The Best Leaders Are Themselves Examples of Virtue

Cheon Seong Gyeon 2268

The ultimate goal of God’s Kingdom is the perfection of true families. Within true families, there must be the ideal of a true nation and world. The term absolute sex emerges here as the tradition of true love that can influence a true world and nation. Absolute sex refers to that which is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. Everything that has to do with being harmonized in love with a reciprocal partner to whom you are linked through love – an attribute of God – is bound together in sexual relations. (281-282, 1997.3.9)
Richard: In a nutshell, this is the core teaching of True Father Sun Myung Moon.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 997

You have to long for God until your eyes feel like crumbling and your nose is full and stuffy. If a person cries excessively, his chest aches. That’s how much you have to long for God. Even when crying out, “Father,” you have to say it as if you were a son who is being dragged to the execution ground or as a son who is leaving for a far off country. In order to call out “Heavenly Father,” we must have a higher standard than that. (50-288, 1971.11.8)


Exemplary Leadership

THE BEST LEADERS ARE THEMSELVES EXAMPLES of virtue and righteousness. A society will be blessed when its elite members—politicians, business leaders, professors, celebrities and sports heroes—recognize their duty to be examples of honesty, integrity and morality. When they become role models, the common people will naturally follow their example.
We can identify three aspects of exemplary leadership. First, it begins in the family. The manner in which a leader cares for his or her spouse and children and manages the household is the starting point for his or her work in the wider spheres of government and social responsibility.
Second, it is leadership that governs by educating hearts and minds. In China, Confucius and his followers set forth the ideal of exemplary leadership against the views of Legalists who taught that leadership flowed from law and its vigorous enforcement— “power by the barrel of the gun” as Mao Zedong would later put it. Confucius countered that all the state’s power would not banish discontent if the leaders were corrupt; on the contrary, the people would only learn violence and oppression.
These qualities of exemplary leadership are summarized in Father Moon’s teaching called the Three Subjects Thought. The standard of leadership is to be a “true parent, true teacher and true owner.” Such leaders partake of the nature of God, our Heavenly Father, who superintends this world as its Owner, cares for all its creatures with deep parental love, and continually educates us to the true way of life.

1. An Exemplary and Virtuous Personal Life

If a ruler himself is upright, all will go well even though he does not give orders. But if he himself is not upright, even though he gives orders, they will not be obeyed.
    Analects 13.6 (Confucianism)

When the king is deceitful, who will not be deceitful? When the king is unrighteous, who will not be unrighteous?
    Somadeva, Nitivakyamrita 17.183 (Jainism)

Concerned alone with the upholding of the
You should act.
Whatever the best man does,
others do that also.
The world follows
the standard he sets for himself.
Bhagavad-Gita 3.20-21 (Hinduism)

When cattle are crossing, if the old bull swerves,
They all go swerving, following his lead.
So among men, if he who’s reckoned best
Lives not aright, much more do other folk.
If the ruler be unrighteous, the whole land dwells in woe.
When cattle are crossing, if the bull goes straight,
They all go straight because his course is straight.
So among men, if he who’s reckoned best
Lives righteously, the others do so too.
The whole land dwells in happiness if the ruler lives aright.
    Anguttara Nikaya 2.75 (Buddhism)

When the righteous man is in the town, he is its luster, its majesty, and its glory. When he leaves it, its luster, its majesty, and its glory depart.
    Genesis Rabbah 68.6 (Judaism)

Guide them by edicts, keep them in line with punishments, and the common people will stay out of trouble but will have no sense of shame. Guide them by virtue, keep them in line with the rites, and they will, besides having a sense of shame, reform themselves.
    Analects 2.3 (Confucianism)

Chi K’ang-tzu asked Confucius about government, saying, “Suppose I were to slay those who have not the Way in order to help those who have the Way, what would you think of it?” Confucius replied, saying, “If you desire what is good, the people will at once be good. The essence of the gentleman is that of wind; the essence of small people is that of grass. And when a wind passes over the grass, it cannot choose but bend.”
    Analects 12.19 (Confucianism)

If you have a good heart, you naturally become the object of others’ respect, but if you have a selfish motive, though you may receive respect to your face, behind your back people will ask, “What use is his being a lama, guru, etc?” Since they are free to speak they will do so, which may not be undeserved. Similarly, when a leader is strongly motivated by selfishness, though people may show respect and shower praises on him in his presence, later on if he meets with problems they will rejoice, which is natural.
    Tenzin Gyatso, The Fourteenth Dalai Lama (Buddhism)

The Book of Songs says,
How profound was King Wen!
He maintained his brilliant virtue without interruptions
And regarded with reverence that which he abided.
As a ruler, he abided in benevolence (jen). As a minister, he abided in reverence. As a son, he abided in filial piety. As a father, he abided in deep love. And in dealing with the people of the country, he abided in faithfulness. |
The Book of Songs says,
Look at that curve in the Ch’i River.
How luxuriant and green are the bamboo
trees there!
Here is our elegant and accomplished prince.
His personal life is cultivated
As a thing is cut and filed
And as a thing is carved and polished.
How grave and dignified!
How majestic and accomplished!
Here is our elegant and accomplished prince.
“As a thing is cut and filed” refers to the pursuit of learning. “As a thing is carved and polished” refers to self-cultivation. “How grave and how dignified” indicates precaution. “How majestic and distinguished” expresses awe-inspiring appearance. “Here is our elegant and accomplished prince. We can never forget him” means that the people cannot forget his eminent character and perfect virtue.
    Great Learning 3.3-4 (Confucianism)

Verily in the Messenger of God you have a good example for him who looks unto God and the Last Day, and remembers God much.
    Qur’an 33.21

When [Jesus] had washed their feet, and taken his garments, and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.”
    John 13.12-15

For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
    1 Peter 2.21

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