True Freedom Presupposes Responsibility

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

We started in 1978, so this is now the fourteenth year. This work has been going on for fourteen years. If all of you had only done this work with a desperate heart! How great it would have been! If that had happened, then everything would be connected through the tong ban breakthrough activities, centering on the Unification Church. Centering on the Unification Church foundation, we organized everything down to the village, so that we could breakthrough at the tong ban level. Centering on the men, we held conferences in the dong (districts), tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods). We passed out Divine Principle books and a book called “The Hope of the World” in my name, to all the 120,000 neighborhood leaders. Maybe even some of you that are here today also received these books. Despite the fact that all this was done, the men still all failed their responsibility. They were relaxed and thought this was just some kind of game. Therefore, because the men failed their responsibility, the women must accomplish it. Whatever happens, they must do this
Richard: Rev. Moon is here talking about the Home Church, or Tong Ban (local community) activities, where you visit and care for 360 or more homes in the area where you live. See here for more explanation.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 693

Since I had to open the way for all humankind, I even befriended condemned criminals. I was chained together with thieves, ate with them and comforted them. Recently, I even went to Las Vegas to pray for those imprisoned there. I bought the New Yorker Hotel to clear away the worst dens of Satan in New York and lay a new foundation. I had to go there to mingle with them and comfort them. Only in this way could I open and pave the way for people from all walks of life, even those headed for destruction in the satanic world. By my paving the way on earth, barriers in the spirit world will be opened and the world can be unified. Hence, I will marry blacks and whites interracially, and buy houses for them. In this way, I am doing things that have never been done before in this world. (91-160, 1977.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Even in the fallen world, when a man and a woman fall in love, they say, “Ah, there is an electric current here.” The electricity that arises from moment to moment starts from the archangel – it is unicellular. The electricity of love that arises in the original world is the lightning of the love of the universe. It surpasses the former in strength several thousand times; moreover, the sound of the movement of the cells of each human organ is like the sound of thunder. The principle view of love is that the man and woman engaged in true love of the original world cannot meet God unless they concentrate with all their might towards the contact point where the lightning of love meets. (Blessed Family – 380)

Who will become God’s partner in love? Will this be a man by himself? Will a woman alone be His partner? What kind of partner would God want? Would it be money as a partner, knowledge as a partner, or power as a partner? No. Because God wants a partner of love, He meets human beings by being present at the place where a husband and wife unite through their sexual organs. (279-250, 1996.9.15)

You think of the whole of your body as yours, but love is not yours. Love is completely in the possession of your partner. In the Old Testament, we find words such as “holy place” and “most holy place.” The holy place symbolizes a person, and the most holy place symbolizes the house of love. Every person has a holy place and a most holy place. In other words, the holy place is a house where you can attend God. As for the most holy place, since only God can have dominion of privileged love over it, it is a place to make a relationship with God. There are surely not two high priests keeping the most holy place. There is only one. You should know that long ago, the one who had the key to Eve’s most holy place was Adam, and the one who had the key to Adam’s most holy place was Eve. (132-246, 1984.6.20)

You should know that the mouth of a man or woman is a holy place. The mouth is the formation stage in the love relationship. For women, their breasts are the growth stage and their sexual part is the completion stage: these are the holy places of our body. The key to these holy places cannot be held by anyone; no one can have it without inheriting it through the heavenly way. (123-195, 1983.1.1)

Religions should walk a path of tribulation; they should fight against the body. The most serious enemy is sex that is connected with the pulsating of the devil’s blood. You should be liberated from lasciviousness, liberated from that type of love, in order to get away from the lineage woven with Satan’s blood. In this way, if you want to be engrafted to a new type of life, you must build a relationship with God. Only then will love begin. God is the traditional center of love and also the ancestor of life, whereas, the most fearsome thing in the universe is the man and woman problem. (194-345, 1989.10.30) 

When you are in love your blood heats up, doesn’t it? It shakes, doesn’t it? Do you know why it shakes? There is a mixing. East, west, south, and north are mixed; above and below are mixed and become one; everything focuses in the direction where love sparks fire. You move into love freely with no restraint in order to completely invest yourself again and again. Completely investing yourself for the sake of the man and completely investing yourself for the sake of the woman, you forget all about your life and your material possessions. Because that is the path of love, and because it is the path that never ends, you will like it forever. (204-100, 1990.7.1)

When God gives people a gift, would He give them a bad gift? He gives the best of the best. Where is that? It is something that exists in a deep place. God would want to take it out from His deep, inner place and give it to the one He loves. This is why love is good. (194-175, 1989.10.22)

True freedom presupposes responsibility. If people were to insist on and practice only the freedom of individual love without fulfilling their responsibility, how much chaos and destruction would come? The perfection of human beings, who are to realize the lofty ideal of love, is possible when they take responsibility for love. People should be grateful to God who gave them the freedom of love. Their first responsibility is to become the master of true love, truly free and thanking God for the freedom of love and knowing how to cultivate and control oneself. This responsibility for a love relationship should not be taken merely because of law or social convention. Instead, a person should establish responsibility through one’s own self-control and self-determination within the life-committing vertical relationship with God. (277-200, 1996.4.16)

When a sexual organ is used in the same way a blind person wanders aimlessly and without direction, it will, undoubtedly, lead you as its owner to Hell. By the same token, one will be led high up into Heaven when he or she uses the sexual organ according to the standard of God’s absolute love. This is a clear conclusion. In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve planted the seed of free sex in the shade, by falling through fornicating while in their youth. In the Last Days, therefore, which is the time of harvest, the phenomenon of an expanding trend of adolescent free sex will surely appear. (279-256, 1996.9.15)
pg. 366-368

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