’s side and, of course, the second son should also come from God’s side. Due to the Fall, the position of the first son was taken by Satan, and the position of the second son went to God. This has to be made right. Thus, when we consider the story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible, Jacob united with his mother and received her help. He gave Esau the pottage of lentils and bread in exchange for the birthright of the firstborn son. Until today, we could not understand why Bible history is the way it is. With the appearance of the Unification Church, its meaning was clarified for the first time. (134-304, 1985.8.16)

Stacey’s Rheama was missing on Saturday. I have now posted this important Rheama. Read it here.


Patriotism and Public Service

2. A Patriot’s Sacrifice for King, People and Country

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

A nation needs patriots. Patriotism—love of country—is the tow-line that moves a nation forward. A patriot cannot abandon his nation; even if he leaves, he vows to return one day.11 So strong is that tow-line that, for the sake of the suffering people of his land, a patriot will spurn personal success and does not mind enduring hardships. The power of love makes this possible. (175:204, April 17, 1988)

Out of love for their land and their nation, patriots fought against all conditions of oppression. They hoped for the day of victory and had unshakable faith that such a day would surely come. That is how they could resist the oppressors and carry on their struggle. (5:321, March 1, 1959)

Why do the Korean people revere Yu Gwansoon as a patriot? Was she merely a young girl who died miserably at the hands of the Japanese police? It is because for the sake of her nation she accounted her life worthless; she loved her nation and her people more than her life. (141:293, March 2, 1986)

A patriot might live in poverty and eat nothing but salt soup and barley rice, but when a foreigner comes to visit he prepares the finest meal. He thinks that he must not expose his poverty, out of concern for his nation’s honor. We too should not behave lightly, exposing our petty squabbles while forgetting our nation’s honor. Be patriots, who strive to present their nation in a beautiful light. (26:136, October 19, 1969)

Patriots should love three things: the sovereign, the land and the people. These are the three elements that comprise a nation. A patriot should love all three with true love. To do so, he must invest his family, devoting it for the welfare of the nation…
    By no logic in the universe can you become a patriot by putting your family first. Love always strives to connect with something greater. (207:251, November 11, 1990)

True love is the starting point of all ideals; its action continues for eternity. When young people possess it, they will possess a power stronger than life itself. With true love, they will acquire a new outlook on their country. When young people acquire such a new outlook, their country will discover new possibilities for advancement. When diverse interest groups in the nation adopt an attitude based on true love, they will be able to rise above their conflicting interests and create a society of cooperation, harmony and progress.
     True love of country manifests as sacrificial and patriotic loyalty. This is the primary force that moves a country forward. Each of the numerous national heroes whom we respect today exemplified a life of patriotic sacrifice rooted in true love. (288:201, November 28, 1997)

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