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Both Singles looking for a match and married couples who want to receive the Blessing of marriage can join the first Blessing Preparation Class, which begins January 16th, 2024.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1147
It is written in the Bible that God told Adam and Eve that they could freely eat the fruit of all the trees in the Garden of Eden, but as for fruit of the tree of life and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that were in the center of the Garden, they were told not to even look at them or touch them. What does that mean? What do all trees signify? Adam and Eve were brother and sister, so they could hold each other’s hands, kiss each other, and do things like that, they could freely eat the fruit of all trees. However God obligated them not to touch the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the fruit of the tree of life, that is, the male and female sexual organs. That is what He warned them about. (200-50, 1990.2.23)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1231
Some people outwardly express that they like something, but inwardly they shake their heads. Seeing this, I wish they had been born with a better character. On the path of faith, fighting and gaining victory over oneself is more difficult than conquering the world. From this point of view, the first cross we must bear is overcoming the self. (46-95, 1971.7.25)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2
God and the Work of Creation
Section 5. God’s Will in Creating All Things
5.4. Our attitude toward nature
When you open your eyes in the morning and look at nature, it subtly connects with your original nature and inspires feelings about a new ideal that can sprout forth. On the other hand, you know very well that the more you look at the human world, the more despair and sorrow it arouses in your heart. If the world were populated by people who had not fallen, the value of human beings would not stir up sorrow in the heart of a beholder. Human beings were not created merely to have the value of a blade of grass, a flower or a tree trunk. People were supposed to be noble beings who could not be exchanged for anything in the created world. They were supposed to step forward representing Heaven with incomparable value. (9-97, 1960.4.24)
You should have a mind that contemplates nature that is imbued with the love of God and says, “Could anything precious owned by a king of this world or by some famous person compare with this? Could any antique artifact compare with this? Could a glamorous dress worn by a famous lady compare with this?” Without that kind of heart, we are committing a sin before the natural world without even knowing it. If there is someone who can look at a living being and say, “Can anything produced by human hands compare with this? No matter how great someone may be, could he ever be greater than God?” and value most highly all things created through God’s hard work, he must surely be a child of God. Such a person does not need to pray. He lives with God. God guides people into such a position. (9-174, 1960.5.8)
People will enjoy and take delight in anything that belongs to someone they love. Nevertheless, they do not know how to take delight in all things created by God, whom they should love the most. Can such people become God’s sons and daughters? You are responsible to liberate creation which is sighing and lamenting from its sorrow. You should deeply experience the heart and care that God invested in the creation of even one tree or plant 6,000 years ago. You should have such a heart. So you should be able to shed tears even at the sight of one plant along the road, or holding onto one tree, say, “How lonely you must be to have lost your master!” I myself have wept profusely while grasping a rock; I have shed tears to feel the wind blow. Now, because you have heard my words, you understand why. (9-176, 1960.5.8)
I have gone this way while saying to myself, “The precious things of creation, which God made and which have forged an eternal connection with God, are not cherished as much as national treasures or valuables in some kingdoms today. I will understand that sorrow; I alone must understand.” If you have a heart that says, “I will understand, though all those living on this earth may be ignorant of it,” your people will be a new people who can rule humankind in the future. This is not a concept but a fact. Where are the people who can value all things of creation more than the family treasures that are handed down over the generations, or more than diamonds, supposedly the most precious stone in the world – so that they hold on to those things and refuse to let them go? Upon seeing those who understand in their hearts what He has created, and who hold those things and shed tears over them, God will say, “My dear children!” (9-176, 1960.5.8)
What is nature? It is an exhibit that God has given us as a gift, something He prepared for the birth of His beloved sons and daughters. Even the song of a bird and a plant growing are decorations prepared to bring beauty into the lives of His beloved sons and daughters. Even the rocks rolling on the road were created as decorations for a nation, since God knew that His sons and daughters would be the owners who would rule over that nation. It is the same with flowing water. God did not want things to be dry and monotonous, so He created things for a prince of dreams and of hope who could look at this infinitely colorful and harmonious garden – this world of love – and inherit it. Hence, we learn from all things of creation. When the male and female birds sing, the lady who owns them should learn from that. You should be able to sing praises for the beauty of the original world of creation, where everything devotes its entire life to establish a world where each lives for the sake of the other. Then, even baby birds will want to come and live in your home. Birds will want to have their young there. (175-186, 1988.4.16)
No matter how precious a work of art in a museum may be, can it have more value than a living work of art? I am asking who has loved this earth, the museum of all things and the work of God, more than God has. I am asking if anyone has loved it more than the museums in his own country. Can you compare a gold crown from the Shilla Dynasty in the museum with a dandelion lying on the road, when that is made directly by God? If there is a king who embodies the heart of such a God and takes care of the creation with a heart that says, “You stand in a position to receive love. I am sorry that I cannot love you from the position of the king for whom the original God could exist,” the tufts of grass will want to follow that king and be with him eternally. This is how people should live. (175-186, 1988.4.16)