We Must Inherit God’s True Love, True Life and True Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1872

What would people want to do after ascending Mount Halla and sailing around in the ocean? They would think about fishing! If people had the opportunity to fish in waters off Jejudo, they certainly would. Most people will tell you that Jejudo is famous for its abundance of rocks and women, but its greatest resource is fish. I would like to obtain a permit for making fishing spots around the entire area of Jejudo. The Jigwido area is now being developed, but all seven of its surrounding islands must also be developed. In the future, authorities will have to limit fishing in the waters within three hours of Jejudo. Even if tourists are to fish there, they must be prohibited from using fishing nets. It is legally possible to do that. (126-313, 1983.4.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 671

    In the face of death, Jesus cried out, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.” Even as he died, he did not protest to God, but was ready to offer a greater sacrifice without question because his will was great for the sake of God’s will. Jesus’ attitude brought him to a closer position to God because it enabled him to go deeper. In front of such a person, God is melted. Whoever would strike such a person would be instantly destroyed. God would personally punish that person. Hence it is said, “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
    Those who lend money and remember doing so by adding interest cannot become owners in the Kingdom of Heaven. We must forget about the money we lend.
    Do parents who raise children remember how much they spend on them and ask for interest? Giving and forgetting is the heart of a parent. Parental love is also more than that. Parental love also includes being heartbroken about being unable to give something better. As that love continues eternally, people without parents are called orphans, and no one would wish to be one. (36-84, 1970.11.15)


Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 4


Section 2. The Family is the School of Love for Life in the Heavenly Kingdom

God’s love appears in an orderly fashion. First is parental love, and next come conjugal love, children’s love, and the love of brothers and sisters. (20-33, 1968.3.31)

If we only have love, we can be friends with God and also have Him as our father. (67-171, 1973.6.3)

It is said that life is but a journey and we the traveler. We must deeply experience vertical and horizontal love while on the journey. After creating a family based on the love of true parents, true husband and wife, true brothers and sisters, and true sons and daughters, we should expand this horizontally throughout all families, in all directions. Once establishing the model of the true family that joins both the vertical and horizontal, we must expand this to the tribe, nation and world. This world of true love, which connects to God, we call the Kingdom of Heaven. (298-306, 1999.1.17)

God’s love opens the gate of salvation. We must inherit God’s true love, true life, and true lineage. We should know that there can be no salvation otherwise. (275-55, 1995.10.31)

The worst of all sins is to shatter something and then scatter the pieces in all directions. Also, the worst and most hated of all enemies is the one who has destroyed love. There is no devil more atrocious than the devil who makes it impossible for children to love their parents and who destroys a couple’s relationship so they cannot love each other as husband and wife. (82-200, 1976.1.25)

Because of the Fall of our first human ancestors, we first lost brother and sister’s love, then conjugal love, then lastly children’s love. Without restoring this lost love, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (82-201, 1976.1.25)

The Kingdom of Heaven is the place we enter after living in oneness with God’s true love, and having prepared a tribe of God’s true love. Without possessing true love, we will never be able to enter the Heavenly Kingdom. We must prepare for that day even if we have to wait for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. (270-240, 1995.6.7)

Since God is the original substance of true love, when we are connected to true love, we all become one. The parents represent God as a living God in their own right. A husband and a wife each represent one aspect of God’s divided nature, and the sons and daughters are additional little Gods. The family organization built by the three generations through true love is the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven. Without establishing such a foundation, the Kingdom of Heaven will not be realized. The family is the center of the universe. Since the perfection of the universe is based on the perfection of the family, if you love in the universe just as you love in the family, you will be able to travel freely. In this case, God stands at the center of all love as the parents of the entire universe. (298-306, 1999.1.17)

The basis for an original, God-centered family includes all the love of men, women, sons, daughters, parents and God. If you love your parents, your husband, and your sons and daughters in such a place of unity, it will be like living in the heavenly kingdom. (Blessed Family – 942)

Where does the heavenly kingdom start? It starts in the family. It does not unfold from somewhere else. The heavenly kingdom is just a three-dimensional expansion of the family. It is not something that is outside of the family. Therefore, when you embrace your wife or husband, you should think that you are a man and a woman becoming one on behalf of the world. The family is the place where you substantiate your love for humankind through action. (30-82, 1970.3.17)

You should respect your own flesh and blood. You should respect your parents and grandparents as the owners of your house who represent heavenly right of kingship. But they are despised because they are old, aren’t they? Is this what we call the generation gap? Who invented this? Satan invented this word. Where is the generation gap? Does love have a generation gap? Do you think that the way to love a thousand years ago was different from the way to love now? The ways are the same and the means of loving are the same. The inner aspect has changed. If there had been no Fall, then the formula for love would have remained unchanged even after a hundred million years. Even if heaven and earth are in constant upheaval, if the three generations of grandparents, parents, and children strongly unite, as an iron fortress, to usher in God as their core, then they will be the seed needed to bring about the heavenly kingdom anywhere. The fundamental source for the seed of God’s love and the seed of life is this lineage. If we cannot establish this, then there will be no hope for the heavenly kingdom on earth, the heavenly kingdom of peace or the world of happiness and freedom. (225-300, 1992.1.26)

What is the heavenly kingdom? You talk about going to paradise or the heavenly kingdom, but you cannot go alone. The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where you must go together with your parents and brothers and sisters. (15-278, 1965.10.30)
pgs. 401-402


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