God Has Had No Place to Rest on Earth

New The Richard Urban Show:
#174-Tricia Jackson on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1891

Swordfish and yellow-fin tunas are to be found in the middle of the ocean. They each weigh about three hundred pounds, which is about 150 kilograms. That is one and a half times my weight. Because such big, heavy fish move around in schools, once one is caught, you can catch hundreds of them. These schools of fish become the prey of shark attacks. Once a shark makes an attack, blood spreads through the water. Then all the sharks in the vicinity gather round, and about two-thirds of those fish will become food for the sharks. This is shocking. Due to these shark attacks, the situation becomes instantly hopeless for the seamen aboard, who had have hope and expectations for a big catch. (192-152, 1989.7.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1298

    Where is the center of the universe? It is in the family. Where is the base on which true love can settle down? This base is found in your families, where you are living now. That is why the original family must have a dominion of love and build a protective relationship with the universe. It must expand the realm of this love beyond the family. It must follow the path of patriotism in loving the nation, and extend it to loving the world, beyond race and nation.
    If a person who loves his or her family is called a filial son or daughter, and a person who loves his or her nation a patriot, what do we call the person who loves the world? We call that person a saint. (Blessed Family – 925)

We continue our special reading for the Holy Day, The Declaration of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1997

The idea of True Parents existed before the creation. The ideal of creation was for all things to exist in pairs, and for humankind in couples, so that true love could flow. In puberty, men and women are drawn to each other, attracting God, who dwells in the unity of man and woman. When they are one, they transcend themselves to become like God.

The internal nature of God was expressed in Adam; the external in Eve. Hence, the unity of Adam and Eve brought together the internal and external aspects of God. They did not realize this; they did not understand how frighteningly important their relationship was. They should have been one in God, realizing Heaven. The fall prevented the realization of the ideal of True Parents.

Men and women need to experience love but in order to experience an object you must have senses. Likewise, if there is no object there can be no existence. Therefore, God had to create, and He created us with five senses so that He could relate to us. People don’t know how much God seeks love. God as all-knowing and all-powerful is superseded by God as the center of love.

Christianity is working for the salvation of individuals because Jesus was single and could not establish a family. Individual salvation, however, represents only the angelic level. We are the religion of the Completed Testament Age, centered on saving families. We need to get Satan out of the foundations of everything, which he has occupied and dominated. Once Satan is out, we can create the family of God.

In the past, various people tried to use the True Parents. For example, former president of Korea Chun Doo Hwan. But he betrayed me and now he is ruined. I told his predecessor, President Park, to do the Sae Maoul (Village Renewal) movement. He took the ideal from me. President Noh Tae Woo is also useless. I am prospering while all of them are declining. Kim Young Sam is dominated by Christians. He promised them that he would destroy the Unification Church. All those who have not fulfilled their promises to me have fallen into disgrace.

The True Parents should be the center of the world. I know all the presidents of South America. If I call them, they will come. I don’t need money, power, only God’s true love.

We need a family that is one, ending Satan’s rule. You are like thieves who cannot be forgiven; you use the animal and vegetable kingdoms for yourselves, when they are from God. You take them as if they were yours.

You cannot imagine what God went through to establish the True Parents, the family and lineage. Korea is the only country in which only the man establish the lineage. Korean women have suffered more than any other women. Korea has made all the conditions to restore history. It’s a country in which parents are honored more than anywhere else in the world. God needs filial piety and fidelity, and therefore He chose Korea.

We now have 8 Million Couples, so we can achieve 36 Million by November 29.

In South America, we can become one with Christianity, for this purpose we have been working with George Bush and Gerry Falwell. We do not have a sectarian doctrine, just principles of God.

In the past, there were no families in the spirit world. Now, through the blessing, we are making families that can continue in the spirit world. There is no place that cannot receive the blessing now. Stop hiding. Go to the leaders and ministers of your country and tell them this is the way to reverse the fall. Ours is a religion for families, not individuals. Thus, it is of benefit to society as a whole.

True Mother has done a 16-city speaking tour, including addressing the Moon and Han tribes. Through her life of faith and sacrifice, True Mother has become the Holy Mother.

Heaven is empty. We need to fill Heaven with families. Through the fulfillment of conditions on earth, God should be able to move back and forth between heaven and earth, without facing barriers.

This is the day on which God and True Parents can rest. The conditions to create a realm of rest for God are accomplished in eight stages: individual, couple, family, tribe/ancestors, nation, world, cosmos and God. True Parents have accomplished this, but all families must achieve it through restoration.

We need fidelity and absolute sex. We need true love. Without true love, there is no fidelity and true family. A true family must have fidelity and purity.

In Korea, the first son inherits the role of the parents, not other relatives, such as uncles. Koreans talk about dying a lot. Korea has in its folk songs the things about life which concern God.

The FFWP [Family Federation for World Peace] was formed so late. Already there are so many other religions. Many of the existing religious organizations have attacked us, but we have come out stronger.

The ideal of the realm of rest for us is to have the peace to be able to have the wife at home and to be able to spend time with her, to be able to relax and enjoy all things together. There will be unchanging heaven and earth in peace. If you want, you will be able to sleep during the day. You will be able to be like a flower, living in harmony with your surroundings. The wife can take care of the children while the husband can dominate the whole world and take care of the family.

The True Parents have shed more tears than anyone. We must become true parents, true teachers and true lords.

North Korea’s Juche doctrine denies the value of people, whereas our teaching values all people and seeks to bless them.

Even if you die for your mission, your children and grandchildren will follow you and bring it to completion. If we die on the way to God, we will be in His eternal embrace.

Everyone said 3.6 Million Couples was impossible. The fact that we made the goal shows that it was God’s will. By getting so many couples, people have to bow down before us. Now that we have achieved the goal, are you going to sit around eating, or be unfaithful to your spouse? Now is the time to rush forward to complete the mission.

The father has to be big and strong, like the sky; the mother has to be close and detailed. When God created, he needed a form that would enable Him to be the father of a family and the world. And God needed a body for the female side.

Adam and Eve should have observed the behavior of animals and known what to do themselves. If the Archangel had waited, he could have participated in the joy of Adam and Eve. Perhaps the Archangel held Eve close to him to put her to sleep. Being that close, a sexual feeling could have developed, leading eventually to the fall. Eve went to Adam to be saved, but God could not accept their relationship and they were cast out of the garden. After what they had done, the consequences became inevitable. So we lost true love at the very beginning.

I have a foundation which is frightening, enabling me to proclaim God’s rest. I don’t seek to please anyone. I scold leaders of business groups, anyone. The head of Samsung, for example, is just a leader of a business group. My foundation is worldwide. Who would you follow? I fight with the rod of God’s truth. Our truth must go out to the whole world, to all mankind. It is not just the doctrine of a small church, I am a king of the world, including the academic world.

God has had no place to rest on earth because all things were separated after the fall. Can we have world peace if mind and body are disconnected and husband and wife are fighting?

True love is the most important thing to God. You must know this. When Adam and Eve fell, husband and wife and the whole world were lost. God had lost what could not be lost. Everything came under Satan. There nothing left to love for God. Now humanity has fallen to the level that grandfathers have relations with their granddaughters, brothers with their sisters, and so on. Satan has claimed everything precious to God.

Adam fell at the age of 16. At 17 or 18, he could have been blessed by God with Eve. When the Fall reached as far as Adam (from the Archangel through Eve), God had to the very beginning. This has been the course of restoration. God could not forget what He had lost, the very thing that could not be lost. There was no one He could love. Everything was Hell. He could not touch His own creation, the clouds, the universe, because it had been claimed by Satan.

However, at the same time He could not discard His own creation. He had to take responsibility for those he had created. He had to love those He could not love. He had to sacrifice those close to Him, His own sons and daughters, for those He could not love.

God has had to overcome obstacles higher than high and deeper than deep in order to restore True Parents. The Old Testament era failed, so did the New, but God went on. He had to start again and again, with so much suffering and shedding so many tears. God chose Israel, but it was lot. It is incredible to be able to participate at this historic occasion, the establishment of a true family through the realization of cosmic rest for the parents of heaven and earth. At the fall, even the animals went to Hell.



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