We Must Be Resurrected

The latest Richard Urban Show
#131-Make Love, Not War; Rev. Moon’s Solution to the War in Ukraine
We will be taking a short break from posting the Daily Inspiration. We will see you next Monday!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2330

When God is enthroned as the Universal Parent, His love will reign on earth. On that day, receiving His love, all would come to love their siblings and not fight with each other even if incited to do so. How abominable was the Fall in the Garden of Eden? How abominable is the course of bloodshed that has been trodden till now commenced by the conflict there? Individuals cannot go to heaven alone. United with your siblings, you should take your parents along with

Cheon Seong Gyeong 951

Has the spirit world become perfect? It is still far from complete. The hierarchical system in that world was originally one in which the entire spiritual realm would have been connected revolving around God, True Parents, and True Children, but this has not been accomplished yet. Neither has it happened on earth. When this hierarchy is established on earth, the spirit world will automatically follow.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle


Resurrection means to come from death to life. In the Bible, two types of death are spoken about in Luke 9:60; physical death and spiritual death. Resurrection means to come from Satan’s realm of death to life, spiritually. It does not mean decomposed physical bodies will rise from the grave.
See slides 1 to 6 below:

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