The Restored Trinity is God, True Father and True Mother

The Latest Richard Urban Show:
#132-Satan Was the First Pedophile

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2267

    Now we clearly understand ourselves. We know now where we are connected to, what process of life we have come through, and where we are heading. In going this way, what do we carry with us? We carry in our bosoms God’s concern. If our family has been restored, we cannot rest.
    We must know that we still have a tribe centering on the family, a people centering on the tribe, and a nation, world, and humanity centering on a people. As long as we are on the earth, we must go to the ends of the earth to bring many societies to the Father. After that, we must yearn for the day when all humanity can be blessed, and we must strive every day to bring this about. Such people can represent God. (152-192, 1963.5.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1166

    In contrast to the past, where the archangel tempted the woman, Tamar tempted her father-in-law in order to fulfill the heavenly mandate and inherit the ideal of Abraham. She was ready to sacrifice herself even if she was to become fertilizer for the field or even if she was stoned to death. In those days, the Jewish law dictated that if a widow conceived a child, she must be stoned to death, but she was prepared for that. Do you understand what that means? She made an absolute determination, “To maintain the lineage of Judah is my desire, and this is the only way to do it. If you kill me, so be it.” She went forward ready to die. This providential work of Tamar, in which she was prepared to die as an offering, was the amazing providential accomplishment of one woman. (110-35, 1980.11.8)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle


The purpose of creation is for children to be born to a God-centered couple.  The original trinity is God, Adam and Eve.  The restored trinity in spirit is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  The restored trinity in spirit and flesh is God, True Father and True Mother.  See slides 18 and 19 below:


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