God is Represented by the True Parents

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#148: Parental Involvement In Your Child’s Marriage Is Crucial

My latest blog post on solar in Jefferson Count WV:
Numerous Department of the Environment Violations at Blake Solar Project Site

Cheon Seong Gyeong 111

Born as God’s first children, Adam and Eve were to grow from childhood to maturity in the realm of God’s protection. Since their intellect was meant to develop through this process, they would have come to realize why God created the world, and God would have educated them through the created world. The created world, with everything in motion, was a textbook to teach Adam and Eve everything they needed to know about how to live. They were to have been our first, original ancestors. You have to understand that since Adam and Eve did not reach perfection, the created world has been a model and a museum showing us how to lead an ideal life. (137-126, 1986.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 491

    No matter how attractive a woman is, she will still be happy if she hears a passer-by compliment her baby with: “Wow, he’s so much better-looking than his mother!” Even though this implies she is much less attractive than her baby, no mother would protest at hearing this and grumble, “What? Is he much more attractive than me? Then does this mean that I am much less attractive?” Rather, she would be unable to contain her joy. This is the maternal heart. Whom do you think such a heart resembles? Mothers are resultant beings, not causal ones.
    Any family where the son achieves less than his father will decline. If the father is the president of his country but his son’s accomplishments fall short of his, and if this pattern were to continue for some generations, that family will gradually decline and ultimately be driven to a miserable state. Therefore, if a son asks his father, “Shouldn’t I do better than you?” would the father reply “How dare you say that!” or “Of course, go ahead!”? Of course, he would say the latter. (41-281, 1971.2.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 3

The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God

Section 5. God’s First Manifestation
5.1. God finally reveals Himself

    The age of the Unification Church is the age of the parents. We are paving the way whereby God can come and be present on earth. This is why it makes sense to say that by God’s coming, we are saved through attending Him. This is how history progresses. (177-157, 1988.5.17)

    What is it that will remain in the end? It is God and human beings, their life course, and their outlook on daily life – the divine and human perspectives on life and the world. These perspectives will not be based on vague knowledge, but on an inseparable, eternal relationship. Why? Since God and humankind have been separated at the point where originally they could not be separated, they must reach a place higher than that point of inseparability. At such a point, they should come forward demanding a global stage for daily life where God and humankind are one. (65-125, 1972.11.5)

     God is the center of the universe where we have to live for the sake of others. When you go near Him, you will want to be governed by Him for tens of thousands of years and even more. This is the path of attendance to God.
    We could not have imagined that human beings today could be governed in that way and that there could be no greater happiness than this. (77-328, 1975.4.30)

    From now on, you should live a life of attendance. Up until now, a life of faith brought salvation through faith, but from now on you attain salvation through attendance. Originally, if we had not fallen, we would be following our normal path by attending God. You should attend Him in your daily life, and with your heart. (150-213, 1961.4.15)

    God is the absolute Father, absolute True Parent, and the unique, unchanging and eternal True Father. Such a Father should bring about unique, unchanging, and eternal couples for the absolute sons. For such daughters, too, He should bring about absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal couples. So, the families in which they will settle peacefully are absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal families. Such families can live together with God, and constitute the eternal base of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Justification through attendance signifies the age of realizing the Kingdom of Heaven in daily life. This is why we are talking about justification through attendance. The history of restoration is re-creating God’s ideal of creation. (161-218, 1987.2.15)

    Without creating a starting point from which we can bring God into our heart and where we human beings can be completely one body with God, there is no way to liquidate this devilish world. From this point of view, we understand our time as the age of attendance and the age of salvation based on justification through attendance. We are saved through attendance. God is not a God who is up there in the sky. We should attend God as our subject and Master in our daily life. (144-274, 1986.4.25)

    God is not a fantasy or a conceptual God, nor is He an abstract God. With His leadership in our daily life, He is always with us as the master of our daily life. He does not merely receive our attendance, but is living together with us by sharing love. (168-111, 1987.9.13)

    What was God’s purpose in creating Adam and Eve? As human beings, we have a body, but the invisible God does not. Without a body, God cannot govern the spiritual and physical worlds. Hence, although God exists, if He wants to manifest as the Parent of humankind, He must acquire a body. God’s representatives with that body were Adam and Eve. God would have appeared after assuming the body of Adam and Eve had they not fallen.
    Adam and Eve were the first ancestors of humankind, and they were to be God who rules over heaven and earth. Assuming the external form, the body, of God who is in the eternal invisible world, and standing in the position of parents, Adam and Eve had the responsibility of governing the world. (133-91, 1984.7.10)

    Since the invisible God has no substantial body, the True Parents represent His form. The True Parents are Parents of the individual, family, tribe, ethnic people, and nation. In the future, God will appear in the form of the True Parents in the spirit world. This is the greatness of the Unification Church. The greatness of Rev. Moon resides in the fact that God wants to assume Rev. Moon’s form. (98- 224, 1978.8.1)

    Even if the hundreds of millions of people who have been parents were to come back to life all at once, none among them would have the glory of the True Parents whom you speak of today. Even if tens of thousands of generations of ancestors were all to resurrect and sing the glory of resurrection, this glory and song would still not transcend the domain of the Fall. Although your current situation may be miserable, you should know that the term “True Parents,” taught in the Unification Church today, is a proud one and more valuable than hundreds of millions of ancestors rejoicing in a glorious place of earthly victory and liberation of all people. You should know that meeting the True Parents will lead you along the path to meet God, and meeting the Unification Church will lead you along the path whereby God’s nation and the homeland desired by the True Parents can soon be found. (138-105, 1986.1.19)

    The Completed Testament Age of justification through attendance is the age of directly attending God in our life. Since that is the time when God’s tabernacle remains with us and the new Jerusalem in heaven comes down to earth, the form of the true God will finally appear to us then. This will happen for the first time since the creation of the world. Until now, God has not been able to appear in history, which has remained at an uncompleted stage since the Fall.

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