Love All People with Sibling Love

The latest Richard Urban Show
#172-Joe Earley on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1567

The democratic era of today is to do with a philosophy of brotherhood. In relation to the Principle, this age is centered on Cain and Abel; the Principle corresponds word for word. Cain will have everything in his possession taken away by God in the end. Already he has been deprived of his head and body. Now, with nowhere to go, he is trying to take over the democratic world centering on the proletariat. However, he is not having much success. With the coming of autumn, fruits have begun to ripen on the trees, but with no one to harvest them, they are being left to rot. Soon, his side will dwindle into nothingness. It is all about the restoration of brotherhood. The purpose of the philosophy of brotherhood is to find the true Adam. This work has been long in its undertaking. (205-178, 1990.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

As viewed from God’s original ideal of creation, the eldest son should come from God’s side and, of course, the second son should also come from God’s side. Due to the Fall, the position of the first son was taken by Satan, and the position of the second son went to God. This has to be made right. Thus, when we consider the story of Esau and Jacob in the Bible, Jacob united with his mother and received her help. He gave Esau the pottage of lentils and bread in exchange for the birthright of the firstborn son. Until today, we could not understand why Bible history is the way it is. With the appearance of the Unification Church, its meaning was clarified for the first time. (134-304, 1985.8.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 7. Love Between Siblings

7.1. Brotherly love is a model of love for all the people of the world

Why did God give us our brothers and sisters? The reason we need brothers and sisters is that a brother can look at his younger sister or elder sister and realize, “Oh, that’s how our mother grew up!” He sees through them the process of his mother growing up. Also, the sister observes carefully how her elder or younger brother grows up and understands how her father grew up and lived. You should know that this is the love among siblings; you become one by growing up like this. So should you love your brothers and sisters or not? (184-60, 1988.11.13)

What if parents have only one son and one daughter? The son needs an elder sister and an elder brother, doesn’t he? Also the daughter needs an elder brother and elder sister. Furthermore, they need a younger brother and younger sister. There needs to be an elder brother, an elder sister, a younger brother, and a younger sister. It is unfortunate if you do not have them. The family that has a younger sister, younger brother, elder sister and elder brother – all of these – and has achieved complete unity will receive God’s protection. This family becomes the origin of a clan, a people, and a nation. The elder brother and elder sister mean east and west, and younger brother and younger sister mean north and south; when this pattern is completed there will be three dimensions. This is the principle of love. When such a principle of love takes root, the origin of peace will be established. (20-40, 1968.3.11)

When an elder brother loves his younger sister, and the younger sister loves her elder brother, they cannot just love each other; they must involve their parents in that love and cherish their childhood experiences of growing up in the bosom of their parents. They should be a brother and sister who are connected on the basis of parent and child oneness. Only then will they ascend as they grow up. They should grow up like this all the way through elementary and middle school. (236-11, 1992.11.2)

However far you go in your travels around the world, nothing replaces the love of brothers and sisters in a family, who share the same blood from their birth. When you go out to society, is there anyone who is closer to you than your brother or sister? Although some people may be close, they will eventually drift away from you. (228-199, 1992.4.3)

Why do you need brothers and sisters? Brothers and sisters are those who are connected through the vertical and horizontal plane. If we say Adam and Eve are horizontal, then God and Adam and Eve are vertical; their intersection constitutes a plane. This is why both a horizontal setting and the front and back are needed. Through their unity a sphere is formed. When the love of brothers and sisters expands to a love for all the people of the world, sibling love transcends family. (236-11, 1992.11.2)

Only when we embrace the world and love all people with sibling love, will we join everything together in an ideal sphere of love; when that occurs, no mishap will severely shock us. Only then will all the substance of God’s thought finally bear fruit. God’s ideal of children unites and bears fruit there: the fruit of children’s love, the fruit of siblings’ love, the fruit of the love of husband and wife, and the fruit of parents’ love. When the plan that the incorporeal God had at the time of creation is made substantial, upper and lower, front and rear, and left and right will be merged with Him. (236-146, 1992.11.4)

Through brothers and sisters a nation arises and all humankind arises. The relationship of brothers and sisters signifies front and back, a flat surface, but when flesh is added a sphere is formed. So it is brothers and sisters and the people of the nation who form the sphere. Brothers and sisters expand to become a people. The love of siblings is connected with the love for the world. A family where many brothers and sisters are growing up is like a model to embrace all people of the world and to create an ideal Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. Hence, brothers and sisters expand in number. (235-268, 1992.10.1)

When there are many siblings, two may have to share a bowl at mealtimes. They do not fight because there is only one bowl of rice. Even if there are many siblings and they have to live in hardship, if they have such a heart of love that says, “Although I may starve, I will give this to my elder sister” or “I have to give this to my younger brother or sister,” then everything will work out very well. (112-195, 1981.4.12)
pgs. 373-374

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