God Redeemed the Israelites from Pharaoh’s Opression

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2286

Rather than belonging to your parents as their sons and daughters, you should first become God’s. Were it not for the Fall, that would have been natural, but the order was reversed. At present, we have not yet become His children. Although we sprang from a different root, we must be cut off from that root, at the very base of the trunk, and a new bud attached or engrafted in. That must be centered on True Parents. Then, on the conditional basis of having become the sons and daughters of the True Parents, God can be liberated. (166- 306, 1987.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 900

With what is the spirit world liberated? With what is God liberated? Complicated relationships were created by our human ancestors. They have created chaos in the spirit world. Therefore, the descendants must now compensate for their ancestors’ mistakes. If a child wishes to become a filial son, he should pay back his parents’ debts. In that light, we should create a movement to knock down all the walls blocking our ancestors in the spirit world. In so doing, your ancestors will come down and teach you. This sounds like a dream but it is very real. (191-205, 1989.6.24)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Providence of Restoration Centered on Moses

By destroying the Satanic side and bringing victory for God’s side, God demonstrated to the Israelites that God was on their side. By circumcising his son, Moses was able to save his family and the Israelite Exodus was made possible.
Circumcision symbolized removing the blood of death, restoring men’s capacity to govern and the restoration of children as they were originally created by good
Moses performed three great miracles and orchestrated 10 calamities before Pharaoh released the Israelites.
By circumcising his son, Moses was able to save his family and the Israelite Exodus was made possible.
Circumcision symbolized removing the blood of death, restoring men’s capacity to govern and the restoration of children as they were originally created by good
Moses performed three great miracles and orchestrated 10 calamities before Pharaoh released the Israelites. By destroying the Satanic side and bringing victory for
God’s side, God demonstrated to the Israelites that God
was on their side
The Israelites went through a three day course after leaving Egypt before escaping across the Read Sea.
See slides 10 to 13 below:

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