Those Supporting True Parents’ Work are Co-Owners

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#139-Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1109

The portion of responsibility is necessary until you reach maturity. After you reach maturity and become a young adult, everything is finished. Once you enter the realm of love that is the realm of direct dominion. (198-371, 1990.2.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 776

When people look at things based on their own perspective, they seem to have hope, but still they lack the hope necessary to move them through the valley of death. People are passing away without having that kind of hope. Is our model of life one in which we have to die with lack of hope? Or will we search for a single hope through which we can scorn death and conquer it, and still live while enjoying that hope? This is a very important issue about which people who live on earth today have to think. (6-45, 1959.3.22)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    In Las Vegas, True Father proclaimed several important providential milestones.
    The Coronation Ceremony for the Realm of Liberation of God, the King of
Kings was held in Korea on January 15, 2009, and again in both Korea and the United States on January 31, 2009.  Hyung Jin Moon and his wife, Yeon Ah Moon, received crowns, representing True Parents.  Hyung Jin explained on January 17, 2009 that “it’s very important theologically that there won’t be any future kings, but everybody that’s truly supporting the activities of True Parents, truly, truly the co-owners of our church traditions, those people are the ones that will be able to bring glory to God.”  Up until this event was held, God recognized the satanic world sovereignties of Cain and Abel, divided by the fall, but after the Coronation Ceremony for Realm of Liberation of God, the King of Kings, was held, he cannot recognize or acknowledge the Cain and Abel sovereignties of the satanic world.  Only the sovereignty of God, the King of Kings, is recognized.     South Korea was declared as god’s fatherland and homeland. 
    True Father and True Parents proclaimed and carried out rallies titled “Cosmic Rally for Proclaiming the Substantial Word of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind” and bequeathed the Eight Great Textbooks.
    True Father, in May 2010, made special proclamations:
    Proclamation and offering of the Era of Full Transcendence, Full Imminence, Full Authority and Omnipotence on the standard of the Completion, Conclusion and Finalization after True Parents Couple have achieved the Final Oneness and
    Proclamation of the handing over to S. Korea of the ceremony for the victory of the 1st ,2nd and 3rd Israels for the conclusion of the Rebirth & Resurrection Sung Hwa Ceremony (Eternal Life) during the time of the life course.
    Foundation Day (January 13, 2013, Heavenly and Lunar Calendar) was declared on January 13, 2010. Foundation Day is the day that True Parents would be completely victorious, internally and externally.
   See slides 30 to 33 below:

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