The Family Is a Training Ground for the Ideal Nation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1335

When the time comes for God’s will to be accomplished on earth, it will be the third group of the 36 Couples who will become the center. You are hearing this for the first time from me. So for whom would the Lord come first? He is not coming to see the already married couples. He is not coming to see people with failed relationships from the past. He is coming to find virgin men and women. (148-284, 1986.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 757

Why was I brought into this world? Why do I have to live? Where am I heading? You should never allow yourself to think that you were born by your own will. You were born into this world, yet you do not know the source and purpose behind your birth. You are ignorant of the motivation and purpose of your being. In other words, we were born in spite of our wishes. We live not withstanding our wishes, and we die not- withstanding our wishes. Then what is there to be proud of? We have no control over our birth; we are merely custodians in this life, and we cannot avoid the path of death. Thus, any attempt to take pride in ourselves is pitiable. Once born, we are destined to live and destined to die. (7-178, 1959.9.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 4


Section 2. The Family is the School of Love for Life in the Heavenly Kingdom

The Kingdom of Heaven is a world of love, a world that exists for the sake So your grandfather and grandmother are nothing less than an encapsulation of your ancestors. (214-268, 1991.2.3)

Your grandfather is an heir and a godly representative for all the ancestors who lived at different times in history. He is God’s heir who, centered on God, connects us to that history. (216-262, 1991.4.7)

The grandfather and grandmother are representatives of the past, the bygone ages, and the mother and father represent the present age. The sons and daughters represent the future. Therefore, your grandfather and grandmother are the past, your mother and father are the present, and you represent the future. Then, when you have sons and daughters, they will bring together the past, present, and future; thus, the three sets of parents and three ancestors must connect their three loves and love the four generations. Thus, the Fall signifies God being unable to see His grandson.
(211-206, 1990.12.30)

The Kingdom of Heaven starts from the family. The grandfather represents God, the mother and father represent the present, and the sons and daughters are the future. In this way, the past, present, and future are all condensed in the family. Thus, the mother and father represent this world. The grandfather represents God. The grandfather and grandmother have the position of the past God, the mother and father have the position of the present God, and the future sons and daughters have the position of the future God. However, they are all equal because of true love. When their fundamental core is based on living for the sake of others in true love, they are able to develop a view of essential oneness and equal value. When the four directions blend into one we will live eternally as God’s love partner based on the logic of true love because that place is eternally protected by the fortune of God’s love. (211‐289, 1990.12.30)

How precious it would be if I were in a position to forge a direct relationship with God! The purpose of seeking the truth lies in perfecting your family and feeling infinite love and happiness there. (33-68, 1970.8.8)

What is the family? It is a training ground through which we can inhabit the ideal nation and world with love.  Furthermore, it is a training ground through which we can even occupy the heavenly kingdom and God. (106-25, 1979.11.4)

Those who have not loved will choke in the other world. They will not be able to breathe. The earthly life is a training ground that prepares you to be able to breathe in that world. Your family is the textbook of love. When you see someone of your grandfather’s age, you should think that you will love him even more than your own grandfather. When you see someone of your father or mother’s age, you should welcome him or her regardless of nationality, or whether he or she is an outside person, or whether he or she is black or white. When you see a youth, you should love him or her like your own son or daughter. (121-294, 1982.10.29)

What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is the place where you can love the people of the world as you love your family, and such people are the people of the heavenly kingdom. What do the four generations of your grandfather and grandmother, your mother and father, your wife, brothers and sisters, and your children make up? They make up a family, which is like a textbook to help you experience the true love of the universe as a person of the heavenly kingdom. You should know that the family, which is the textbook, is the foundation upon which you receive this teaching. (129-96, 1983.10.1)

God’s love manifests itself in the things of creation. Where does parental love appear? It appears in children. Also where there’s a husband, the wife’s love appears. Just as we can see the parents’ love by looking at their children, or see the wife’s love by looking at the state of her husband’s clothes, we can see God’s love by looking at the things that have been created in this world. (20‐18, 1968.3.31)
pgs. 399-401

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