Nature Teaches Us About Love

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1730

Why do we marry? We marry to perfect love. If, horizontally, right and left, east and west are man and woman, then their true ideal will pass through the shortest distance, and so on the face of it, there will be only one point at the center that is at the shortest distance from horizontal love. That could only be at ninety degrees. If that angle increases, the shape formed would be an oval, which would not be proper. No other angle is the same. It is only the ninety-degree angle that allows everything to stand in the same position of equality on the same basis. Therefore, the meeting place of love through the oneness of God and humankind can only be situated at an angle of ninety degrees. (224-167, 1991.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1202

    The first generation of Israelites all perished in the forty-year wilderness course, but they left a bridge over which the second generation could pass and enter into Canaan. Similarly today, during the forty years of the worldwide wilderness era that followed the Second World War, we in the Unification Church are guiding the young generation so as to establish the standard of the blessed land of Canaan.
    In the Last Days, the sons of the most fervent members of the Soviet communist party will become the most fervent followers of the Unification Church, and in America, the sons and daughters of ministers and officials who most aggressively opposed our church will all stand up for Rev. Moon. Since I know that they will indemnify tenfold the active opposition perpetrated by their parents, I must build a bridge. What kind of bridge? The bridge of love. On the day when the bridge of love is completed, even if we tell them to go away and kick people away, they will hang on with all their might. (138-275, 1986.1.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 5. God’s Will in Creating All Things
5.3. Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love

    There are three kinds of bird songs: first, a song signaling hunger; second, a song sung out of love for its mate; and third, a song sung in time of danger. They are all different. We ordinary people do not know this, but in their own world they know. When they call out of hunger, all their fellow birds understand. But what does their daily life revolve around? Hunger is taken care of simply by eating, and they are not facing danger every day, either. Most of their singing has to do with going back and forth in the give and take relationship with their love partner. (137-211, 1986.1.3)

    Human beings were created as a subject partner and object partner, as a pair. The world of all things, too, which exists for the sake of humankind, makes harmony under the principle of love and realizes its purpose in life and ideal through the love of humankind.
    For humankind, and especially for the maturing Adam and Eve, the world of all things is a textbook of love and a museum that infinitely displays the essence of love. (135-10, 1985.8.20)

    All birds and animals exist in pairs. They harmonize with each other in love. Flowers and butterflies relate from two opposite poles, yet harmonize with each other. This reflects the harmonious relationship of heaven and earth. The opposite poles of the universe come into harmony based on love. It’s the same with migratory birds. Birds in the south fly to the north, and birds in the north fly to the south, loving each other back and forth across the regions. In so doing, they center on love eternally. People learn about love through the textbooks in the museum God created. When people and God love each other in joy, everything in heaven and on earth will follow that rhythm and harmonize around them. If God likes this and loves this, the angelic world also will like it. The entire created world will like it too, applauding and offering praise. Songbirds will sing praises, and beautiful flowers will offer praises through their fragrances. This created world exists in order to expand the fragrant atmosphere in which human beings, in the central position, having the highest love, can enjoy themselves. Even the ugly toads croak, “Wook, wook, wook,” when they make love. How charming! They kick with their legs and move them up and down while making love. What a delightful scene! This is the highest art. (142-273, 1986.3.13)

    As they mature, Adam and Eve will come to understand, saying, “Ah, that’s how to make love.” God laid out the world of all things to serve as a textbook, to guide the ideal of human love to reach maturity. So they go on learning. As they grow bigger, they will come to have different feelings toward each other, saying, “Aha, we were like a brother and sister in the past, but now it seems. … ” They will learn, saying, “Aha, that’s the way it is.” So they will go straight along parallel lines, and then collide, saying, “You and I must meet even at the risk of death. We cannot go anywhere else.” (137-59, 1985.12.18)

    Born as God’s first children, Adam and Eve were to grow from childhood to maturity in the realm of God’s protection. Since their intellect was meant to develop through this process, they would have come to realize why God created the world, and God would have educated them through the created world. The created world, with everything in motion, was a textbook to teach Adam and Eve everything they needed to know about how to live. They were to have been our first, original ancestors. You have to understand that since Adam and Eve did not reach perfection, the created world has been a model and a museum showing us how to lead an ideal life. (137-126, 1986.1.1)

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