We Should Take Delight in All Things Created by God

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2027

Our Unification Church should do Home Church. Through our Home Church work we should unify the tribe of Cain. If the Cain tribe becomes one, but we do not create a domain for Abel’s tribe, there will be no foundation upon which to attend the True Parents. There will be no tribal heaven. After we make the tribal foundation, it can connect to the race. If the race centers on the realm of the tribe, the nation will begin to move in a vertical direction. They all connect to each other. (137-178, 1986.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 699

Originally, if people had not fallen, they would have passed into the spirit world with the qualification of owners or sons centered on love based on the family foundation. That is where the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle and the realm of direct dominion are unified with that of True Parents’ heart. By the Principle one cannot go to heaven without this foundation.
Since Jesus and Christians went to spirit world without reaching that point, until now they have all remained in the middle realm of the spirit world. With Heung-jin passing, however, a central point was established where they could be engrafted to God. Since Heung-jin received the Blessing and his spouse is still on earth, he can stand in the same position as having a family in his lifetime.
Thus, centering on Heung-jin’s family, the spiritual foundation on which one can visit one’s family on earth has been established. This is precious. The establishment of Heung-jin’s family is precious.
If such work could have been done, despite Jesus’ death, Christianity would not have needed to sacrifice as it did until now. Yet there has been no other way. Why? Jesus had to go to the other world and return because, within the realm of True Parents’ heart, separation from Satan could not be done within the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle; and because the foundation of love was not established within the realm of direct dominion.
Yet Heung-jin does not need to come again. Heung-jin lives both in the spirit world and on earth. That being so, what will happen? The spiritual and physical worlds have become like twins from the standpoint of the realm of heart. The parents are in the eldest son position. From the viewpoint of generations, vertically the parents are above and Heungjin of the second generation is below

Richard: Rev. Moon Blessed his second son, Heung-jin, who died in an automobile accident at age 17, with his wife Hoon Sook after he had ascended to the spirit world. Their couple adopted Shin Chul, a child offered by another Unification Church family.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 9. Love of the Natural World

9.2. Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love

People will enjoy and take delight in anything that belongs to someone they love. Nevertheless, they do not know how to take delight in all things created by God, whom they should love the most. Can such people become God’s sons and daughters? As you have the responsibility to release the sorrow of the creation that is sighing and lamenting, even with one tree or stem of grass you should deeply experience the heart and care God invested into their creation six thousand biblical years ago. You should have such a heart that you are able to shed tears even at the sight of one stem of grass growing along the road. You should be able to weep while holding onto one tree, crying, “How lonely you must be to have lost your master!” I myself have shed many tears. I have wept profusely while clutching a rock; I have wept to see the wind blow. Now, because you have heard my words, you will understand. (9-175, 1960.5.8)

I have come this way while saying, “The precious things of creation, which God made and which have forged an eternal connection with God, are not cherished as much as national treasures or the valuables in some palaces today. I will understand that sorrow; I alone must understand.” If you have a heart that says, “Though all those living on this earth may be ignorant of it, I will understand,” then you will be a new people that can govern humankind in the future. This is not a concept but a fact. Who values all things of creation more than the family treasure handed down over the generations? Diamonds are said to be the most valuable, precious stones in the world and people cling to them and refuse to let them go. Who values creation more than diamonds? Where are such people? On seeing those who understand in their hearts what He has created, and who shed tears when they hold the things of creation, God will say “My dear children!” (9-176, 1960.5.8)

What is nature? It is an exhibit that God has given us as a gift, something He prepared for the birth of His beloved sons and daughters. Even the song of a bird and a stem of grass growing are decorations prepared to bring beauty into the lives of His beloved sons and daughters. Even the rocks rolling on the road were created as decorations for a nation, as God knew that His sons and daughters would be the owners who would rule over that nation. It is the same with flowing water. God did not want things to be dry and monotonous, so He created so as to establish a “prince” of dreams and of hope who could look at this infinitely colorful and harmonious garden – this world of love – and inherit it. Hence, we learn from all things of creation. When the male and female birds sing, the lady who owns them should learn from them. You should be able to sing praises for the beauty of the original world of creation, where everything devotes its entire life living for the sake of the other. Then, even young birds will want to come and live in your home and have their young there. Do you understand what I am saying? (175-186, 1988.4.16)

No matter how precious a work of art in a museum may be, can it have more value than a living work of art? I am asking who has loved this earth, the museum of all things and the work of God, more than God has. I am asking if anyone has loved it more than the museums in his own country. Can you compare a gold crown from the Shilla Dynasty in a museum with a dandelion lying on the road, which has been made directly by God? If there is a king, who understands God’s heart and who takes care of the creation with such a heart that says to the creation “I fell sorry and shameful because I cannot love you from the position of an unfallen king whom God can love and had loved,” the tufts of grass would want to follow that king and be with him eternally. This is how people should live. (175-186, 1988.4.16)

You should know how to love nature and love people. You should know that those who cannot love people or love nature cannot love God. Because all things of creation are symbols of God and because people are beings of His substance, those who know how to love all things of creation and people will come to love God. (70-181, 1974.2.9)

You should always love nature. You should love nature and love people. You should love people of all five colors of the human race. Would God say, “Oh, I only like the white people”? Then everyone would have to wear only white clothes. All white people would have to wear only white clothes, and throw away all their colored clothes. Why would you wear black clothes or colored clothes? That would be a contradiction. (133-30, 1984.7.1)

We should feel that all creatures of God are objects of our love. We should be the people who can love even all the minute forms of life and be the people who can receive love from them. The same is true for our fellow human beings, as well as everything visible and invisible in heaven. When a bird calls “chirp, chirp, chirp” in the morning, instead of grumbling, “You pesky sparrow, why are you chirping when I am trying to sleep late?!” say, “Oh, thank you. You came to wake me up. Ha ha! You are telling me that an important guest is coming to see me.” The outlook is different. That is a great thing. (112-219, 1981.4.12)
pgs. 383-384

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