One Thing Immobilizes God

Prosecutor Harvey; Do Not Remove my Duly Elected County Commissioners, Krouse and Jackson

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1779

    In Romans 8, it is written, “And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies,” and “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” They could only become adopted children.
    Today, Christians are adopted children. Adopted children have a different lineage. Jesus said in John 8:44, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.” Doesn’t ‘father’ here indicate the lineage of humankind from its ancestor, the devil? Hence, in circumcision, the foreskin is cut. That is how it is. How can people claim that the fruit of good and evil is a literal fruit? (154-337, 1964.10.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 991

We must live a life of attendance. Although we have welcomed the Kingdom of Heaven of hope, we have not welcomed a Kingdom of Heaven of attendance and practice. In other words, we have not been aware in our daily lives that God is our subject partner. (6-226, 1959.5.17

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 5. God’s Omniscience and Omnipotence Are Within the Principle
5.1. God’s omniscience and omnipotence are based on principles

    This may sound strange, but if God wanted love, why could He not simply create it at will? It is because if He did, He would not be able to stand in His proper position. This is why He does not create love, and this is the same as saying He could not create it. Do you understand what I am saying? You may say, “Ah, but how can the all-knowing and almighty God be unable to create love?” If He did, we might come to find that either dualism or polytheism were correct. You may doubt it, but this is how it is. (173-211, 1988.2.18)

    People these days talk about God’s nature and say that God is absolute, all-knowing, almighty, all-pervasive, unique, eternal, and unchanging. But what is God going to do with His absoluteness? What is He going to do with His uniqueness? What does God’s uniqueness have to do with us? These are major questions. What is God going to do with His omniscience and omnipotence? What is the relevance? What is He going to do with His eternal and unchanging essence? It may be good for God Himself, but it has nothing to do with us. The discussion becomes futile and useless, yet we cannot have blind faith. We have to clarify these matters. (223-261, 1991.11.12)

    There is nothing God does not know. He is all-knowing and all-powerful, has full authority, and is omnipresent. But what does this have to do with us? I am asking what it has to do with us. You may say, “Oh, since He has full authority, it should be easy for Him to rule over me. Since He is omnipresent, it should be easy for Him to monitor me. Since He knows everything, He will analyze me thoroughly and leave no escape for me.” What good would come from God ruling over us through His omniscience and omnipotence? (130-209, 1984.1.22)

    With what does God govern heaven and earth? He governs through law, a law of governance through love. The universal law exists in order to support the means or way of governance. God created humankind because He longs for love. He could have gone on alone, without us, but instead, for some purpose, He did create us. What was that purpose? He needed and needs love that is stimulating and impulsively expressed. (121-103, 1982.10.24)

5.2. Only love is the absolute standard

    There is one thing that immobilizes God. Is God not omniscient and omnipotent? Despite His omniscience and omnipotence, there is one thing He cannot do as He pleases. What do you think that is? Is it that He is unable to make gold or diamonds? Would He lack power? There is one thing this omniscient and omnipotent being cannot do as He pleases. What is it? It is love. Love. Do you think there is love in my heart? Is there love in your heart? Basically yes. But if you were to go around saying, “My love, my love, my love!” to yourself all the time, you would be a crazy person. (142-269, 1986.3.13)

Do you think God can attain love by Himself? Would the all-knowing, all-powerful and unique God say, “Oh, I feel so good!” all by Himself? Then we would have to say that God has also gone mad. Also, if I were to say, “Oh I’m so happy, my love!” based only on some feeling of love, people would call me crazy, wouldn’t they? But if someone takes even a scrap of paper or handkerchief as his object and says, “Oh my beloved handkerchief!” who would speak ill of that person? The value and authority of an object partner that can represent the universe is possible only in the world of love. (142-31, 1986.3.3)

    I am saying that even the absolute God cannot have love by Himself. Since love is found only in a mutual relationship, no matter how all-knowing and all-powerful God may be, He cannot possess love alone. Of course, He has the potential for love, but the signs and stimulation of love come only through another, not to God alone. This is love, the power of love. (138-245, 1986.1.24)

    We pity widows and widowers, but why do we pity them? It is because although they have love inside, they have nothing to stir it into motion. However omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God may be, love does not operate when there is no partner. With whom does God, the Creator of heaven and earth, wish to have a relationship? He wants to engage in love with Adam and Eve. (130-21, 1983.12.11)

    God likes love. What kind of love does God like most? It is true love. But what is true love? Where would we say true love has its root? Its root does not lie in God. This sounds strange, doesn’t it? The all-knowing and all-powerful God is the Master of true love, and yet God does not want the root of this love to begin from Him. God thinks that He will plant the root in a person who can be the object of this love. (177-269, 1988.5.20)

    For whom did God create heaven and earth, for His own sake, or for His creatures as His partners? Of course, we can say that God created them for His own sake, but we should know that He attaches great importance to the object partner, and this is the standard for all the creation. The subject partner among all object partners is humankind. God’s thoughts were focused on humankind and on the happiness of all people. As for God Himself, He is an all-knowing and all-powerful being, isn’t He? (109-268, 1980.11.2)

    God is absolute, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Then, can He also love as He pleases? No. God is also under the dominion of love. Then what can we say about God? Isn’t God omniscient and omnipotent? If we ask Him, “God, are You not omnipotent?” God will answer, “I am omnipotent, but not when it comes to love.” Why is God like that? (98-38, 1978.4.8)


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