The Just Man Is a Law Unto Himself

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2282

My possessions do not belong to me. I think of them as belonging to humanity as the original base for the condition determining ownership in oneness with God’s love; they are free from the invasion of the Fall and Satan’s realm of accusation. They were inherited through an Abel-type love on God’s side and ultimately will come under God’s ownership through the True Parents on earth. Hence, if the Unification Church buys something, it should not be resold, until after establishing that the True Parents themselves have cast it away. Once I have bought something, I would never resell it even if I were reduced to a beggar’s status. Those who sell our possessions behind my back in disregard of this understanding will all be caught in the end and suffer the consequences.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 494

What this means is that through such hope, we can make a new resolution. When a mother feels sorry that she cannot give enough, if her child hugs her, saying, “Mommy!” will it just be a physical hug? How grateful she will be! It is a chance to shed tears of mutual comfort looking to the future. It is not an occasion for despair, but a place of explosive growth where they can take the hope of tomorrow as stimulation for the present, make a joint resolution together, and encourage each other. Therefore, such an experience is not a miserable one. Only within such a realm of love can we find the stimulation to look to the future and sing praise for its value within the realm of reality. Hence, we come to the conclusion that there is no misfortune for those who live within that realm of love. (36-290, 1970.12.13)


Law and Punishments

4. The End of the Law

He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this sentence, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
    Romans 13.8-10

The wise man is always free; he is always held in honor; he is always master of the laws. The law is not made for the just, but for the unjust. The just man is a law unto himself and he does not need to summon the law from afar, for he carries it enclosed in his heart, having the law [of God] written on the tablets of his heart…
    The wise man is free, since one who does as he wishes is free. Not every wish is good, but the wise man wishes only that which is good; he hates evil for he chooses what is good. Because he chooses what is good he is master of his choice, and because he chooses his work he is free.
    Saint Ambrose of Milan, Letter 54 (Christianity)

Teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon

Every country has its laws, whose purpose is to maintain goodness… At the same time, everyone is endowed with a conscience. Even without an education, the conscience knows what is right and urges us to act accordingly. Through the conscience, every person can know right from wrong and has the ability to regulate him or herself, quite apart from the law. (216:306, April 15, 1991)

The law is an instrument to regulate people who would take advantage of the society and world for personal gain. The law is needed to deter self-centered people and groups from transgressing the line of what is permitted.
    How should we live in order not to transgress the law? Those who live for the sake of others do not require laws to deter them from doing wrong. We need to reach that level, where we are liberated from the law. How shall you live if you want to be confident not to be caught in the net of the world’s laws? If you live for your own selfish purposes, you are liable to be caught wherever you go. Instead, cultivate a life of living for the greater good of society. Then you will be liberated from the law. (93:301, June 12, 1977)

Would that the world was filled with true families! It would be a world governed by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers, prosecutors or even judges. (April 10, 2006)

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