Nothing Can Destroy the Parent-Child Relationship

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
Tackling the root cause of societal decline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1817

The resources for humanity’s future are buried in the sea. The resources found on the land’s surface are reaching their limits and cannot last for long. They will be exhausted in a few short years. The challenge becomes how to recover the resources hidden away in the oceans. In the future, humanity must research the development of the tundra plains. It is this future world where my interest currently lies. The food resources on land will not last for more than fifty years. In a few decades, this reality will rise up and hit us in the face. We must prepare for that time. This is the reason I place such an emphasis on our projects in Alaska. (236-22, 1992.11.2)

Richard: Tackling the world hunger crisis is one of the things closest to Rev. Moon’s heart.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1164

When Eve fell, whom did she deceive? She deceived God. Without God knowing, without consulting God, she fell when she denied God on her own. Adam was her husband as well as the son of God. Since Eve fell by denying the father and son, Adam was lost. In order to indemnify and restore what had occurred, God raised up Rebecca. Rebecca had to take God’s blessing from the father, Isaac, who represented God, and their son, Esau, who stood in place of Adam, without their knowledge. To reverse what had already occurred, Rebecca came to offer the condition, through Jacob, of restoring the birthright of the eldest son. This was merely a conditional offering. Rebecca and Jacob achieved this conditionally, not yet fulfilling substantial restoration. (114-17, 1981.5.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 3. Parental Love

3.1. Parents’ love is the love of the essence

Who are you? You are ones who have participated together in the fundamental root of the beginning of your parents’ love. This relationship cannot be severed because the cause and result started in one place. The source of parents’ love, which is the cause, and the love you have in your life, which is the result, are one. In this sense, it is possible to say that a parent and a child are one body. Without love we cannot talk about one body or oneness. We receive our parents’ love from the time we are in the womb. The love and all the attention of our parents should be focused on us from the moment our mothers become pregnant with us through the essence of love. Why is that? Because we are the fruit of love. So we were born in love and receive a connection of life through love; when we grow up in love and reach the time when we can meet our partner, we receive our partner. (127-13, 1983.5.1)

Nothing can destroy the parent-child relationship. It cannot be destroyed even by an atomic bomb. It can never be destroyed, broken, or abandoned. (21-68, 1968.9.9)

The parent-child relationship cannot be severed no matter how hard you try. That is because it is your children who have the nature of a subject in your love and life. If you cut that off, you come to stand in a position of denying yourself and denying your life; hence, you cannot deny the fruit of love. This brings us to the conclusion that parents can abandon their own lives for the sake of their children. (83-161, 1976.2.8)

Regardless of how happily a husband and wife live together and love each other, which would be the happy couple, one without children or one with children? A couple without children is an as yet unfinished work, an incomplete couple. Is this so or not? (92-218, 1977.4.17)

There is no principle that strikes parents who love their children. They cannot be hit. The universe naturally protects them. You need to know this. A place where loving parents embrace their loving children and rejoice cannot be attacked by the principles of the universe; rather, it receives its natural protection. People have not known this. (130-151, 1984.1.8)

When a child becomes sick or crippled, is it natural that the noble, deep heart of his parents flows to this crippled child. Is this wrong? The heart of such a handicapped person is like a valley, and the heart of the parents like a big area on the hilltop. The heart of such parents flows from the top to that deep valley. (147-165, 1986.9.7)

There is nothing bad in the heart of parents who live for the sake of their children. The more worn out their clothes, the more miserable their situation, the further they dig into the deep valley of tears. (173-262, 1988.2.21)

Ladies and gentlemen, what would happen if a baby were to be ashamed of taking a poop? He does not feel ashamed even after taking a poop or peeing on the floor; rather, he even smiles openly watching his mother clean up after him. This is possible only with love. In love, there is nothing dirty. Love can overcome everything. (116-84, 1981.12.20)

A mother breastfeeding and raising her baby in her bosom has an earnest heart. The parents’ heart is such that even when their child poops and pees and makes a smell, they forget about these instances because of their love. When such is the heart of even fallen parents toward their children, how much more eager the heart of God must have been, who, as the subject partner of love, wanted to love Adam and Eve through the original heart? We should think about this deeply once more. (20-209, 1968.6.9)

The heart of parents is that they feel as if something is lacking even after they have given. They want to love more, wondering if they have loved enough even after loving, and feel regretful and sorry after giving. Because this is the case, that heart can be part of the essential core of eternal love. This is the original motivation at the beginning of love. (60-82, 1972.8.6)

When parents divorce, this is like cutting their children in half with a knife. The public law of the universe does not allow this. Parents who violate this will receive punishment and be followed by misfortune wherever they go, unable to find happiness. (298-300, 1999.1.17)

When a baby becomes hungry, its mother’s breasts become swollen with milk. When the milk swells them up and the breasts begin to hurt, there is abundant pressure. The heart of a mother embracing her child and giving him her milk is difficult to express in words. When the swollen breasts go down, the mother feels relieved and happy. No one can understand this feeling unless she is a mother. Moreover, as a mother watches her baby suck her breast while touching it, love springs up abundantly in her heart. (187-99, 1989.1.6)

If you were to ask a mother with a child whom she would rather lose, her husband or her child, if she really loves her child she would say that she would never give up her child but would give up her husband if she had to. Husbands may be sorry to hear this! These days, ordinary people say, “Well, if your child dies you can have another one, can’t you?” However, this is a last option. When we probe into the principle of matters of order, we see that the husband and wife are horizontal and come last. The history of love is like this. (48-212, 1971.9.19)

What on earth is original love? It is the love by which parents can give their life for their child. Their love goes beyond their own life. Why must this be so? Originally, the universe was not created for the sake of life. Because it was created for the sake of love, it is love that comes first. Thus, it is rather that life goes along with love, and not that love goes along with life. Thus, genuine love acts by sacrificing life and by going beyond life. You should know that this is the love of Heaven, a love that can connect with the universe. (132-152, 1984.5.31)

Consider the life of the salmon. The salmon dies after laying its eggs. Nevertheless, the male and female salmon become one in laying their eggs… This means that salmon couples are deeply in love, as if they have been sentenced to die. When the female fish lays her eggs, the male makes a hole in the ground and protects them there. This is truly an ideal couple. After laying their eggs, they die. To see the various situations of male and female salmon dying is very shocking. In so doing, the body of the mother becomes food for her young. (128-259, 1983.8.28)

If there is a Creator, why do you think He created the salmon in this way? Seeing this, we can grasp how important our young are, and how important love is. It is most natural to say that God created the salmon as a model to show that love, and our young, are the most precious things. The life of the salmon is truly an amazing textbook for humankind. (128-259, 1983.8.28)
pp. 349-351

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