True Parents are the Embodiment of Absolute Sexual Ethics

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1203

America was born from Britain, so it is in the son’s position. Before becoming an archangel, the son is in the position of Abel. When the son is born, he has the right of the eldest son. Since he has this right, he must become the first son on God’s side and in this capacity he must attend a mother on God’s side, but this position was lost. When the island nation of Britain separated from Rome, it was in the position of archangel before it received the position of Eve. It was in the position of the restored archangel rather than the fallen archangel. It was in the position of Abel. America must become a nation able to inherit the right of the eldest son so that it can accomplish restoration through indemnity. (138-308, 1986.1.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1563

What are the characteristics of the nation you long for? It is dissimilar in every way to those you currently live in. You will have to say goodbye to those nations one day. If you are attached to them, then you have to know that you are attached to sinfulness. You know deep in your hearts that you were born as the descendants of fallen people who were not related to the original goodness that would have allowed the will of that nation to be linked to God’s will. (37-217, 1970.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 1

What is a true parent?

Section 5. What Is a True Parent?

5.3. True Parents are the embodiment of good character

    Has there been a saint in our history who said, “Follow my example because, as a representative of all people in history, my mind and body have ceased to fight and have achieved complete unity”?
    Which is more important, the body or the mind? Both mind and body are important, but what is even more important is the unity of my body and mind. This is very important. If you have not achieved this, even though the world may be unified, you will have nothing to do with the world. (142-324, 1986.3.14)

    Now your body and mind go different ways. Then, when will they become one? In the course of human history until now, no one who could claim to have unified his warring body and mind has ever appeared.
    Even a person such as Paul lamented, saying, “…but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin which dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” He saw things correctly. We are liberated through God’s love that is in Jesus Christ our Lord. (164-41, 1987.5.3)

    What is the reason our mind and body have failed to become one? What kind of person is God the Father? He is the vertical pendulum of love that forms the fundamental core of the universe. When this pendulum tries to come down to earth, God alone cannot make it happen. Even with God, in bringing down love, there needs to be a force from the horizontal line that can pull this standard of love down.
    When there is a strong electric charge, when a negative charge comes close to the earth, lightning will strike nearby. It must come down. Even if it is high up, it must come down. Likewise, if a high love is to come down, a negatively-charged love must arise on earth first. If a negatively-charged love occurs first, a positively-charged love is bound to emerge automatically. This works in pairs.
    In the world of interaction, there are always responses and reactions. Things respond to one another, and they act and react to one another. Ordinary people say that a reaction opposes an incoming force, but this is not the case. A reaction protects the entities that are engaged in mutual response. Only in this way is everything to do with good and evil logically resolved. Without discovering the logic that evil must be embraced by goodness, there is no way of guiding the history of confrontation between good and evil.
    Through what place does God come? Vertical love must be established. In order for that vertical love to have vertical value, the horizontal foundation must be laid.
    This is also the case with men and women. When they are immature, they know nothing; but when they grow up, women try to possess the world and so do men. What happens when they try to possess the world this way?
They should not go this way. Where should they meet? They should meet when they have grown up, when they are mature. To do this, they must advance to the point where they can claim the world as their own.
    They say they will conquer the world, but they cannot conquer it with their own strength. They cannot do it without love. It is because the power of love exists that men and women have the ideal and dream to conquer the world. You want to make the whole world yours, don’t you? Furthermore, if there is heaven, if the invisible world exists, you even want to make this invisible, infinite world yours. Why is this so? Because you have a vertical desire and a horizontal desire. Your horizontal desire seeks to make the entire earth, the horizontal world, your own; and your vertical desire seeks to make the universe your own. Your body is limited. It cannot go beyond the limits of the earth, but the vertical world can grow bigger without any limit.
    In view of this, the father who can represent the mind is God and the father who can represent the body is the first ancestor of unfallen true love.
    The Unification Church is now speaking of True Parents after having uncovered these facts that remained hidden throughout the ages. In accordance with the original view of the ideal of creation, the horizontal seat of the True Parents is the seat of God’s son and daughter. In other words, it is the seat of Adam and Eve. Then, what about God? If those who are like the body are Adam and Eve, the one who is in the seat of the father, who is like the vertical mind, is God.
    How do God, who is like the mind, and a person, who is like the body, become one? Not through power, knowledge or political might, but through love.
    We as individuals were born to resemble the original model where our mind-like character and body-like character can be one. When we seek to find the fundamental core, there should be the body-like father and the mind-like father. There, the seat of the mind-like father is God’s seat, and that of the body-like father is for the first ancestors of humankind.
    Then, where will the first ancestors and God, the father who is like the mind, becomes one? Where? They must become one through true love, at the core, the center of the sphere of love. Men and women seek each other centering on the vertical. (177-337, 1988.5.22)

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