If In the Past You Fought With Your Sisters or Brothers, Give Them a Feast

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum-August 28, 2022
#110-Andy Wells-Fighting Transgender Indoctrination and the Sexualization of Children

Study the Exposition of the Divine Principle, the New Truth that all mankind must study.
Make a log in at the Daily Inspiration website to study all of the videos and slides presented at the August 27, 2022 workshop.

Cheon Seong Gyeon 1746

    Who is the owner of the male and female organs? It is the vertical God. Where do the ideal love of God and human beings come together? In the sexual organs. We marry to meet God. These are amazing words. God does not reside in some other separate place. When we have attained that position we will find Him dwelling there. Where does the teaching concerning the three great subjects come together and take root? It is in love. The love of God and human beings come together through the sexual organs. Marriage is for us to be engrafted to God’s vertical love.
    Thunder and lightning caused by negative and positive electricity on a cloudy day symbolizes the marriage of the universe. A loud noise is audible at such times, right? Are not pigeons noisy when they make love? Do you cry out when making love? I’m sure you have a hard time stifling the cry that threatens to come out of your mouths lest your mother and father may hear you. Be spontaneous. There is no need to hide such things. It is no longer a sin to shout until the windowpanes shatter all at once. Just as lightning flashes with a peal of thunder, so should you blaze. In marriage, you should attain that state of living in attendance of a holy woman or man, and God. Buddhist monks will never get to know such a world of love, no matter how much they practice asceticism. (203-255, 1990.6.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1377

If I listened to the words of Mother, my children, and you all, I would not have been able to work at all. I have to go ahead, pulling you. You did not know the way to go, but now you know where you are supposed to go, don’t you? Anyone would know by now – it is straightforward. From this day forth, there will be no life-and-death struggles nor will you be persecuted. With the 30,000 Couples, everyone’s view on the Blessing has been completely revised. I now have 30,000 new sons and 30,000 new daughters: they cannot all be crazy or stupid. Included in them are great scholars and all kinds of talented people; hence, they will not be disregarded. (235-139, 1992.8.29)

Richard:  Find out more about the Blessing here.



Sibling Love

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

How should brothers and sisters love each other? What should be their standard of love? They should love each other as their parents love them. Children learn love from their parents.
    Children can begin to inherit their parents’ love by relating with their siblings. A boy can love his older sister as he would love his mother; a girl can love her older brother as she would her father. The eldest son should love his younger brothers as his father loves him, and the eldest daughter should love her younger sisters as her mother loves her. (66:121, April 18, 1973)

Do filial sons and daughters bring their parents presents, saying, “I love you Daddy and Mommy,” while always fighting with their brothers and sisters? No, such children are not filial. Any mother would think that a good son or daughter is one who loves his or her brothers and sisters more than her. This principle applies not only in the family, but in the family of humankind. If we live by this principle, then we can make the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (95:189, November 13, 1977) Continue reading “If In the Past You Fought With Your Sisters or Brothers, Give Them a Feast”

First Be Reconciled to Your Brother

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum-August 28, 2022
#110-Andy Wells-Fighting Transgender Indoctrination and the Sexualization of Children

Study the Exposition of the Divine Principle, the New Truth that all mankind must study.
Make a log in at the Daily Inspiration website to study all of the videos and slides presented at the August 27, 2022 workshop.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1181

The history of six thousand years has unfolded beginning from the individual level to the levels of family, tribe, people, nation and world. The Unification Church goes through eight stages to restore the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, universe and finally God’s love. When we pray, we do so focusing on the eight levels, don’t we? “O Heavenly Father, I have fulfilled the restoration of the individual, and fulfilled the restoration of the family…” What that means is that the completion of the restoration of an individual lies within a family, and the completion of the restoration of a family lies within a tribe, the completion of the restoration of a tribe lies within a people, completion of the restoration of a people lies within a nation, the completion of the restoration of a nation lies within the world, the completion of the restoration of the world lies within heaven and earth, and the completion of the restoration of heaven and earth lies within the love of God. It means that everything in heaven and earth should become one, centered on God’s love. (61-75, 1972.8.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1566

There are eight stages in indemnity, namely on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and God’s heart. These in turn lead to restoration in those same eight stages. This means that, through the vertical and horizontal courses of indemnity centered on love, everything can safely proceed in any direction. Once this connection with love is made, the sphere that is created is possessed by the domain of love. When this happens, nothing on earth can remain Satan’s possession and he will be banished at once. It will be the end for him. (199-188, 1990.2.16)



Sibling Love

LOVE AND HARMONY AMONG SIBLINGS is essential for peace in the family. Few matters cause parents more anxiety than quarrels among their children. Yet with the common propensity for sibling rivalry, harmony is not easily kept.
Sibling relations are grounded in parental love. Siblings mirror their parents; hence when parents set a good example in caring for their children, the siblings can readily follow in caring for one another. Furthermore, sibling relations are a young person’s first step to relations in the wider world, with friends and peers. In God’s family, all people are brothers and sisters. Therefore, sibling love should extend to love for all people. Hence scripture’s words about forgiving and reconciling with one’s “brother” apply not only to siblings in the same family, but to brothers and sisters in the family of faith, and ultimately to all men and women in the world.

Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!
It is like the precious oil upon the head,
running down upon the beard,
upon the beard of Aaron,
running down on the collar of his robes!
It is like the dew of Hermon,
which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life for evermore.
    Psalm 133 Continue reading “First Be Reconciled to Your Brother”