History Is Seeking Out the True Person

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1159

Who changes the lineage? It is not something which just anyone can do. You must understand that in order to accomplish this, I have passed through the tearful way of the cross. Because such a standard has been established, all of you without any personal merit are now able to inherit the new tradition through the Blessing. In order to establish the victorious realm of this change of lineage God had to toil for thousands of years and I had to suffer for my entire earthly life. You are the people standing on this foundation. The Blessing is engrafting; your lineage is changed through engrafting. (35-178, 1970.10.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1599

    History is seeking out the true person, the true nation and the true world. We ourselves are aware of our inclination toward become true beings. Then what is the standard of all true bonds of relationship? It is the parent-child bond between God and each human being. The heart springing from this bond is eternal, unchanging and unique, and cannot be altered on the authority of any being. Moreover, the authority of this heart is absolute. For this reason, all forms of existence would automatically bow down and submit to a being that appears with this authority, and the whole universe would have to follow his every move. This is an intrinsic rule of the universe. If it were not so, we reach the conclusion that we could not achieve our true purpose, nor be able to forge one absolute bond with God.
    If we were to consider that human morality and the heavenly principles might eventually come to an end, what form would that end take? That should be the day when God could say to humankind, “You are my true sons and daughters, however much I might try to deny it. My sons, my daughters: my grief and resentment have finally been relieved.” It should be a day on which He can relax, rest in comfort, and enjoy life with His mind at peace. Only when such a day dawns, after such sons and daughters have appeared on earth, could God’s new, ideal world emerge. (7-104, 1959.7.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 1

What is a true parent?

Section 2. The Origin of Trueness

Section 3. The Standard Measure of Truth

    If we agree to use the metric system, then however long something may be – one meter, one hundred meters, or more – there will be no problem. The basic unit making up a meter is one millimeter. Since one millimeter is so small, we usually use one centimeter. No matter how large a measure may be, it must be accurately based on the smaller one millimeter unit. If all measures correspond and everything can be measured based on the standard millimeter, we can use it as a world standard. A millimeter in America, a millimeter in Korea, and a millimeter in Britain are all the same. They are unchanging. This is truth.
    What is truth? It is trueness. What is this quality of being true? That which stands in a place beyond which it cannot be elevated is called true. We have someone here with a doctorate in physics. Studying physics requires that you know all the movements of the natural world. These movements are not vague in their direction. Continue reading “History Is Seeking Out the True Person”

The Things of the Evil World Do Not Lead Us to the Gate of Happiness

Join us for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
     August 26- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
     August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
     August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)
          Featuring Andy Wells; No Left Turn in Education, Live-In Person
          Kelly Kohls; National School Boards Leadership Council, Live-In Person
          Jamal  Johnson, Richard Urban, Live-In Person

Registration Deadline is today, August 23rd.
Register Here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2226

    Do they not say that young people in this world cannot forget their first love? As none of you have been married, you may not know it, but I am telling you that first love is unforgettable.
    The relationship between God and humankind is that of parent and child, and God can never disown those sons and daughters who are remembered as having practiced filial piety. This is because they stood in a better position than Adam and Eve. Did Adam and Eve become filial children? They did not. What is the path of becoming a filial child? In order to tread that path, it is necessary to live according to the will of the Father. A person who is not doing so cannot become a filial child. (57-153, 1972.5.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1337

In 1961, the 33 Couples Blessing Ceremony was held amid great confusion and chaos. We finally had to have someone stand guard at the door before we could go through with the ceremony. Nevertheless, I did everything I had to, regardless of how much noise the protestors were making. The parents of the 33 Couples came swarming about the place, shouting all kinds of insults at us and creating a continuous uproar. Some went so far as to send dozens of anonymous letters to the court of justice demanding I be sent to jail; as a result, I had to appear in court on several occasions. There were twelve people in particular who worked frantically to destroy the Unification Church, sprinkling coal dust all over the place. The Unification Church grew amid such turmoil. We had to lay the groundwork for victory in the same place that people were opposing us. We undertook the daunting task of establishing the foundation for victory amid fierce opposition from all sides. (23-317, 1969.6.8)

Separation from the World

2. Denial of Worldly Comforts and Pleasures

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The things of this evil world do not lead us to the gate of happiness; rather they drive us into the snares of death. (47:49, August 19, 1971)

Heaven’s emotions are in contradiction with humanistic emotions. God does not dwell where people are comfortable, and people must negate themselves to be in accord with Heaven. This is a fact. Therefore, a religion that accommodates itself to the world does not last long. (51:187, November 21, 1971) Continue reading “The Things of the Evil World Do Not Lead Us to the Gate of Happiness”

Fight and Become Victorious In Place of Jesus

Jeremiah 51

I will tell these soldiers,
    “Attack quickly,
before the Babylonians
can string their bows
    or put on their armor.[c]
Kill their best soldiers
    and destroy their army!”
Their troops will fall wounded
    in the streets of Babylon.

Everyone in Israel and Judah
    is guilty.
But I, the Lord All-Powerful,
their holy God,
    have not abandoned them.

Luke 23

44 Around noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until the middle of the afternoon. 45 The sun stopped shining, and the curtain in the temple[g] split down the middle. 46 Jesus shouted, “Father, I put myself in your hands!” Then he died.

47 When the Roman officer saw what had happened, he praised God and said, “Jesus must really have been a good man!”

48 A crowd had gathered to see the terrible sight. Then after they had seen it, they felt brokenhearted and went home. 49 All of Jesus’ close friends and the women who had come with him from Galilee stood at a distance and watched.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

The Unification Church was not meant to walk a rough path. When I see you coming into the Unification Church, I feel a worrisome heart rather than a welcoming one. I am looking at you like that. I have to look at you with a heart of reservation, rather than with a welcoming heart.

When one realizes the story of Heaven and its desperate nature as God searches to bring humanity back, not only would that person be unable to think about himself; he would have to deny himself. When a person can be led naturally to the degree where he will not criticize selfishly and subjectively, the way for him to walk this course is not only to feel the sorrow of such a deep level, but to subjectively comfort and console Heavenly Father. That is the only way an individual can walk this path.

Do not follow this path if you wish to lead a comfortable life. As I walked this path, I realized it is a lonely path without a friend, without a comrade, without an excuse, and without a place on which to lean. It is a path that cannot be trusted. Having walked such a path, I certainly could understand the heart of Jesus. Continue reading “Fight and Become Victorious In Place of Jesus”

Choose Between Life and Death and Behold the Final Glory

Cheon Seong Gyeong 338

What is the summit where the father
and the son can meet? They meet at the
central point where love intersects love,
life intersects life, and ideals intersect
ideals; in this light, love, life and ideals
are in one place. At that point, God is
love, and so am I; God is life, and so am
I; God is the ideal, and so am I. The first
connection and first point of unification
where this can be realized is the point
at which the parent-child relationship
forms; otherwise, these things cannot
be. This is a certainty. (69-78, 1973.10.20)

Richard:  The parent-child relationship between God and man or woman originates at the very point of sexual union between the father and the mother.  At that point of creation, God meets the son.  This endless love then (should) sprout into a life well lived between God the Father and his son or daughter.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1594

The significance of tomorrow, the
tenth day of the month, is that this num-
ber ten allows us to pass into the year
2000 from the year 1999. Then God can
restore unhindered the physical world
vertically from the individual to the
family, tribe, people, nation and world,
and connect it to the spirit world. This
can happen based on the love of the ide-
al of Adam’s family, the original ideal
of creation, untainted by the Fall. God’s
original will to recover the world of cos-
mic unity could be fulfilled, together
with liberation, at the June 14 ceremony
of the Congratulatory Declaration of the
Cosmic Victory of the Parents of Heav-
en and Earth, greeted with cheers from
the liberated realm of heaven and earth.
This could then form the foundation for
the Declaration of the Realm of Libera-
tion and Unification of the Cosmos by
the Parents of Heaven and Earth, which
has been made today. With this declara-
tion, fortune has turned in favor of the
unification of North and South Korea.


When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

As God has done in the past course of history, He will necessarily do in the last days. If there is such a movement, your past faith, ideology or ties should not present a problem. Only then can you live.

If you look in the Bible, Mary’s husband Joseph was called righteous. It was historical nonsense for her to bear a child as a virgin, but when Heaven sent an angel and foretold this to Mary to establish her, she obeyed without hesitation.

What is the uncompromising dedication left behind by the loyal ministers, filial children, and devoted wives in history? You may not have realized that our ancestors dared life-risking adventures, regardless of the opposition of the evil cliques. As there has been no one serving the heavenly will who has not followed this path, and there has been no loyal minister, filial child, or devoted wife who has not walked this road, those who seek to become citizens of the heavenly kingdom, heavenly sons and daughters, should follow this way as a matter of course, choosing between life and death and beholding the final glory.

Have you ever made such a determination and pledge? If not, you are the most despised traitor before the historical providence. Only when you have such a determination can you find your new selves. You should know that the moment you start on this action is the time when you wake up and kick out the six- thousand-year course of history in which you wallowed in sleep. Continue reading “Choose Between Life and Death and Behold the Final Glory”

What are the Core Values at the Center of the Universe?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 436

Suppose one day you leave the house
after having a fight with your brothers or
sisters. The least you can do upon your
return is to hold a party so that you
can make them happy again. Ask for
their forgiveness and tell them that you
should love one another as you love your
parents. Since brothers and sisters rep-
resent your mother and father, if your
brothers or sisters are poor, help them
and serve them as you would serve your
mother. There is nothing more beautiful
than this. The Kingdom of Heaven starts
from there. (184-65, 1988.11.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179

In the same way, a man should first
buy clothes for his parents, and then
for his wife and children, before buying
clothes for himself. He should attend and
serve his parents when they eat. Even in
the satanic world, it was the custom in
Korea for people to attend their parents
for a three-year period of mourning
after their death. In the old days, was it
not Korean etiquette for a devoted son
to be in mourning for his deceased par-
ents by building a mud hut next to their
grave and living there for three years in
order to fulfill his filial duty? Therefore,
in Korea, if people did not attend their
parents with devotion for at least three
years, then when they went to the spirit
world, they would not be able to say that
they are descendants of Korea.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1754

You did not know what makes a man
a man, and a woman a woman? The
answer is: the sexual organs. Is there
anyone here who dislikes them? If you
like them, how much do you like them?
Even if you hitherto disdained them, you
should henceforth esteem them. What
will the world be like in the future? If
it is a world that absolutely values the
sexual organs. Will that world be good
or bad? Will it prosper or perish? This
is not a joke. When God was creating
human beings, into which part did He
invest the greatest creative effort? Would
it be the eyes, the nose, the heart or the
brain? Do not all these organs eventual-
ly die? What is the purpose of the Fam-
ily Federation for World Peace? If there
were a world inhabited by people who
transcend all fields including morality
and religion, whose sexual organs are
harmonized into oneness so as to earn
God’s welcoming praise, what kind of
world would it be?

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Romans 8: 18-21

18 I am sure that what we are suffering now cannot compare with the glory that will be shown to us. 19 In fact, all creation is eagerly waiting for God to show who his children are. 20 Meanwhile, creation is confused, but not because it wants to be confused. God made it this way in the hope 21 that creation would be set free from decay and would share in the glorious freedom of his children.


In this hour, please let us feel and experience the heart of the Father, who sent our good ancestors to this earth and drove them as far as death because You loved humankind so.

We know that history has been one of continual sadness and conflict since the fall of the first human ancestors, who were not up to their task. Neither Heaven nor earth has had a day of happiness since. Father, because of this, the world is full of twists and turns. When will we become pious sons and daughters in whom You can take delight and who can praise You on this earth? We are anxiously awaiting the day when we can do so.

Since we who are inadequate have gathered before You this day, please look at us with compassion. We are feeble; please make us strong, so that we may lift the banner of victory on the battleground that remains for us. Allow us to be able to boast that we have become Your sons and daughters. Father, we pray this from the bottoms of our hearts.

Father, we realize that there have been many things in our lives of the past week that were not right in Your presence. Please forgive us. We are prostrated before You in this hour to offer our insufficient minds and bodies. Please purify us from all that is not right. We pray ardently that You allow only the things You can claim to spring up in our minds and bodies.

We know very well that You have gathered us here in this hour because You love us so much. Since we realize this is out of Your grace, please let this be the hour when we can offer our sincere hearts to You in response to that grace. We sincerely wish and desire that You allow us to be sons and daughters who can fight to the end, enduring everything for the sake of fulfilling the Father’s wish and will.

Since it is a holy day, please bless all humankind, and bless this pitiful people. There are church members who are praying on their knees before You in lonely places. Please bless them and do not withdraw Your uniform grace of protection and divine aid from them. I sincerely wish and desire that You lead, protect and guide them until we greet the Father’s eternal day.

Since we came before You in this hour, please allow us to be able to offer all of our minds and bodies. Father, we pray sincerely that You will allow this to be the hour when we abandon all notions of the world and are able to relate to You with the hearts of true sons and daughters.

Father, please govern this hour in person. Do not allow Satan to take advantage of an unguarded moment. Ardently soliciting that You will cling to us eternally with the hands of grace, and that You will transfer us to Your garden of life, I pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.