The Kingdom of Heaven Is a Place You Enter as a Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2390

    From the point of view of God’s providence, we can see that the age of the providence of restoration is over. When the age of the providence of restoration is over, we enter the world of the original ideal of creation. The end of the age of the providence of restoration means that the fallen world under Satan’s power has come to an end, and the age of God’s direct dominion on earth and in heaven is beginning. The Unification Church has proclaimed the Family Pledge because of the coming of such a time. The Family Pledge is not for ordinary people.
    The Family Pledge is not meant for just anyone to say. All eight pledges have the phrase, “Our family…centering on true love.” What does this mean? The words true love are spoken on a foundation that has no relationship with the satanic world. (263-194, 1994.10.4)

Read the Family Pledge

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2005

Jesus came to establish the home- land of the True God. The prophets and patriots of history worked to build this same homeland. In order to establish heaven, one perfect man must come. This man must be recognized by heaven and earth, begin a family, have children, and then establish a tribe, a people and a nation. He must indemnify the relation- ship between Cain and Abel, engraft them to himself, and build the home- land of God’s dominion in this world. The prophets and patriots of history desired this result. However, they were unable to build the longed for Kingdom of Heaven on earth to which individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world could be connected. Therefore, we must abandon the path along which humankind has been heading and go in God’s direction. (15-278, 1965.10.3

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 4


Section 1. The Ideal of Love Is Established in the Family

The family is the basic unit for perfecting the heavenly kingdom. The heavenly kingdom is the kind of place that once you enter you do not wish to leave.  It is also a place where lives the one whom you would want to see again even after seeing Him a hundred times. If all people desire to go there, desire to see Him, and desire to live with Him, the world will be unified. Our goal is to go towards that place. But this will not be realized all at once. First, the individual foundation must be established, then the family foundation must be laid, and then this has to expand to a people, nation, and world. (12-180, 1963.4.1)

Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? It does not fall from the sky. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place in which parents and children can develop their abilities in mutual giving. It is where joy is felt through interacting with creation in our daily life, a joy that we experience as our ideal circumstance, the experience of joy to the full. (78-35, 1975.5.1)

You cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven alone. However, through the Blessing you can jump lightly over the gate of the heavenly kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place you enter as a family. It is a place you enter by connecting three generations. (12-265, 1963.5.25)

Religion is a preeminent teaching; it has been God’s primary means of education by which to instruct and love humankind. There is nothing else. So true parents are to teach their children what the world likes and what God likes.
(102-240, 1979.1.1)

However, one does not go to the Kingdom of Heaven through someone’s teaching; it is only those who live according to their conscience that will go there automatically. When the sun rises, all the buds on the trees turn towards the sun. So if even plants and trees know to turn in the right direction, there is no way that human beings, the lords of creation, should be ignorant of their own path. Nevertheless, such a phenomenon occurs. (75-41, 1975.1.1)

The Kingdom of Heaven is a world of love; a world that exists for the sake of God, the center. It is a world that lives entirely for God. (98-33, 1978.4.8)

You go to the Kingdom of Heaven by riding along the rail of love. It seems realistic when I talk like this, right? That string of love does not get thinner like a rubber band as it gets pulled. Whereas a rubber band gets thinner and thinner the more it is stretched, the string of love does the opposite by getting thicker and thicker the more one pulls on it.
(57-162, 1972.5.31)

Human beings need to have a parent-child relationship, husband-wife relationship, and brother-sister relationship.  In other words, these three relationships must intersect at the same point; there must be one center for all three. The center of above and below, left and right, and front and back cannot be different from one another. If the center differs, the balance of these three relationships that are represented by above and below, left and right and front and back will be disrupted. So, eventually the number seven will be realized when above and below, left and right, and front and back all intersect at the one center. To form number seven in this way means to become a family where all become completely one in true love together with God, resulting in a perfect sphere of harmony and unification. (299-114, 1999.2.7)
pgs. 397-398


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