Jehovah of the Old Testament Is an Angel

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1674

God enjoyed Himself as He created the universe. How much fun would it have been? How interesting would it have been for Him as He created everything in the pair system, and saw that even the cells came together in pairs in their love for each other? A well-taken picture gives endless pleasure to its photographer; how much more pleasurable, then, would it be to see the real creation talk and dance with joy? (283-102, 1997.4.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 445

In order to form the family realm of love you have to be unconditional. The parents represent the past, the husband and wife represent the present, and the children represent the future. Loving one partner during your lifetime is the equivalent to God loving the world. It is a place where in oneness the parents, a couple, and the children offer their love as an example representing heaven and earth and tell their descendants to follow them. The original homeland of the heart, the place where heavenly affection is felt will be remembered in heaven and earth. (30-78, 1970.3.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 2. The Identity of Jehovah God
2.1. The attributes of Jehovah God

    You should know that the reason Moses introduced the God of authority, God of ability, and God of judgment, instead of the God of love was to give the law to the Israelites and protect and raise heavenly people with the law. It was to accomplish the will of restoration to drive them to the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. (35- 276, 1970.10.25)

    Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey, was a place that could be entered only by the reborn people who had received the Ten Commandments and the law and carried the Ark of the Covenant in the wilderness. God gave His words to the Israelites who left Egypt in order to recreate them as God’s people, but when they did not follow His words, He appeared to them as a terrifying God who struck and punished them.
    The Old Testament Age, in which Satan reigned as the king, was an age of the devil’s power until the appearance of the Messiah. Jehovah God therefore appeared to Moses as the God of fear, God of revenge, and God of jealousy, and struck with the law the people who had become servants of sin and mercilessly punished the violators of the law. This was the Old Testament Age.
    If you look at the attributes of Jehovah God of the Old Testament Age, He was a jealous God who terrified worshipers of other gods, a cruel God who ordered the Israelites to exterminate the seven tribes of Canaan leaving no survivors, and a merciless God who slaughtered the Israelites who had violated the commandments and law.
    Could the God of love, who created the universe, have the character to feel such jealousy, exact such revenge, instill such terror, and exhibit the cruelty to exterminate the seven tribes of Canaan? This happened because the Old Testament Age was an age when angels, as mediators, served in the role of God. The revengeful legalism that says “a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, and a stripe for a stripe” cannot stem from the character of the Creator God. God is the God of love and forgiveness.
    God appeared to Moses several times: in the bush on Mount Horeb where He called Moses and also at the top of Mount Sinai where He gave him the Ten Commandments. To this day we have not known that the God who appeared to Moses was an angel; but if you look in chapter seven of the book of Acts in the New Testament, it is recorded that He was an angel: “Now when forty years had passed, an angel appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai, in a flame of fire in a bush … you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it.”
    The Jehovah who appears in the Old Testament Age this way is an angel and not God. The Old Testament Age is the age of the servant, and God cannot appear as a father to a servant, because he is not a son. When Moses asks God for His name, He answers, “I am who I am” and tells him his name is Jehovah. But, when Moses stands in front of the people, he emphasizes that Jehovah God is the God of their ancestors, that is, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Jehovah is an angel.
    Since the Old Testament Age was the age of the servant, God could not reveal Himself directly. In the Old Testament, did God tell them to fight or not to fight? Do you know that Saul was punished because, after winning the war, he went against God’s instruction to kill all the men? Why do you think He did that? If men of the satanic world were spared, that world would invade again. He did it because the survival of the satanic men would preserve that system as they took wives and continued as they had before. Yet cutting off their lineage would end the system, as the women and children belonged to God’s side. That is why He did this.
    Saul was punished because his failure to act as instructed allowed the invasion of the heavenly nation by the worship of gentile gods and by all their adulterous customs. (124-202, 1983.2.15)

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